- A review of Jenna McCarthy's new book: YANKEE DOODLE SOUP
- Air Commando Hunters on the Ho Chi Minh Trail
- Remembering LBJ’s Vietnam War Operation Rolling Thunder
- The Battle for Biblical Christianity
- False Prophets and Deceived Shepherds
- The Resignation of President Joe Biden and his Endorsement of Kamala Harris
- Returning America to Truth, Justice, and Common Sense
- Lisa Campbell Bracewell for Greenville County School Board - District 17
- Kamala Harris Promises to Impose Abortion on All 50 States as President
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- A Republic Or A Democracy? There IS a Difference, You Know!
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Without an American Renewal, Putin's Aggression Is Only a Preview of Troubles Ahead
- By Neil Patel
Since the end of World War II, the United States has been the world's dominant force. Marked by relative peace and prosperity, it's been an amazingly successful period for America and for the world. Certainly, measured by world historical standards, the U.S. has little to apologize for and much to be proud of. The first four decades of this period were defined by the Cold War. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the U.S. became the unchallenged power in the world. As much as this was celebrated at the time, America's actions since then have eroded this advantage. Having squandered a historic opportunity, Washington is now faced with a challenge unlike any other before it.
The Disastrous Olympics Showed Us All How Corrupt the World Is in 2022
- By Neil Patel
It's hard to find consensus these days, but everyone seems to agree that there was something rotten about the 2022 Beijing Olympic Games. Not the athletes and the sporting events, of course; they trained their entire lives to compete, were as brilliant as ever and are not responsible for the decisions that led to such a cursed and corrupt event.
Athletes aside, just about everything else was horrible.
The End of COVID-19
- By Neil Patel
We don't want antifa and Black Lives Matter activists shutting down cities with riots, and we shouldn't want truckers blockading roads either. In each case, as the rule of law is upheld, it is incumbent on those in power to also look at the root causes driving the unrest. American authorities seemed inclined to look at those root causes when it came to the race protests and riots. For some reason, Canadian and American authorities seem totally uninterested in what is driving the increasing COVID-19 civil disobedience.
People cannot stay locked down forever; it causes real harm. Pandemic restrictions have been in place for almost two years now. It's an understatement to say people are over it. Everyone wants to protect the most vulnerable among us, but the damage has been adding up. That damage is not hitting those at the top of our society. They can fly private to their vacation compounds, sit maskless in box seats at the Super Bowl and ride out the storm while making record profits. Regular Americans do not have that option. They're feeling the pain. That pain is not hypothetical. Depression, suicide and drug overdoses are all skyrocketing. The American Psychological Association says America is in a full blown "mental health crisis."
Is It Too Much to Ask Congressmen to Stop Day Trading?
- By Neil Patel
It's hard to find a national issue with bipartisan 75% support (and only 5% opposition). Those are the numbers of Americans who want to restrict congressional members from trading stock. It's not surprising that Congress still hasn't acted; a lot of members want to keep making money stock trading while in office. A competent congressional leadership would push this issue, but it's not clear we have that today.
There is a growing sentiment in America that those in power are playing by a different set of rules. Politicians flouting their own COVID-19 restrictions have exacerbated this long-running trend.
The Pew Research Center has been measuring trust in government for 70 years. During that period, trust peaked at 77% in 1964 under President Lyndon Johnson. Besides a couple blips during the first Iraq War and right after 9/11, trust in government has been on a continual decline ever since. Today? Only 24% trust the federal government.
Saving America From Its Looming Decline
- By Neil Patel
When the history of this American era is written, the top headline will not be about election controversies or critical race theory or even COVID-19. This will be known most of all as the era when America sold out its future generations. This week, America's national debt surpassed $30 trillion for the first time, a full $7 trillion increase from just two years ago.
How did this happen, and who's to blame? President Bill Clinton was no deficit hawk, but with a Republican Congress keeping him largely in line and with the dot-com boom providing record government revenues, Clinton gets a pass. His eight years added to the deficit, but not by much by today's standards. As measured against the size of the U.S. economy, the debt ratio actually went down under Clinton.
Joe Biden Completes His Historic Failure
- By Neil Patel
Joe Biden campaigned as a moderate elder statesman who could help heal a divided country. The press played up the narrative that Biden put in place a team of professionals and technocrats who would provide real governing expertise as a salve from the chaos of the Trump years. The truth, of course, has been just the opposite.
Many Americans are coming to believe that, contrary to the expectations going in, the Biden administration is a rudderless, leaderless, overly ideological mess. Biden did not help himself at his rare press conference Wednesday.
When challenged on America's declining faith in the competence of his government, Biden denied reality. He said the Afghanistan withdrawal was never going to be easy. This directly contradicts his assurances before the withdrawal when he said we could do it "responsibly, deliberately and safely." Biden's earlier statements are not a secret, and everyone knows that 13 American soldiers died after Biden outsourced security around the withdrawal to the Taliban. Deflecting this reality is dishonest, and it's not helpful to Biden politically.
