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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 04:25 AM


First Published in 1994


WASHINGTON -- This disclosure is provided by Manuel P. Asensio, the founder of the Institute of Judicial Conduct (IJC). It is based on his knowledge of proceedings against Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.'s fraudulent conduct at the Judicial Conference of the US (Conference) The proceedings are being conducted under the Judicial Conduct Act of 1980 (Act). Barr has intimate personal knowledge of the proceedings, and jurisdiction over Roberts and the subject matter.

IJC has been advised that President Donald J. Trump received IJC's brief on Roberts's conduct in the New York DRE case. It is the nation's first criminal indifference to civil rights case against federal judicial corruption. President Trump received the brief at the conclusion of his "Roundtable on Transition to Greatness: Rebuilding and Renewing." This event was held at the Gateway Church (Dallas Campus) on June 12, 2020. IJC provided President Trump's White House Counsel with the brief under a resolution that addresses Barr's abdication of his authority towards Roberts.

Barr is the most important government official involved in the Roberts investigation. Roberts is illegally using his executive control of the Conference to abrogate constitutional rights. Roberts is coercing Americans. He is deliberately attacking families without neutral principles. He is substituting neutral principles with anti-Constitution leftist policies.

Barr has an obligation to enforce the law against Roberts. His failure is a tacit authorization of federal and state judicial corruption nationwide. This corruption is being protected by Roberts's DRE policy.

The Conference investigation reveals the seriousness of the crimes being committed by New York's leftist anti-religion federal judges. This record should demonstrate to Barr that Roberts is authorizing illegal judicial policy making and fraudulent federal judicial conduct at the Conference.

Mr. Asensio stated, "Roberts's criminal conduct fits perfectly with Barr's assessment of leftist judges who use violation of laws and legal standards and practices that protect truth and fairness to achieve their leftist goals."

Barr has played into the leftist's hands. Barr's failure provides the leftist the opportunity to play games with his removal of Berman. Due to Barr's failure this leftist gamesmanship is corrupting national politics.

Mr. Asensio stated, "Unfortunately, Barr has played into the hands of Roberts's leftist coercion at the Conference."