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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 06:28 AM


First Published in 1994


Stand America LogoWASHINGTON -- Bishop E.W. Jackson has long advocated that black Americans leave the Democrat Party. In a final push before the January 5th run-off election in Georgia, he is urging Georgia's black voters not to vote for Senate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. Jackson says their radical politics is contrary to the values of Georgia's black voters.

STAND America PAC (SAPAC) is a super PAC started by the Bishop to provide support candidates and policies which unite Americans across racial and cultural lines and uphold America's Judeo-Christian heritage and values of faith in God, the traditional family, the sacredness of unborn life, individual liberty, private property and limited government."

Raphael Warnock has generated controversy over some of his past comments. He has said that a person cannot serve God and the military. Jackson likened this to the internal undermining of morale in France which left France vulnerable to attack by Hitler. Says, Jackson, "Our military men and women can be servants of God and good soldiers, marines and sailors. It is irresponsible to discourage our young people from serving in defense of this nation. Sending Raphael Warnock to the United States Senate could be one of the biggest mistakes in Georgia history. Ossoff is just as bad."

Warnock has been associated with Rev. Jeremiah Wright who made the now infamous "G-damn America" comment in one of his sermons and nearly destroyed the presidential campaign of Barack Obama. Warnock has praised Wright. Rev. Warnock refers to himself as a "pro-choice Pastor." He embraces Marxism. He also supports LGBT activists and accuses Christians of using the First Amendment as an excuse to discriminate against homosexuals and transgenders. Jackson has called on Ebenezer Baptist Church to dismiss Warnock from the pastorate. "He does not deserve to be in the pulpit," says Bishop Jackson. "Christians should certainly not vote him into the Senate. Black voters must say no to the Godlessness the Democratic Party has come to represent."

The spots began running on December 21, and will be heard on eight Georgia gospel radio stations through Election Day on January 5th.