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Saturday, February 15, 2025 - 03:49 PM


First Published & Printed in 1994


America is spiraling downward. Crime, inflation, record high prices, war, open borders, corruption. Dem policies and Dem election fraud in 2020 brought us here; and more Dem fraud in 2022 prevented a corrective and massive red wave. So, Americans are now captives and slaves ensnared in a devolved and unconstitutional political structure, dominated by a single party, that now generates systemic and decisive election fraud. Consequently, we are now ruled by unelected, illegitimate and unaccountable rulers.

In 1789, the states formed a voluntary union on condition that state legislatures would determine the voters of those states respectively. Now, states with looser voting guidelines skew results for both state and federal offices Democrat. Blue legislatures are violating the Constitution directly by allowing non-citizens to vote. In some blue areas, guidelines set by unauthorized individuals and agencies, rather than legislatures, are being followed.

The cancerous corruption, by a domino-effect chain of causation, has spread through our entire governmental system. Blue and Purple (battleground) state results for House, Senate and President invariably and inexorably skew Dem. House and Senate majorities skew Dem. Congressional legislation skews Dem. Usurper-senators and a usurper-president skew the Supreme Court Dem by nominating judicial candidates who, if confirmed, become illegitimate, usurper-justices who skew Court decisions Dem. So unconstitutional voter guidelines, combined with more obvious modes of cheating, now decisively skew results for both state and federal legislative, executive and judicial offices.

So real election reform in America is no longer possible, since it would require the cooperation of power-mad and implacably hostile Blue States and Dems. So, there will never be another Republican president or Senate; and the only solution for Americans desiring freedom and livelihood is SECESSION from a now permanently and hopelessly tyrannical union. Daniel Webster famously said, the Union – now and forever. But a wiser Calhoun said, the Union – next to our liberty – most dear. 

The coming 2024 presidential election and its immediate aftermath will show for all to see – both here and abroad -- the United States coming apart at the seams.  Reaching a new level and pitch, the shrill partisan and factional acrimony to which we are by now accustomed will give way to violence of the sort and degree not seen in America for generations.  For Americans of all stripes, stormy political, social, and economic weather – the likes of which none of us has ever seen -- is now dead ahead.


Winston McCuen is a metaphysician and political philosopher and Christian apologist.  A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Furman University, he holds a Ph.D. and an MA. in philosophy from Emory University.  He has served recently as a Senior Metallurgical Welding Engineer for Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (US Dept. of Energy).