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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 04:24 AM


First Published in 1994


SAN ANTONIO, Texas -- Cynthia Collins, Global Advisor for Operation Outcry states:

"Abortionists will be emboldened by this decision in their unethical standard of care of vulnerable women. Now there should be a sign at every abortion business, 'Women beware, lower standard of care for women seeking abortion. Enter at your own risk.'"

"This is a terrible decision for America and for the thousands of women who will be further injured by the abortion industry as my clients showed they were in the Amicus Curiae brief of 2,624 Women Injured By Abortion, Operation Outcry (www.operationoutcry.org), says Allan E. Parker, The Justice Foundation President and Lead Counsel on all three briefs." See Brief here.

"It is a terrible decision for all of the people of America," says Melinda Thybault, the Founder and Collector of the 264,500 signers of The Moral Outcry Petition, (www.themoraloutcry.com) who believe that abortion is a crime against humanity. "I'm appalled that raising simple safety standards for women was denied. Given the climate of our nation in this hour, this is clearly a deep line in the sand. God help us!" See Brief here.

"It is a terrible decision for women," says Mary J. Browning, who had an abortion after high school because the baby wasn't wanted by his father. She deeply regretted the abortion and was able to attend undergraduate school and law school while having two small children. She did not need an abortion to participate fully in the "economic and social life of the nation." See Brief here.

Allan Parker is a licensed attorney and member of the Supreme Court Bar. "I am ashamed for the majority that rendered this 'crime against humanity' decision, as my clients argued before the Court.

"As a licensed minister of the Gospel, I tremble for my country. I feel that great destruction, more than has even occurred so far, will come upon the United States as a result of this decision. He is merciful and He has waited a long time. But 'decisive destruction' is coming upon the United States of America for the shedding of innocent blood and other national sins. See Isaiah 28:14-22, especially v. 19; and v. 22Isaiah 10:22Micah 1:1-8Micah 2:1-4Micah 3:1-4Micah 3:9-12. Repentance is the only safe way forward."