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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:18 PM


First Published in 1994


Party Moderates Panic, Line Up Behind Romney

Herman Cain won the Florida Straw Poll. A few weeks later, Cain scored a big win, scoring 49 percent in the straw poll conducted by the national gathering of the Federation of Republican Women.

The poll of Republican women is a valid cross section of Republican activists and is the poll that struck fear in the hearts of the other GOP presidential contenders.

Herman Cain’s 9-9-9-tax plan is getting criticism from some of his opponents, but it is only a concept that must be approved by congress and has been supported by many.

The Cain plan for eliminating the current tax code and replacing it with what he calls the “fair tax” is understandable and resonates with conservative voters.

President Reagan’s tax advisor Art Laffer on FOX News said: “I love the 9-9-9 plan, it’s a great first step. This is a lot better than the current tax laws that are filled with all sorts of ducks, chickens, pigs and turkeys. They’ve just got to be cleared out and we‘ve got to completely revamp the codes.”

Club of Growth President Chris Chocola called the 9-9-9 plan “an outline for a more prosperous and globally competitive America. It is both pro-growth and a good starting point on the way to a flat or fair tax.”

It is not just his tax plan that connects with voters. Cain is an excellent communicator. He comes across as honest and acknowledges his lack of experience in foreign policy and other areas. He refuses to make rash statements about pulling troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, to make political points, but makes it clear that he will make decisions when he has all the facts. For many thinking Americans, that is the correct answer.

Cain does not waffle on Israel. He makes it clear that an attack on Israel is equivalent to an attack on the United States.

Cain lacks money and a large staff of campaign advisors, but as long as he can participate in debates, speak before influential groups and appear on FOX News, he can reach Republican primary voters with his message.

Regretfully, Cain is the only Republican candidate that can challenge Obama without fear of being labeled a racist. He is already being called names, but he can respond in kind without the characteristic fear that permeates the “guilt” laden Caucasians.

Should Cain become the GOP standard bearer, Obama and the democrats will be deprived of one of their most potent political weapons – vicious name-calling and race baiting.

Cain believes he can get a third of the black vote despite his insistence that “Many African-Americans have been brainwashed to oppose conservative views.”

When his brainwashing statement was challenged by

Wolf Blitzer on CNN, Cain elaborated but did not back down on his earlier statement. “For two-thirds of them, that is the case. Now the good news is I happen to believe that a third to 50 percent of the black Americans in this country, they are open-minded … More and more black Americans are thinking for themselves and that’s a good thing.”

On Monday, October 17, Pollster Scott Rasmussen released a poll indicating that Cain was the only Republican that could beat Obama. The survey of 1,000 likely voters matched Cain against Obama, Cain received 43 percent of he vote and Obama received only 41 percent. A poll conducted a week earlier showed Obama beating Romney with a vote of 43 percent to 41 percent.

On October 16 Cain released answers to 9 criticisms raised regarding his 9-9-9-tax plan. He said he was happy to see the criticism, saying that it shows people are paying attention.

His proposal is more specific than anyone else has proposed and he even addressed that question.

“Do you know why candidates for office tend to be reluctant to propose detailed plans? It is because they know the plans will be fly specked and picked apart by just about everyone... But fear of criticism prevents you from conceiving solutions to problems.”