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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 04:16 AM


First Published in 1994


PISCATAWAY, NJ -- NJRTL is urging lawmakers to vote against A3/20 today unless funds are stripped out to exclude $3.814 Million for Planned Parenthood’s abortion business.

Planned Parenthood once again has their hands in the pockets of NJ taxpayers, demanding an additional $3.814 Million in the Supplemental Budget Appropriation Bill (A3/S20) for family planning which is scheduled for a vote Monday, June 29th, by both Houses of the Legislature. Governor Murphy and the Democrat-controlled Legislature previously allocated $20 Million this year to the abortion lobbying group. Now they are demanding another $3.814 Million in taxpayer funds without voter approval. Planned Parenthood is a private, non-profit, political organization that financially supports the Governor and many members of the current party in power at election time. We are asking lawmakers to stand up for the taxpayers of NJ and Vote No to this political pandering and unethical use of our tax dollars.

Our state is facing a $2 Billion deficit, businesses have had to shutter their doors, approximately 1 Million NJ citizens are currently unemployed, and so many worthwhile programs are not being funded, yet the shameful money grab by this legislature and Governor to use our tax dollars to subsidize and boost Planned Parenthood’s abortion business continues unabated.

On March 23, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy issued an Executive Order banning all elective medical procedures in the state, but carved out an “explicit exemption” for aborting unborn babies. While much of the country was focused on saving lives and protecting our elderly populations in nursing homes and long- term care facilities, Governor Murphy was fixated on making sure that innocent human lives would be destroyed in abortion clinics using up medical resources and PPEs that were alarmingly scarce. As a result of Governor Murphy’s obsession with abortion, 6,000+ “precious” lives were lost in these long-term care facilities and countless more in NJ abortion clinics. Added to that number are the many people who died and are now facing worsening health conditions because their medical procedures were cancelled by Governor Murphy’s Executive Order citing a lack of PPE supplies which were allowed to be drained at NJ abortion clinics.

Upon releasing Bill A3/S20 from Committee, Senator Sarlo announced there were “no winners” in this bill. Surely that will not be the case if the appropriation remains in the bill for Planned Parenthood’s abortion business, but it will be sadly true for the ‘precious’ lives of women who will be victimized and the children who will suffer and die within their clinics.