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Thursday, September 19, 2024 - 04:09 PM


First Published in 1994


Kathleen Cooke MugOn special invitation, Kathleen Cooke will join 50 nationally recognized women of distinction from the U.S. and UK at Windsor Castle to explore faith-based solutions to counteract the attack on biblical values within our cultures.

LOS ANGELES -- In 2022, Kathleen Cooke was awarded a national congressional award from She Leads America Award for Distinguished Work in Media and Entertainment. This June, she is invited to a strategic gathering of 50 women of influence from the U.S. and UK at Windsor Castle in London. With high-profile U.S. delegates that include Dr. Alveda King, State Representative Nancy DeBoer, and award-winning author Bodie Thoene, and U.K. delegates Lady Carol Baker, Helena Croft MBE, and Dr. Sheena Tranter, the landmark gathering will feature discussions on the challenges confronting both countries as biblical values are threatened, and will explore faith-based solutions to address those challenges.

"“Only with the combined efforts of distinguished and leading voices will we be able to cut through the challenges we face on either side of the pond," shares Kathleen Cooke, global director for Influence Women and co-founder of Cooke Media Group based in LA. She adds, "Leadership matters, and leaders supporting leaders turn the dial."

Liz Doyle, founder and executive director of She Leads America shares the vision behind the UK Summit prompted by what she terms an "unprecedented simultaneous attack" on Christian values. "We are eager to meet our sisters across the Atlantic to learn about the unique challenges in Britain and how they are addressing the global crisis we all find ourselves in."

She Leads America is an organization of accomplished Christian women from across the U.S. representing a broad spectrum of women of distinction, recognized by their peers and state and national government. The UK Summit offers an opportunity for strategic thinking and collaboration to approach the issues facing our societies from a biblical and prayerful perspective.

Selected by special invitation to attend the UK Summit, Kathleen Cooke will share on media and the arts, offering insight on how media can effectively change the culture's mindset toward Kingdom values and truths. To help sponsor the logistical expenses, donations can be directed to the nonprofit The Influence Lab at https://influencelab.com/donate. To interview Kathleen, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


About Kathleen Cooke, Global Director – Influence Women

Kathleen Cooke is the co-founder of Cooke Media Group and The Influence Lab, and the global director of Influence Women, nonprofit organization for Christian media professionals with offering mentorship, career development and a faith community for women in the film, television and arts industries. Author of "Hope 4 Today: Stay Connected to God in a Distracted Culture," she has appeared on top national and international radio, podcast and television shows including CBN and TBN, and her articles carried by Avail Leadership and Charisma Magazine. Find out more at KathleenCooke.com and InfluenceWomen.org.