Unwinding America's Catastrophic China Mistakes
- By Neil Patel
Do you remember Armand Hammer? If you're over 50, you may. Hammer was a business tycoon who died in 1990. He was most famous for his deal-making with the Soviet Union. Hammer would cut business deals directly with the Kremlin. This was unusual; most U.S. businesses had very few dealings with America's greatest adversary. Today, by contrast, many American multinational businesses see their growth as much or more tied to China, our new primary adversary, as they do to America.
Pause Before You Give Congress Credit for Trying to Stop Slave Labor in China
- By Neil Patel
American corporate and political leaders are more eager than ever to burnish their do-gooder credentials. Companies are taking stands on social issues more than ever before. Politicians also want to make sure the voters know they are socially just. It's no surprise, therefore, that each house of Congress has passed a bill to stop the importation of goods made with Chinese slave labor. What's more interesting is just how much top American companies and our political leaders have done to slow down the process and weaken the protections. It's a case study in how Congress, the White House and big business work hand-in-hand to control the agenda in Washington.
Democrats Setting Up to Lose the One Issue Keeping Them Afloat
- By Neil Patel
The majority of Republicans in Washington are thoroughly confused about their own party and their own voters. Some have lost faith in Republican voters completely and written them off as racists or crazies. Others don't know what to think. They are essentially biding time and hoping things go back to the way they were.
They won't, of course. America is changing quickly. Voting patterns and the two-party norm that lasted for decades are under strain. Amazingly, Democrats are on the verge of handing back power to a Republican Party that's in a state of total chaos. All Republicans need to do is not screw it up.
Biden's Truly Reckless Spending Will Likely Be His Undoing
- By Neil Patel
News flash: Prices are going up. They are going up broadly across many products and services. And they are going up quickly. Inflation is here. It's already bad, and there are many signs that it could get worse.
In the wake of this news, President Joe Biden has announced that he's committed to continuing with his massive new government spending program. It's hard to overstate how crazy this is. The good news for Republicans is even amid all their problems and disarray, with his reckless and rigidly ideological spending plans, Biden may soon be passing them political power. The bad news for America is we are all likely to suffer from it in the interim.
The federal government is on an unprecedented spending binge. Even before Biden took office, the government passed COVID-19 emergency spending bills totaling: $8.3 billion, $192 billion, $2.2 trillion, $484 billion and $868 billion. Some of this was justifiable. COVID-19, and the government restrictions that came with it, devastated many businesses. But much was also wasted.
How a Broken Country Can Get Back on Track -- Post-Election Edition
- By Neil Patel
The elections this week have provided America yet another opportunity to begin healing. It would be amazing if we took advantage. The way America is spiraling downhill, these opportunities will not keep coming up forever. Given the fact that few people are even speaking to those with opposing views, it seems highly unlikely. But it's nonetheless an aspiration worth considering.
Very few of those in power who bemoan the national mood -- the record low levels of trust in national leaders and institutions, the high number of Americans who see the country as headed in the wrong direction -- have even begun to think deeply about why these phenomena are occurring.
Democrats May Regret Messing With America's Moms
- By Neil Patel
We've all heard the story about the panicked mom summoning superhuman strength to lift a car off her trapped child. I'm not sure if it's ever really happened, but I am sure that any politician who interferes with a mother's ability to raise her children with the values she sees fit is playing with fire. The Democrats are holding the matches. Of all the radical ideas they've been trying to foist on America, messing with parents on K-12 education may be the one that does them in.
Democratic politicians have repeatedly failed to stand up to the "woke" crowd, the activist radical left wing of their own party. Remember the open borders question in the 2019 Democratic presidential primary debates? The moderators asked all the candidates to raise their hand if they wanted to decriminalize illegal border crossings. Almost every Democratic candidate raised a hand. Joe Biden was elected and took apart the Trump-era border policies that were working, and we now have record high levels of illegal border crossings and record low levels of arrests. Polls now show that opening the southern border isn't actually popular with regular Americans, and now it looks as if the Biden administration may be walking back its radical open-border position. Most prominently, the White House has announced plans to begin reinstating Trump's successful "Remain in Mexico" policy.
Understanding the Danger America Faces From the Radical Spending Bill Democrats Want to Jam Through
- By Neil Patel
It's hard to overstate how bonkers the American left has gone. If conservatives weren't in such a state of disarray, they would be dominating American politics like never before.
President Joe Biden and leading Democrats somehow convinced themselves the 2020 election was a call to fundamentally transform America into a socialist country. They decided countries don't need borders. They decided police and other law enforcement don't deserve the backing of elected politicians. They decided the way to overcome racism is by literally dividing people by race. They have implemented policies to deter American energy production and thereby added to an energy price spike. They have implemented policies that take away incentives to work and thereby contributed to a labor shortage. They have even ignored advice from military leaders resulting in the U.S. government abandoning American citizens in a terrorist state.
