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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 04:15 PM


First Published in 1994


Replacement to be Elected by State Delegates in May 2011

South Carolina Republican Party Chairwoman Karen Floyd has announced she will not seek another term as state party chairman.

Floyd said she has accomplished the goals set when she was elected in 2009 and is ready to move on and let someone else set new goals and set new records of accomplishment.

“When I ran for chairman, my top goals were to put us in a superior position for redistricting, and to make our Party a leader in online technology. I believe that our team has accomplished those things, and now it is time to pass the reins to a new Chairman with new goals and new challenges. Our party is in a position it has never been before, and I am confident that we will continue to reach new, even greater heights.”

One of the greatest Party accomplishments during her term of service was the election of Republicans to all state Constitutional offices and to 5 of 6 congressional districts. This is the first time Republicans have occupied 5 congressional seats since Reconstruction and South Carolina occupation by the Union Army.

There is speculation that internal problems not yet resolved at party headquarters may have a role in the early announcement of Floyd’s decision not to seek another term as chairman.

No candidates have formally announced to replace Floyd, however, Patrick Haddon, Greenville County Chairman and first vice chairman of the state party is prominently mentioned as a contender for the post.