- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Paris Mountain Hotel Developer Wants to Circumvent Greenville County’s Land Use Protection Laws
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Trump and Musk Are Right: Legal Immigrants a Boon to US Economy
- Nice hotel, but the Wrong Place and the Wrong Way of Doing Things
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- Negotiating the End and Terms of the Ukraine War
Guest Columnists
President Trump’s Best Speech Ever
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- By Erick Erickson - The Resurgent
According to a CBS News poll of President Trump’s State of the Union address, 76% of Americans liked his speech and 72% agreed with him on the immigration portion of his speech.
While there were moments the President’s speech fell flat, e.g. the partisan investigations line, and there were some awkward transitions like saying all children are born in the image of God let’s strengthen NATO (my absence of punctuation is intentional), the President really did a great job of delivering an uplifting speech. It was made more so by his careful use of guests to tell stories.
If Only the Washington Post Were As Noble and Virtuous As It Claims
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- By Erick Erickson - The Resurgent
The Washington Post spent a good chunk of change on an ad campaign that elevates reporters to something above first responders. The hubris is amazing and the arrogance takes your breath away. It is also not true.
The Washington Post has repeatedly belittled, ignored, and otherwise attacked people, organizations, and ideas based on world view, not based on facts.
'Choice' Words for Infanticide
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- By Tony Perkins
She sat in the dirty utility room, rocking him back and forth. He was tiny, barely 10 inches long when the doctors delivered him. His parents didn't want to hold him, she was told. So for 45 minutes -- the only 45 minutes he would have on earth -- Jill cradled him, watching his chest rise and fall. Surrounded by the hospital's stained sheets and trash, his body fell quiet, another victim of live-birth abortion. The last, she decided, she would ever witness.
Black Leader Day Gardner Slams Virginia Governor Ralph 'Coonman' Northam as He and Fellow Democrats Continue to Run Their 'Plantation'
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- By Day Gardner
Governor Ralph Northam refuses to step down, despite a flood of calls for his resignation for a racist and offensive photo in his medical school year book. In the photo Northam is seen wearing blackface standing along side a hooded Klan figure.
It's ironic how Dems are outraged and angry at anyone, even children, wearing a "we the people," America loving MAGA hat but are almost sympathetic when it comes to Democrat Northam standing in a blackface/Klan photo.
Nancy Pelosi's God Problem
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- By Tony Perkins - Family Research Council
Just 27 days ago, Nancy Pelosi claimed the Speaker's gavel and promised that her House would be "bipartisan and unifying." What have we seen since? House Democrats are pushing to open the floodgates of millions of taxpayer dollars to pay for elective abortions -- even as Speaker Pelosi insists that she can't offer more than a dollar to build a border wall. And then yesterday, Democrats on the Natural Resources Committee announced they would remove "so help you God" from the oath that is administered to witnesses who testify before the committee. So under the new Democratic House majority, it's "yes" to taxpayer funding for abortion, "no" to a border wall, and "no" to God.
Homosexuality - Bible Scholars and Professing Christian Churches
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- By Jim S. Brooks
The contents of this letter are addressed mainly to professing Christian Churches. Many “Christian” professing churches are leading people astray through the teachings of “Bible Scholars” and other false teachers who actually directly dispute many simply stated Biblical truths. They have many arguments, all wrong, but pleasing to a sin seeking mind! They produce inconsistencies and doubt about Biblical truths because the human mind naturally resists God’s Word and tries to justify itself with man’s word. The key to understanding the Bible is the Spirit of God, not the spirit of man. Mankind could not begin to understand the Old Testament until the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the gift of God’s Spirit made available through Him alone. Even the Apostle’s could not grasp Jesus’ teaching until Jesus’ resurrection and gift of the Holy Spirit!
Confession and Apology
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- By Erick Erickson
I have a confession and an apology, both of which I should make publicly. For the past two years, I have routinely defended the press from President Trump’s ongoing barrage of criticism. Having worked at both CNN and Fox News as well as having friends at scores of media companies, I know the good work and hard work so many reporters do to provide us with the news. We have a President who found a way out of going to Vietnam, and we have reporters who rush into war zones, risking their lives to provide accurate and truthful coverage of dangerous events.
- Empire State of Death
- Reading between the Maligns
- Transgender Military Service Is About Combat Readiness, Not Social Justice
- Civil Rights Leaders Day Gardner and Evangelist Alveda King Address Controversy Surrounding Students from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky
- Evangelist Alveda King: Today is My Birthday
- The KKK, Black Genocide and Abortion - They Are All Connected Says Day Gardner, President of National Black Pro-Life Union
- They’re Going After Your Guns, Again! What Did Your Forefathers Teach You to Do? It’s Time to Resist!