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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:24 PM


First Published in 1994


I remember an exchange last year between Don Imus and his now late, but still great, brother Fred. Don asked if Fred had watched the Presidential Address on TV the night before. “Yes, I did” said Fred. “But about 30 seconds into it I realized he wasn’t going to resign so I turned it off.” Amen, Fred.

Last month we watched a world class cat fight in the Congressional litter box. The whole point was to trim the dead weight off the budget and  get our spending under control. Personally, I thought we did a great job of clearly communicating the message: Stop spending!!! It seems I was wrong. Obama wants more spending. He finds it stimulating and thinks the rest of us should form a menage-a-trois-hundred-million and share his trip to nirvana. I had hoped he would keep his stimulation a private event, but again I was wrong. This guy could not stimulate a dog to bark at a bird. In the past 2 weeks I have had occasion to speak to nearly 100 small business owners. Before ending each encounter, I asked everyone the same question. “What has the greatest impact on your business projections for the future?” Every  one has had the exact same answer. Obamacare. I expected SOME diversity, but there was none. They are all frozen in time because they are afraid to invest in equipment or personnel. Many are convinced they are just hanging on until Obamacare finishes them off, mostly because they can’t make themselves let go yet. The obvious conclusion is that this is the biggest job killer ever conceived in this nation’s history. It is the very definition of class warfare. Obamacare is Exhibit A in the arsenal of evidence that Chicago politics has metastasized to the White House. That cancer will kill us if we don’t kill it first.

Obamacare was the purple elephant in the room at Congress this week when the (????) in Chief demanded that everybody think and do like he thinks and does because his way is the only way. Everything he proposed was jobs which expand government. Prior to his arrival on the national scene, this was a Capitalist society. Surely it has its faults and pitfalls, but it is the system that generation upon generation of immigrants ran toward. It is the concept which spawned the liberties we have fought and died for. Capitalism (commerce) shrinks when government grows. By necessity, the two are in perpetual conflict.

Our founding fathers understood that any government big enough to give you everything is big enough to take it all away. Some folks feel the founding fathers are obsolete. I find the wisdom of our founding fathers both inspirational and comforting. They penned solid values for us to build on. We stood on their shoulders to build our families, our towns, our states, our great nation. An entire planet has been looking to us for innovation, industry, independence,  the courage of our convictions and the fortitude to look out for our friends for well over a century. Now we have a President who wants to give everyone food stamps, health care, cell phones, cars they can’t pay for, houses they can’t afford, education they don’t want to use and  the ever elusive hope, but no incentive to maintain the tradition of American exceptionalism. The result is half a nation who can’t figure out why they need jobs when everything is given to them, and the other half who pays for the half with their feet up. This does not unify us, it polarizes us.

I thank God (while it is still allowed) for the Mick Mulvaneys and Jim DeMints who do NOT think nor act like the (????) in Chief.

We tried the ‘change.’ This change has made me weary and very, very angry.

My great grandfather fought in World War 1, but this is no longer the country he fought for.

My father fought in Korea and Vietnam but this is no longer the country he fought for.

My daughter and son-in-law served  the Navy in Iraq, but this is no longer the country they fought for. If they also serve who stand and wait, then I wear that mantle with the greatest of trepidation. This keyboard and mouse are now my weapons of choice.

We have given up on ourselves for a blink of a moment and allowed an outsider to come into OUR home and push US around.

This has to stop right NOW.

The (????) in Chief must be a one term (????) in Chief.

We are a country of immigrants who have spent centuries weaving a rich and beautiful tapestry known as the United States of America. They came to make a new life and their single proudest achievement was to become ‘American.’ It was not a national designation as much as a personal definition. We proudly embrace their inclusion as one of our most sacred credos. They lived and died for our flag, now the (????) in Chief welcomes and supports illegal immigrants who burn and defile our flag, vowing to take over our country and live off whatever resources we have left ‘til we are depleted. Their goal is not to leave this country or even this world a better place, but to bring us down to the level of wherever they left to come here. They want to eliminate American Exceptionalism. We did not create the concept. We were born into it and accepted the responsibility to maintain it so it can be passed onto the next generation. We embrace the challenge!

We have allowed a Trojan Horse into our homeland. It was populated by a deadly psycho-social virus carefully incubated by power hungry manipulators.

Once upon a time this country was born to be the land of the free and the home of the brave. That freedom is tenuous because now it harbors a ticking time bomb.

We need a leader.

A leader who is not a perpetual candidate.

A leader who  does not bow down to other leaders.

A leader who neither threatens nor sues his countrymen.

A leader who leads by example rather than by teleprompter.

A leader who will see to it that our  children and grandchildren will know a future without Socialism, subjugation , intimidation and debt.

A leader who is dedicated to the propagation and growth of the seeds those obsolete old men sowed 200 years ago.

I look at the current collection of Republican Presidential Candidates. I see the most talented and brilliant Cabinet in the history of the  modern world, but I don’t see the President who will be smart enough, strong enough and honorable enough to galvanize them into the governing juggernaut we need them to be. Collectively, that brain trust is critical to restore our dignity, our economy and our trust, BUT, we don’t need any one of them more than we need all of them.

In God’s Name, where is this leader hiding? We need you right quick, while we are still allowed to ask for anything in God’s Name.


Cyndy Miller and her husband are hard working American patriots who own and operate a business in South Carolina