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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:21 PM


First Published in 1994


Justice Dept. Under Pressure from NAACP, Leftist Groups

The new South Carolina voter ID law is being held up and blocked from implementation by Attorney General Eric Holder and the U. S. Justice Department. The law was passed by both houses of the legislature and signed by the Governor.

The Justice Department blocked the South Carolina law because they didn’t have enough information.

All laws or regulations pertaining to elections in the states that voted for Republican Barry Goldwater in 1964 must submit all election related laws and regulations to the U. S. Justice Department for review before implementation. President Lyndon Johnson due to a desire for political retribution put this 47-year-old requirement in election laws after the 1064 election.

Opponents of the Voter ID law in South Carolina erroneously claim that the Justice Department has veto power over South Carolina election laws because the Palmetto state has a record of election discrimination against African-Americans.

Several states have passed laws requiring photo IDs or drivers licenses or other identification in order to insure the voter is the one authorized to vote at a particular precinct. The need for a closer watch on potential voter fraud became necessary after the massive voter fraud cases involving ACORN and other groups in 1968. Most of the states passing voter ID laws are not subject to overrule by the Justice Department because they did not vote for Goldwater in 1964.

The basis for the anger by President Johnson and the DNC against the Southern states that voted for Goldwater in 1964 was that the Goldwater campaign, that began in South Carolina four years earlier in 1060, was the beginning of the end for the solid Democrat South. The South had been ruled and maintained at a disadvantage by the Democrats for almost a century.

The Justice Department has asked the state to provide more specifics to prove to them that the law will not disenfranchise voters.

The NAACP at their recent convention broadcast on C-SPAN announced that pressuring the Justice Department and filing law suits to oppose voter ID requirements and the drawing of redistricting lines would be a top priority between now and the 2012 elections. Their members are being told that the laws are not to prevent fraud, but to intimidate minority voters and prevent minorities and convicted felons who have paid their debt to society from voting.

Opponents of the law claim that many people who do not have drivers licenses can’t get to the highway department offices to get a free photo ID card made. Governor Haley has promised that the state Department of Transportation will provide a free ride for any individual who does not have transportation.

The Justice Department took 60 days to respond to the law and will have another 60 days to respond to the state’s response to their inquiry. The law is well written essentially the same as other states have in place. About all the Obama Justice Department can do legally is delay implementation indefinitely on the basis that South Carolina has not adequately proven that it will not result in discrimination against minorities by making them feel intimidated or otherwise discriminated against by requiring identification in order to vote.

It is not likely that the Justice Department will allow the matter to go to court, because that would provide an opportunity for the states affected by the Johnson election law provision to make their case that the Johnson election law is unconstitutional.