- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Paris Mountain Hotel Developer Wants to Circumvent Greenville County’s Land Use Protection Laws
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Trump and Musk Are Right: Legal Immigrants a Boon to US Economy
- Nice hotel, but the Wrong Place and the Wrong Way of Doing Things
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- Negotiating the End and Terms of the Ukraine War
Guest Columnists
Wisdom of Man
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- By Jim S. Brooks
The media today is filled with news about competing religions and faith value systems. The general thrust is man should respect each system. Each system advances its views with the sincere convictions of convinced adherents! However, their teachings are widely divergent! What is acceptable human activity in one system is absolutely not acceptable in another. On the other hand essential “godly” worship in one is an abhorrent “ungodly” offense in another! The major religious choices are: Protestantism, Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism; or, atheism.
Let's Stop Pretending It’s Christians That are Obsessed with People’s Sex Lives
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- By Erick Erickson
When leftists pushing the sexual revolution say this, it is a classic (and annoying) case of projection.
As a Christian who believes and promotes the superiority of the Biblical sexual ethic, I’ve become quite accustomed to this silly accusation from progressive political activists: “all you evangelicals care about is homosexuality…why single out this one sin more than any other?”
Truth vs. Lies
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- By Eagle Forum
What is it about human nature that makes us more willing to believe the worst news rather than the best news? During the second week of the latest international climate change conference being held in Katowice, Poland COP24, two groups showed up with news - one group predicting a catastrophic disaster and the other with a message of hope and encouragement.
The DNC is Mad at Preachers Because the DNC Worships Abortion
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- By Erick Erickson
The DNC wouldn’t need to worry how to silence preachers preaching against evil if they would just stop promoting it.
I spend a lot of time in the pulpit. So I suppose that I more than most should find offense in the recent complaint by Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez that too many people get their information from what they hear in, “the pulpit on Sunday.” But I wasn’t offended when the Democrats booed their party for re-inserting the word “God” back into their platform in 2012. I wasn’t offended when that same group booed the opening prayer of their convention in 2016. I wasn’t offended when Barack Obama mocked those who cling to their religion. So when I learned of Perez’s comments, I admit to finding them par for the course. In fact, I see them as more curious than anything.
If Necessary, Shut Down the Government to Get the Wall
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- By Erick Erickson
It is way past time to get a real commitment
It is way past time to get a real commitment for a wall. I do not care how many Americans support or oppose the wall. The President made it a central plank of his platform, Republicans have campaigned in favor of it and pretended repeatedly to fund it, and I think it is a visible symbol of our resolve to both secure our borders and stop these ridiculous caravans that keep traveling north.
Adam and Eve: Genetic Science Confirms Bible Again (Amen)
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- By Bryan Fischer - AFA
The Bible and its account of origins is treated with utter contempt by cultural elites, those who look down their noses at the rubes and hayseeds (like me) who place great confidence in the Book.
Well, the elites better hope their peers don’t get their hands on the report about the latest in genetic science. The reason: genetic scientists are telling us now that there is powerful and virtually irrefutable scientific evidence that every human being on earth has descended from a single pair of parents. The Bible, of course, goes science one better, and even gives us the names of our original ancestors, “Adam” and “Eve.”
Dashing through the No: Explaining SCOTUS's Logic on Life
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- By Tony Perkins
For a taxpayer-funded organization, Planned Parenthood has gotten away with a lot. So three years ago, when David Daleiden stumbled on the biggest scandal of the year -- the group's baby body parts ring -- states thought they finally had the proof they needed to cut those Medicaid contracts. Eleven tried, only for some to end up in courts that couldn't decide if they had that right. Yesterday, the Supreme Court had a chance to settle the issue. It passed.
- An Open Letter & Open Report / Missed Opportunity
- This Message Changes? When The Lord Does And That Just Isn’t Going To Happen
- House-work Piles up for Pro-lifers
- POTUS Pushes Prison Reform
- Crimes of Reconstruction
- The Democrat Party is a monster of its own creation
- Lawless Cultural Values of the Democratic Party