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Saturday, July 27, 2024 - 05:59 AM


First Published in 1994


GOP DIvision 227721626

As a Precinct EC of the Greenville County Republican Party, it came to my attention that First Circuit Solicitor David Pascoe, a Democrat, has been invited as a guest speaker to our next Republican business meeting on February 5, 2024, to talk about Judicial Reform.

As a member of the Greenville County community, Greenville County Republican Party, and elected Precinct EC, I understand the importance of Judicial Reform in our State.

I also understand the need for our GCRP to address the division between the party's elected officials and the division between the members of the body. Allowing Mr. Pascoe, a Democrat, to speak at our party business meeting against the rising opposition of party members is not a way to bring unity to the party.

Inviting Solicitor Mr. Pascoe, a Democrat who has known “President” Joe Biden for years and who publicly supported and endorsed him, is not only inappropriate but also an insult and a slap in the face to us Republicans. Mr. Pascoe is a Democrat who made the following statement about Joe Biden. Quote: “he is the most decent man I have met in American politics.” Democrat Solicitor David Pascoe was considered to become the US Attorney for SC under the Biden administration.

The fact that we are suffering corruption, tyranny, the lack of rights and liberties, and that our unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness have been kidnapped under President Biden, whom Mr. Pascoe supported and endorsed for President, should be enough reason not to invite Mr. Pascoe as speaker. And the fact that regular Americans are being kept hostages under the administration of “the most decent man” Mr. Pascoe has ever met makes him an ineligible speaker. All those reasons should be enough not to invite Mr. Pascoe to our business meeting. Last time I checked, we were Republicans, not Democrats.

While I understand that Mr. Pascoe is a highly, well recognized Solicitor who supports Judicial Reform, so are other highly Republican Solicitor and Legislators who not only support the Judicial Reform in South Carolina but also defend, share, and appreciate what we Republicans stand for our platform and what we represent.

If Madam Chairman wants to invite Mr. Pascoe or any other Democrat to speak to Republicans about this issue or any other matter that affects us, South Carolinians, she should do it in a separate Zoom meeting or in a separate informal meeting where EC and President's attendance is optional.

Republican business meetings conduct business on matters that affect our party; invited speakers are not business. Our February business meeting is the first meeting of the year and the most important. As stated in Rule 9C. “Annual budget shall be prepared by the officers and presented to the Executive Committee for approval no later than February 10th of every year.” Time should be provided in the meeting for discussion, clarification, and corrections of whatever other issue raises concern with the budget before approval. Also, priority should be given to old pending business that needs to be approved, new business that needs to be brought up, or any other business that affects our party as a whole. That should be the priority on the agenda, as the purpose of the business meeting is to do that business. The responsibility of the Chairman is to ensure that the party rules and the agenda are followed and that the party business meeting takes priority over external matters that can be addressed separately.

For the reasons I stated above, I openly and strongly express my objection against the decision of Madam Chairman to invite a Democrat, a supporter of Joe Biden and his “honesty,” to speak in our Republican business meeting on February 5, 2024. Also, if the Madam Chairman persists in continuing with the “agenda” of allowing Mr. Pascoe to be a speaker at our business meetings against the rising opposition, I urge that the business of the party be allowed before any speaker.