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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 12:21 PM


First Published in 1994


Colorado Mesa County Rally

WOODLAND PARK, Colo. -- Hundreds of people turned out for Wednesday's Truth & Justice Rally for "We the People" to show support for election integrity, Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, and "America's Mom" Sherronna Bishop.

The event attracted scores of concerned citizens who listened to speakers including Republican state Rep. Ron Hanks, Shawn Smith of U.S. Election Integrity Plan, and retired U.S. Border Patrol officer Todd Watkins.

Richard Harris, executive director of the Woodland Park-based Truth & Liberty Coalition, was one of several notable speakers at the event, which highlighted election integrity issues in Mesa County and subsequent Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raids on the homes of the county clerk and others in Western Colorado.

Earlier this year, Peters came under scrutiny from authorities for backing up the data on a Mesa County election machine. The county clerk commissioned the work in anticipation of a so-called software update of the machine by Dominion Voting Systems and announced by the office of Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold. After the work on the machine by Dominion and Griswold, Peters had a second image made of the hard drive.

Foresnsic Report No. 1 from the cybersecurity experts who analyzed the Mesa County before and after copies of the DVS Democracy Suite Election Management System computer drives concluded that the Dominion-Griswold update resulted in the deletion of nearly 30,000 digital files.

"It's my understanding that the destruction of thousands of files in Mesa County also happened in almost every other county in Colorado where there were Dominion voting machines, as well as in Arizona," he said. "If that's true, we are looking at a massive case of potentially illegal destruction of records."

Mesa County Clerk Peters alleges that Griswold's destruction of the election files violates both state and federal law, which require records to be preserved for approximately two years. Peters worked to preserve the records after hearing concerns from Mesa County voters about the integrity of the 2020 election.

"The radical Left will do everything they can . . . to suppress the truth," said Peters. "When you tell the truth you don't have to worry about what you say."

Peters delivered a report to the county Board of Commissioners, which led to raids on her workplace and home. Others, including Bishop, also had their homes raided on Nov. 16. Bishop states that agents used a battering ram to break open her door and placed her in handcuffs in front of her children.

"Thank God for that demonstration of force on the morning on Nov. 16," said Bishop. "My children learned more in those three hours than I could ever teach them – the government does not love you."

Rep. Hanks, and several local officials from other parts of Colorado, filed suit recently against Griswold in Denver County District Court. The plaintiffs allege that Griswold has caused the illegal destruction of election records in almost every county of Colorado and are requesting injunctions and declaratory judgment to prevent such activity in the future.

"I am deeply troubled by this unprecedented violation of important election integrity standards. The law requires that these records be maintained for the same reason we require aircraft to carry 'black boxes,'" Harris said. "We need to be able to access that data when something goes wrong so we can understand what happened. In this case, in every county except Mesa, the 'black boxes' have been erased."

For more information on Peters, visit StandWithTina.org.

Access Truth & Liberty Coalition's "Truth and Justice Rally Fact Sheet" with additional facts and useful links.

About Truth and Liberty Coalition:Truth & Liberty Coalition, Inc. is a 501(C)(4) non-profit based in Woodland Park, Colorado. Established by Andrew Wommack and other Christian leaders, the goal is to educate, unify and mobilize Christians and conservatives to become involved in the affairs of their community and government.