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Monday, September 16, 2024 - 01:12 AM


First Published in 1994


Another Black Eye on the Republican Supermajority

The way South Carolina selects judges is rife with corruption and conflicts of interests—lawyer legislators handpick the very judges they argue cases in front of and ballots are counted in secret by legislators to avoid on the record votes.

Sadly, time and time again, those judges are liberals who legislate from the bench despite the fact that Republicans hold supermajorities in both Chambers. Even more surprisingly, these judges are often spouses, immediate family members, or law partners of sitting legislators—or even former legislators themselves. 

So who is the establishment’s top pic for judge this time? Former Democrat lawyer-legislator and former Democratic Party nominee for governor James Smith. 


Yes, you read that right. The "Republican" controlled General Assembly is on the verge of electing a Planned Parenthood-endorsed, Trump-hating, Biden-loving liberal to the bench. This comes on the heels of the SC Supreme Court striking down the Heartbeat Bill just a few years ago.

SC Citizens for Life, a prominent pro-life advocacy group, weighed in on the judicial race stating, “James Smith is trying to downplay his radical pro-abortion voting record . . . . The truth is [he] is an abortion extremist.” Additionally, they warned that “a vote for James Smith will be scored as an anti-life, pro-abortion vote” on their legislative scorecard. But will the Republican establishment listen?

Just last week the SC House passed the Help Not Harm Bill which will prohibit gender transition procedures on minors. Based on the below repost from judicial candidate James Smith, how do you think he would rule if a challenge to that vital legislation arises?

Despite this damning evidence Republican legislators are pushing for this radical Democrat to be elected to the bench. These are the same “Republicans” who several years ago ignored our pleas to vote against known liberal Justice Kay Hearn—who immediately after reappointment to the SC Supreme Court wrote the majority opinion striking down the Heartbeat Bill. No wonder the South Carolina General Assembly consistently ranks the most liberal Republican-controlled legislature in the country. We are calling them out.

But we need your help! Only YOU can stop this. Call your State Representative and State Senator and tell them "NO MORE LIBERALS ON THE BENCH."

Find your legislators HERE.

Additionally, please share this email with as many concerned patriots as possible. An informed electorate is the only way we can save our state and our nation.