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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:22 PM


First Published in 1994


Executive Committee Cheered for Faithful Five

The Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee broke into loud applause at the mention of the names of the South Carolina Congressional Delegation and unanimously passed a resolution commending and encouraging the delegation that has stood together on principles and opposed all the “deals” proposed by President Obama and Congressional leaders that did not deal effectively with the nation’s fiscal problems.

The following resolution was passed:

The Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee hereby thanks and commends the South Carolina Republican Congressional Delegation for their votes to halt the out-of-control, and irresponsible spending of the federal government. Moreover,  the Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee hereby expresses its desire that our State Republican Delegation shall continue to vote in accordance with principles of limited government and low taxes, and vote NO on the compromise “deal.”

After voting against the latest Budget Control Act “deal” Monday afternoon, Rep. Joe Wilson expressed the sentiment of the delegation when he said: “Of all the plans introduced in the past days to tackle our out-of-control debt, I still believe the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011 provides the best solution for our nation’s current fiscal situation.”

Freshman Rep. Jeff  Duncan agreed with Wilson and expressed disappointment in some of the freshman class.

“I don’t see anything remarkable about this ‘deal’ aside from its ability to completely ignore the seriousness of our spending problem. While the 87 member freshman class helped change the conversation towards cutting spending, this deal shows we have a long way to go before we change the culture in Washington. The cuts in this deal won’t put a dent in our national debt and do little to change our spending trajectory. I’m sorry I couldn’t convince more lawmakers to stand with the South Carolina delegation and fight for the types of spending changes that our country needs and Americans deserve.”