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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 04:22 AM


First Published in 1994


ATLANTA -- The National Black Pro-Life Coalition recently announced that they filed a racial discrimination claim against Planned Parenthood, asserting they have been targeting Black women and babies for nearly half a century. One of their sinister tactics is a modern-day expansion of The Negro Project.

The Negro Project, conceptualized by Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood founder, began as an initiative directed toward southern Black women and their families to increase their use of birth control and other forms of contraception. Sanger recruited ministers, physicians and other influential Blacks to dispel any misconceptions about their work if it occurred to any of the more rebellious members of the Black community that they "want to exterminate them." Over the years, Planned Parenthood has spent considerable capital trying to convince America that The Negro Project ended in 1942. However, the tactic of recruiting Blacks of influence to peddle abortion to its communities remains alive and well, extending not only to ministers and doctors but also to elected officials and candidates who "promise to go above and beyond to protect and expand access to health care."

Ministers like William Barber of North Carolina promote abortion as an equal and moral right similar to voting and civil rights. Reverend Timothy McDonald of Georgia was a Board member of Planned Parenthood for about five years ending in 2017. He said Planned Parenthood made him a better pastor. Doctors such as Willie Parker are paid to "loudly and proudly proclaim a commitment to providing abortions." Others such as Yashica Robinson assist by filing lawsuits against states seeking to protect women.

Among the more surprising participants in The Negro Project is Georgia Senate candidate Raphael Warnock, who pastors prominent Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. For the $2,531 donated to his campaign, Warnock made clear "I believe unequivocally in a woman's right to choose." Stating abortion rights are consistent with his faith, he vowed to fight to keep it legal if he wins the election. Reverend Clenard Childress of the Life Education and Resource Network NE, said this of Warnock's betrayal of black women, "Rev. Raphael Warnock is the minister Margaret Sanger spoke of recruiting in her plan to deceive the Negro into accepting her eugenic schemes of birth control, sterilization and abortion. Regrettably, Warnock has disgraced the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and his father who pastored Ebenezer Baptist Church. Dr. King called infanticide evil in his Letter from Birmingham Jail but Raphael Warnock is calling abortion good!"

The most astounding example of a candidate going above and beyond to expand abortion is Kamala Harris, a recipient of more than $81,000 from Planned Parenthood for her Senate campaign. "She directly impacted the life of the undercover journalist David Daleiden who exposed Planned Parenthood's baby body part selling scheme," said Zina Hackworth of More Rebellious Members. "I can't help but believe some of the parts sold were of Black and brown babies."

"For over 82 years, Margaret Sanger's Negro Project has been a tangled, vicious and deceptive web, deeply embedded in the fabric of the Black community—propped up by influential people who are incentivized to sell abortion," said Reverend Dean Nelson, President of the Douglass Leadership Institute. "It's long overdue for this manipulative, deadly tactic to end. We pray that both Health & Human Services (HHS) and the Black community wake up soon. The National Black Pro-Life Coalition is sounding the alarm."

About the National Black Pro-Life Coalition
The National Pro-Life Coalition is a network of Pro-Life and Pro-Family organizations that embrace the biblical model. For more information about the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, go to: 