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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 04:20 PM


First Published in 1994


Greenville Tea Party and Ron Paul Reps Met Bachmann’s Bus at Clinton


“We can’t afford this Congress. We can’t afford this President. We can’t afford this tax code,” presidential candidate Michele Bachmann told a crowd of about 300 Wednesday on the parking lot of Hollywood 20 Cinemas on Woodruff Road.

Bachmann, who represents Minnesota’s sixth district, said: “It’s time to make Barack Obama a one-term president.” Before she spoke, she was endorsed by Bill Rhodes, founder of the Greenville Tea Party. “This is our candidate,” Rhodes said. “We are behind her 100 percent.”

Bachmann sandwiched the Greenville appearance between events in Lexington and Rock Hill. Rhodes and local Ron Paul spokesman Chris Lawton met Bachmann’s bus and boarded it at a rest stop near Clinton.

Greenville County GOP officials who had arranged for rally facilities and a welcoming party at Magnolia Park in Greenville were caught off guard when Rhodes stepped off the bus with Bachmann and Lawton and welcomed Bachmann to Greenville with what sounded like a Greenville Tea Party endorsement.

Responding to ‘ruffled GOP feathers’ later Rhodes said he was speaking for himself and not the Greenville Tea Party when he said, “This is our candidate.” When Lawton was asked if he had switched support from Ron Paul to Bachmann, he responded in the negative.

Betty Poe, chairman of the Greenville County Republican Party, extended a formal Greenville County Republican Party welcome to Rep. Bachmann.

Bachmann said she is seeing a unity of purpose emerging across the United States. “I am seeing Independents, disaffected Democrats, Libertarians, Republicans, Conservatives, people who have never been political a day in their lives, saying, ‘This is the time, this is the moment when we take our country back.’ “

Bachmann pledged to work tirelessly as president to repeal Obamacare. As a former federal tax lawyer, Bachmann has seen how devastating taxes are to individuals, families, farmers and businesses, and she said she is tired of a president who is sitting on a treasure trove of American energy resources and refuses to unlock them.

“We can’t afford four more years of a president who leads from behind when it comes to foreign policy,” Bachmann said, adding that “America needs to be the head, not the tail.” She said that “we are the greatest nation the world has ever seen in 5,000 years of recorded human history, and we will be that great nation again.”

Bachmann promised as president of the United States, “we will win the War on Terror,” adding that she is a national security conservative, a fiscal conservative and a social conservative.

“We can never forget that Thomas Jefferson wrote one of the most magnificent political documents in the Declaration of Independence when he said to us that we have a Creator who endowed us with certain inalienable rights.” The Creator God gave us our rights, not government, and government cannot take them away.

The Left fears the Tea Party movement, Bachmann said, because it “is not a political party. It is an idea. It is an idea that began in 1773. It was written down in 1776, and it continues to be republished in the hearts of every generation.”

Bachmann pledged to “never retreat from the principles that were given to us by the Founders of this country. We love them, and we will stand with those principles.”

We stand for our allies, Bachmann said. She said she was never more disheartened as when she heard Barack Obama call on America’s friend and ally Israel to withdraw to its 1967 borders. “I stand with Israel, and I stand against America’s enemies, and we will defeat America’s enemies.”

Bachmann said: “You will not see me apologizing for the United States of America across the world, because the United States of America is the greatest force for good in the history of mankind, and we will be that again.”

Rep. Bachmann and her husband Marcus toured South Carolina by bus June 28-29.

You can watch Rep. Bachmann’s speech online at SouthCarolinaConservative.com. For more on her campaign, visit her website at Michelebachmann

.com, Friend her on Facebook and or follow her on Twitter.