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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 12:23 AM


First Published in 1994


WASHINGTON -- Stanton believes it is critical for the over 3,000 pregnancy resource centers and life-affirming clinics in the United States to publicly reject and refuse to comply with any proposed HHS regulations under Secretary Becerra which would call for abortion referrals, advertising or promotion.

Stanton Public Policy Center is a women's advocacy and educational group that works on issues of human rights and justice which empower and inspire women.  It is affiliated with Stanton Healthcare which has life-affirming women's health clinics in America and internationally.

Secretary Becerra is an abortion extremist who, during his 24 years in Congress, voted against a ban on partial-birth abortion, voted against criminal penalties for hurting an unborn baby during another crime, and supported taxpayer-funded abortions.

As Attorney General of California, Becerra attempted to enforce unconstitutional laws to force pregnancy resource centers and life-affirming clinics to make abortion referrals or post signs about state-sponsored abortion services.

Stanton Public Policy Center has deep concerns Secretary Becerra will try to force pregnancy resource centers and clinics to comply with federal regulations encouraging them to refer and promote abortion.

Brandi Swindell, Founder and CEO of Stanton Healthcare, states:

"The confirmation of Xavier Becerra as HHS Secretary is deeply troubling on many levels. First, Secretary Becerra will almost certainly work to undo the great strides made in the past four years to protect women's health and human life in the womb which would be a nightmare for women's health.
"I want to make it clear as the Founder and CEO of Stanton Healthcare: our Stanton Healthcare clinics will never refer for abortions regardless of any mandates set forth by HHS. We will not comply. We would risk arrest, jail time, and fines to defend our right to provide quality compassionate, medically accurate care to the clientele we serve free from abortion violence.
"Stanton encourages every pregnancy center and life-affirming clinic across the nation to put in place official polices which clearly state they will not comply with abortion referrals or promotion. Our movement must send a clear message to Secretary Becerra; we will not be intimidated or bullied into compliance. Now is the time for us to fight and stand like never before."

Below is the official position of Stanton Healthcare, which we hope will serve as a model for pregnancy resource centers and life-affirming clinics across the nation:

The Stanton Board of Directors affirms both faith and scientific fact that a human life begins at conception, and that each and every human life has inherent dignity, and thus must be treated with the same respect and rights due a human person.

Stanton Healthcare passionately works to bring professional and compassionate medical care, comfort and assistance to pregnant women with unexpected pregnancies, even as we stand resolutely against the corrupt and degrading concept that abortion is somehow in the best interests of women to achieve a full and meaningful life. Our message is: the loving and just answer to unexpected pregnancies is to love and care for both the mother and child alike as we stand in solidarity with the millions of women across America who reject the notion that abortion is health care.

Therefore, it is the official position of Stanton Healthcare that we will not comply, submit or adhere to any federal, state and local laws or regulations which would require us to promote, refer or advertise any type of abortion services or submit to coerced speech that would violate our core principles and values.