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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 04:24 AM


First Published in 1994


As we’ve seen with the Coronavirus, fear-mongering is used by the left to create a sense of urgency and following from the American people. Sadly, this type of excitement is not new. It’s a useful tool that communist regimes use to instill obedience and on a more relatable note, climate change has long been used to drive the leftist political agenda.

As you may remember, former Vice-Presidential candidate Al Gore’s popular documentary on climate change “An Inconvenient Truth” did just that. At one point in the trailer, the following phrase comes across the screen:

“If you love your planet…

If you love your children…

You have to see this film.”

And, later:

“By far, the most terrifying film you’ll ever see.”

But these steps aren’t good enough for the left. Last year Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduced the Green New Deal, which seeks the elimination of our country’s much used necessities, like air travel and fossil fuels, in favor of train travel and public transit among other initiatives.It’s evident that for Gore and those that support his ideas, that if you disagree, you don’t love your planet or your children and you should be afraid, very afraid. From this movement warning of climate change, came the advent of new rules and regulations — some as simple as changes to lightbulbs and some as complicated as the Paris Climate Agreement.

While some Democrats were unwilling to support this piece of radical legislation, provisions within the bill are making their way to the House Floor. H.R. 2 or The Moving Forward Act is an attempt to help meet the goals set up in the Green New Deal. The legislation’s provisions include implementing carbon pollution reduction to create zero emissions from transportation, more investment in public transit, and about $23 billion for new Green New Deal programs. These provisions will inevitably lead to fewer jobs due both pricier maintenance and implementation.

Further, H.R. 2 was sent out of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee without any Republican support and is rightly nicknamed the Speaker’s “My way or the Highway” Green New Deal after another $1 trillion was added to the legislation. As the minority Transportation and Infrastructure Committee said:

“The bill's enormous $1.5 trillion cost is not paid for, but is instead piled onto the backs of future generations. It dilutes core infrastructure functions, like building roads and fixing bridges. It leaves rural America’s infrastructure needs further behind, favoring programs designed to provide more benefits to urban areas. And it fails to streamline the project review process or provide state and local communities with needed flexibility to meet their own needs.”


Please join Eagle Forum in asking your Representative to vote NO on H.R. 2, The Moving Forward Act.

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