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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 04:12 PM


First Published in 1994


President Obama's Former Ambassador to China Receives Cordial Welcome

Jon Huntsman, GOP candidate for president and former U. S. Ambassador to China, spoke at a hastily planned rally at Mutt’s Barbecue in Greer, Monday night.

The former Utah Governor and Reagan Administration appointee was accompanied by his wife and two of their children.

Huntsman was well received by a mix of Republican activists and regular customers at Mutt’s BBQ. The building was packed and the parking lot was overflowing.

Huntsman was introduced by former South Carolina Attorney General Henry McMaster.

McMaster said Huntsman is different. “We will need someone different to beat this president that we have now. If we don’t win this one, we got big problems in the country. This man has experience in business, government, and in the world. He knows how to make business work... I am supporting him and I hope you will too.”

Huntsman said he never imagined  that one day he would be launching a campaign for president at Mutt’s BBQ.

“I don’t want anyone to leave this restaurant today without understanding exactly why we are running for president of the United States.”

He wants to be known as a “conservative problem solver.” He said, “some people run from their record. I am running on my record. I am pro-life, pro 2nd Amendment, and pro-growth.”

Huntsman listed several issues he considers to be absolutely critical:

“We must have a balanced budget amendment. This country needs to start making things again. “We desperately need tax reform and to get regulatory monopoly off our backs. We need to repeal Obamacare.

‘We must address energy independence and use natural gas as a transitional product.

“This country and the Republican Party must stay away from foreign entanglements. We can get it done!”

Huntsman worked the crowd thoroughly and shook every hand. Both the candidate and his family were friendly and at ease with the local crowd.

A significant contingent of the national media were trailing the candidate. A reporter from the Los Angeles Times was doing a story on the attitude of evangelical Christians toward Mormon presidential candidates.

The candidate visited ICAR on Tuesday before moving on.