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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 12:16 AM


First Published in 1994


Stop Illegal Immigration

For four years, President Donald Trump used every tactic he could to stop the massive amounts of immigrants flooding into the United States. He instituted policies that ended chain migration, funded border wall construction, banned entries from terrorist-sponsored countries, and forced Mexico to be responsible for immigrants traveling across their country. When Democrats used the Obama-created family separation at the border policy as a smear campaign against the Trump administration, President Trump led efforts allowing families to stay together. Now, President Biden has reversed the successful policies that Trump created and — surprise, surprise! — has a crisis on his hands.

During the 2019 Democrat debates, candidates were asked about their stances on immigration policy. Then-candidate Biden replied, “You want to flee, and you’re fleeing oppression, you should come.” This was the statement heard around the world, so the flooding of the border began.

After he became President, Democrats cheered Biden’s massive amounts of executive orders in his first 100 days, many of those reversing Trump’s efforts to protect our nation’s border. Those were not rooted in strategic means and had no backup plans. They were simply done out of spite in regard to the previous administration.

As a result, border crossings are reaching a 15-year high. A whistleblower from Customs and Border Patrol reported in March that an estimated 900 immigrants are evading capture per day and has totaled 118,000 for fiscal year 2021. Over 18,000 children are in the custody of border patrol living in cramped spaces. Many of these children are brought over by cartels after being physically and sexually assaulted. Footage has even emerged of children abandoned in the desert or being dropped from the top of the border wall left to fend for themselves. These instances are dangerous, not only for Americans, but for the children and families who are incentivized to cross the border.

House and Senate Republicans have taken trips to the southern border to reveal the crisis that the Biden administration has ignored. While Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) was there, he encountered a group of teenagers who had been lost while trying to find a checkpoint without coming across a single border patrol agent for an hour. Others have shared pictures and videos of immigrants packed into facilities and even outdoors under bridges. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said, “This is inhumane, it is wrong and it is the direct consequence of policy decisions by the Biden administration to stop building the wall, to return to catch-and-release, and to end the stay-in-Mexico policy.”

The blowback on the Biden administration has been intense from not only Republicans but Democrats alike. In an interview with ABC News, President Biden finally stated, “I can say quite clearly, don’t come over. So don’t leave your town or city or community.” His administration is also looking into ways to begin construction on the border wall again.

Biden flip-flopping on his open border statement is a tiny start. There are many more solutions that he and Congress could implement. NumbersUSA’s Rosemary Jenks joined the Engage with Eagle Forum podcast this week to talk about the border crisis and reforming our immigration system overall. In addressing the border situation, she explained that the United States’ asylum process needs reformed along with safe third country agreements. Currently, an immigrant can request asylum, be released in the U.S., and not have a court date for six years. If they think they will be deported, they are unlikely to show and will remain in the U.S. indefinitely.  Instead, other safe countries should be held responsible for processing asylees in countries closest to them instead of letting them pass to the U.S. Then, adequate funding and streamlined actions need to be put into place to process these asylees much faster.

While the Biden administration is still largely avoiding the major issues at the border, Eagle Forum has continued to work with members of Congress to bring light to this problem. We still expect Democrats to move a comprehensive immigration plan this year with policies that will keep the border open and threaten the jobs of Americans, but not without a fight from true Conservatives.