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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:21 PM


First Published in 1994


Subpoenas Issued in NLRBs actions against Boeing in South Carolina

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) issued a subpoena to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and Acting General Counsel Lafe Solomon Sunday, August 7th, as part of its investigation into NLRB actions against the Boeing Company.

The NLRB recently challenged a decision by Boeing to locate a jetliner assembly operation in South Carolina, a Right to Work State, instead of at a union shop in Washington state. The subpoena was issued after the agency defied Chairman Issa’s requests for documents related to the Boeing case.

Issa gave the NLRB until noon August 12 to produce the materials requested that include emails, telephone logs, and other communications dating back to the beginning of 2009 that relate to or refer to Boeing or the union that led to the complaint.

The NLRB subpoena requests documents covering the following:

1. Documents in the custody or control of the Office of the General Counsel or the NLRB referring or relating to the Boeing Company.

2. Communications to or from any person in the Office of the General Counsel or the NLRB referring or relating to the Boeing Company, including but not limited to all emails and call logs.

3. Documents in the custody or control of the Office of the General Counsel of the NLRB referring or relating to the International Association of Machinists.

4. Communications to or from any person in the Office of the General Counsel or the NLRB referring or relating to the International Association of Machinists, including but not limited to all emails and call logs.

“NLRB action in the case against Boeing has the potential to create a job-killing precedent just as U. S. manufacturers are working toward economic recovery. That a Washington, D. C.-based bureaucracy could dictate the work location and parameters for a world-leading company is unprecedented in a global economy and hobbles a leading American job creator at a time of economic vulnerability,” Issa said.

“As this matter could take years to resolve and create even more crippling uncertainty for job creators, it is imperative that Congress get complete facts about NLRB’s rationale and its decision making process in this matter without further delay,” Issa concluded.