“A Form of Tyranny Never Seen Before”
Three leaders of the Upcountry Coalition recently responded to vicious verbal attacks on Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Nikki Haley by her Democrat opponent Vince Sheheen and a small group of unhappy Republicans.
The spokesmen for the coalition were Roan Garcia-Quintana, Harry Kibler and Jim Wilkie.
They were responding to a news conference held in Columbia by Charleston Republican Cyndi Mosteller and Clemson University Professor of Political Science Dave Woodard during which they were critical of Rep. Haley.
Roan Garcia-Quintana was first to speak at the Country Ham House in Greenville.
“South Carolina has had enough of Washington style politics,” Garcia-Quintana said.
He said he has been involved in American politics most of his life as a “consequence of having lost my country.
“I came to the United States as a child and a refugee from Castro’s Communist regime in Cuba.
“Today we are seeing a form of tyranny never seen before coming out of Washington as a consequence of having taken the American way of life for granted.
“Here in South Carolina we have seen a volume of lies never seen before. This is not about Democrats and Republicans, both parties are guilty. This is about the ‘good old boy’ network that wants business as usual and they don’t want to give it up.
“We are here to focus on the lies of Vincent Sheheen and Republicans such as Dave Woodard, whose love for his former student Vince Sheheen was presented to the Greenville County Republican Women’s Club a couple of months ago. But he didn’t stop there. He has decided to attack Nikki Haley.”
Garcia- Quintana held up what appeared to be and was described as a police mug shot of Dr. Dave Woodard that he said resulted from an arrest in 2002 for allegedly “running over a police officer with his car.”
Garcia-Quintana said, “RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) are undermining the Haley campaign by using lies and innuendoes. These are the ‘good old boy’ Republicans who have bastardized the party and have formed an unholy alliance with the Democrat Vince Sheheen and his cronies.
“It is time for Vince Sheheen to come out of that liberal closet. A bleeding heart liberal, was what he was called when he cast the only vote against making English the official state language.”
Roan Garcia-Quintana called on Senator Jim DeMint to come out before Election Day and support Rep. Haley like he is supporting other candidates around the country.