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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 04:23 PM


First Published in 1994


Chosen to Serve on Transition Team

South Carolina’s First District Congressman-elect Tim Scott was invited by the chairperson of the Congressional Black Caucus along with the new Black Republican Congressman from Florida to join the group. Tim Scott is an outstanding South Carolinian and a great American who has never been interested in using the “race card” and is highly respected by all who know him. In fact, he was first endorsed and introduced to The Times Examiner before he entered the congressional primary race by the National Commander of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

Representative-elect Scott respectfully declined the offer of the Congressional Black Caucus and gave the reason why to media representatives.

“I grew up in an environment where we were just very much integrated, and life worked out really well. I think the best for America is finding a way to fuse all of our communities together and erase all these lines that separate us.”

To help lead the GOP’s transition to majority status, Republican congressional leaders have selected two freshmen Congressmen to serve on the transition team. Tim Scott is one of them. The other one is Adam Kinzinger of Illinois. Both Scott and Kinzinger have Tea Party connections and support. Reps. John Boehner and Eric Cantor, in line to be Speaker and Majority leader, told freshmen last week that they would be given “a larger voice” on major decisions in the new Congress next year.

Scott has experience in public office as both a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives and as a member of the Charleston County Council.