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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 08:21 AM


First Published in 1994


As the nation finalizes vote counts across the country, two races were determined too close to call. Georgia’s ballot listed two U.S. Senate races this year due to Senator Johnny Isakson’s resignation in December of 2019.  Republican Georgia businesswoman Kelly Loeffler was appointed to fill his seat, but only through the end of the year. The state held a special election for that seat as well as an election for the remaining Senate seat currently filled by Republican Sen. David Perdue. Neither race produced the 50% threshold of votes needed to determine a winner which, according to state law, triggered a run-off election set for January 5, 2021. This gives Republicans another chance to maintain a majority in the Senate, however, Democrats will do anything to win.

Senators Perdue and Loeffler have much in common. Both began as political outsiders having successful business careers before joining the Senate. They are staunchly pro-life, believe that we should fight to preserve our Constitutional freedoms, and support President Trump’s agenda.  This year, they cast many votes to confirm federal judges including now-Justice Amy Coney Barrett. When the pressure mounted, they both made decisions that would help America’s families in the long-term. While it may seem like Georgia would easily choose two proven conservative candidates, Democrats have been funneling millions of dollars into these races in order to infiltrate the Senate with their agenda.

Money has not stopped pouring in for both races. Over $150 million combined has been spent, and estimates push the amount to over $200 million in the end.  Former Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams reported that her organization, Fair Fight, raised $3.6 million in 48 hours to give Democrats an edge. Despite her organization’s clever name, this fight is proving to be anything but fair.

Democrats have rallied around the idea of disrupting the accuracy of the Georgia election by encouraging their allies to move there. Former presidential candidate Andrew Yang tweeted, “The best thing we could do for Joe is to get him a Democratic Senate. There should be coordination of resources. Everyone who campaigned for Joe should get ready to head to Georgia. I’ll go. It’s the only way to sideline Mitch and give Joe a unified government.” While the Georgia residency laws are very lax, this is a clear way for Democrats to cheat our democratic system. State legislators are urging the Governor to call a special legislative session to fix loopholes in the residency laws. This seems to be an uphill battle, but Georgia legislators must stand firm to ensure a fair election.

Eagle Forum PAC is dedicated to helping Senators Loeffler and Perdue cross that finish line.  To get more information on the Georgia Senate race, check out Engage with Eagle Forum’s interview with Club for Growth’s Scott Parkinson where he details this race and others.

We Need YOU to Save the Senate