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Monday, September 16, 2024 - 12:54 AM


First Published in 1994


WASHINGTON -- Operation Rescue has enthusiastically endorsed Donald J. Trump for President.

"We recognize that during President Trump's first administration, he accomplished more to protect innocent babies from abortion than any other president in American history," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "His administration was committed to policies that reflected the sanctity of life. President Trump is a promise keeper. In fact, he went beyond his promises to protect babies from the heinous practice of abortion, and he will do so again if elected."

Newman now calls on all pro-life organizations and every American of good will that opposes abortion to unite with us behind President Trump and work tirelessly to ensure his victory on Election Day, November 5, 2024.

"President Trump has earned our support. His strong pro-life record speaks for itself. We must now work together in unity to halt the radical abortion expansion agenda of the corrupt Biden/Harris regime, which threatens to encode abortion on demand throughout all nine months of pregnancy and force it upon every state as the supreme law of the land," said Newman.

"As our forty-seventh president, Trump will collaborate with us to end the inhumane and barbaric practice of abortion."

President Trump's First Term Pro-Life Accomplishments

  1. Appointed Supreme Court Justices that overturned Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which decriminalized abortion in America – a historic decision that has so far resulted in 14 Abortion Free States.
  2. Appointed over three hundred conservative judges to the Federal Bench, which are now upholding pro-life laws.
  3. Halted international funding of abortions.
  4. Stripped Planned Parenthood of millions in Title X grants – funding that the radical Biden Administration has now restored and will continue to increase.
  5. Allowed states to withhold Medicaid money from abortion businesses.
  6. Defunded the pro-abortion United Nations Population Fund and its depopulation agenda.
  7. Defunded the pro-abortion World Health Organization.
  8. Signed the Pro-Life Geneva Consensus Declaration in 2020, establishing better health for women, protecting human life, and strengthening the family.
  9. Protected babies born alive during abortions.
  10. Stopped funding experiments with aborted baby parts.
  11. Created the Office for Conscience Protections, which provided stronger civil rights for health care workers who decline to participate in abortions.
  12. Opposed internet censorship, which has stifled pro-life viewpoints.


Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the U.S. Our goal is to expose abortion abuses, demand enforcement, save innocent lives, and build an Abortion-Free America. Click here to support Operation Rescue.