Packed parking lot at Planned Parenthood Columbia - Tuesday, November 15, 2022
The government-protected killing of human beings in the womb continues in ‘fake’ red conservative Republican South Carolina!
Mass genocide by abortion continued at Columbia, SC planned parenthood murder mill on Nov. 15 as a direct result of votes by seven (7) pro-"abortion" "republican" State Senators on Nov. 9 to table H5399 proposal which, while not establishing personhood (and therefore not truly establishing equal protection or justice), would nevertheless likely have shut down surgical/RU486 "abortions" at planned parenthood murder mills in Columbia and Charleston, and would have stopped most such "elective" "abortions" at Greenville murder mill.
- Tom Davis (BEAUFORT)
- Penry Gustafson (KERSHAW)
- Greg Hembree (HORRY)
- Shane Massey (EDGEFIELD)
- Sandy Senn (CHARLESTON)
- Katrina Shealy (LEXINGTON)
- Tom Young (AIKEN)
Child-murder by "abortion" is child-sacrifice (Proverbs 6:16,17, Leviticus 20:1-5, Luke 17:2 and Psalm 106:37-44).
These Seven Pro-Abortion “Republican” Senators Voted with 16 Democrats, 23 Y – 21 N to table (kill) Conference Committee H5399 Report which would have banned 98% of surgical/RU486 Abortions in SC. These seven effectively voted to perpetuate mass genocide by “abortion” at South Carolina’s three “child-murder” centers.