The American People Are Rejecting a President Too Weak to Take On the Radicals in His Own Party
- By Neil Patel
President Joe Biden's poll numbers are tanking, especially among independent voters. The American people do not like weak leaders, and they do not like the craziness that's infiltrating their daily lives.
Biden campaigned as someone who could bring the country together. Since taking office, he's made no effort to do that. Instead, he has continually conceded to his party's far-left wing, which is growing crazier by the day. It's not clear if Biden is just too weak to take them on or if he is buying into their craziness, but either way, people are not happy. The Democrats are somehow making the Republicans seem appealing again to your average non-politically aligned voter. Given the current disarray in the Republican Party, this was a tall task. It's almost as if the two parties are competing to see who can turn off the middle more. This week, the Democrats are in the lead. Their policies are so crazy not even their allies in the dominant corporate media can succeed in selling them.
Between Afghanistan and Immigration, Have We Ever Had a Less Competent President?
- By Neil Patel
There's always press coverage about Republican mismanagement or Republicans getting into trouble governing as ideologues, but you don't hear much about the reverse. There's a lot to critique about Republicans, but for mismanagement and for blindly putting ideology above all else, President Joe Biden may be the all-time champ.
Biden campaigned as a pragmatist who could bring stability and national unification. His inaugural address was all about these themes. America needs some level of national healing more than anything else. Americans can't go on at each other's throats. The country is falling apart.
How Wall Street Still Owns Washington, Even with the Socialists in Charge
- By Neil Patel
Democrats in Washington are still pushing ahead with plans for their historically astronomical $3.5 trillion spending bill. The massive regulatory and social changes included would push America further to the left than ever before. The reconciliation spending bill, which can be passed with no Republican votes in the House or Senate, includes a ton of tax increases along with the huge new spending increases. The proposal will reportedly raise the individual income tax rates and the corporate income tax rates. According to the most recent news reporting, however, one tax policy is going to make it through the huge left-wing agenda unchanged: the so-called carried interest loophole -- special low tax rates for Wall Street money managers.
- Who's Really to Blame for Afghanistan?
- The Delta Variant Pushes a Broken Country Closer to the Edge
- The Government's Ham-Handed COVID-19 Messaging Has Hit a New Low
- What the Protests in Cuba Tell Us About the Left's Agenda for America
- Why Are Republicans Agreeing to Send Armies of IRS Agents After American Small Businesses?
Tucker Carlson currently hosts Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” (weekdays 8 p.m. ET). He joined the network in 2009 as a contributor.
“Tucker Carlson Tonight” features powerful analysis and spirited debates, with guests from across the political and cultural spectrum. Carlson brings his signature style to tackle issues largely uncovered by the media in every corner of the United States, challenging political correctness with a "Campus Craziness" segment and tackling media bias and outrage during "Twitter Storm."
Carlson co-hosted “Fox & Friends Weekend” starting in 2012, until taking on his current role at “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
While at Fox News, Carlson has provided analysis for “America's Election Headquarters” on primary and caucus nights, including in the 2016 and 2012 presidential elections, as well as the 2014 midterm election. He also produced a Fox News special, "Fighting for Our Children's Minds," in 2010.
Prior to working at Fox News, Carlson hosted “Tucker Carlson: Unfiltered” on PBS from 2004 to 2005 and “Tucker” on MSNBC from 2005 to 2008. He joined CNN in 2000 as its youngest anchor ever, co-hosting “The Spin Room” and later CNN's “Crossfire,” until its 2005 cancellation. In 2003, he wrote an autobiography about his cable news experience titled "Politicians, Partisans and Parasites: My Adventures in Cable News."
Carlson graduated with a B.A. in history from Trinity College in Connecticut.
Neil Patel
In addition to his role as publisher of The Daily Caller, Neil Patel is co-founder and managing director of Bluebird Asset Management, a hedge fund investing in mortgage-backed securities.
Before starting his two companies, Neil served in the White House from 2005 to 2009 as the chief policy adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney. From 2001 to 2004, Neil was staff secretary to Vice President Cheney. Prior to joining the Bush administration, Neil was assistant general counsel at UUNET Technologies. Earlier in his career, Neil practiced law with Dechert Price & Rhoads. He also served as Counsel to the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People’s Republic of China.
Neil received his B.A. from Trinity College in Connecticut and his J.D. from the Georgetown University Law Center, where he served as associate editor of the Journal of Law and Policy in International Business.
Neil lives in Washington, D.C., and Jackson Hole, Wyoming, with his wife, Amy, their two daughters, Caroline and Bela, and their son, Charlie.