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Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 07:46 AM


First Published in 1994


Dr. Robert Malone
Dr. Robert Malone

No to Vaccine Mandates.

No to Vaccine Passports.

No to Vaccinating Healthy Children.

No to Censorship.

No to Limits on Reasonable Debate.

So say the organizers of the “Defeat the Mandates. American Homecoming” rally against the COVID-19 vax mandates that will take place in the nation’s capital on January 23.

Speaking on “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast late last month, mRNA vaccine architect Dr. Robert Malone explained the purpose of the rally,

“This is not about being anti-vaccines; it’s about being anti-mandates, and our hope is that we bring people together. People from every walk of life, every party, every religion, every ethnic background … The thing that we can agree on is personal liberty and the right of people to make their own choice.”

Dr. Malone added that he hopes the event not only encompasses the United States, but all nations around the world who wish to see vaccine mandates and passports outlawed. Freedom-loving people in Australia, the United Kingdom and elsewhere in Europe will be rallying in their countries the same day, per the doctor.

According to the rally’s website, the march will start at the Washington Monument at 11:30 AM EST and end at the Lincoln Memorial, where a “wide range of featured guests,” such as “recording artists, prominent doctors, first responders, journalists, pro athletes, and premier thought leaders will give a series of inspiring talks and musical performances.”

The full list of the speakers is yet to be announced, but the preliminary list features top medical professionals in their fields, including Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Richard Urso, as well as Children’s Health Defense Board Chair and Lead Counsel Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a famed California philanthropist, fierce advocate for early treatments and a major donor to the rally Steve Kirsch, Civil Rights and Constitutional Law Attorney Tricia Lindsey, and others.

Some 200 DC firefighters and first responders from OperationFreedomofChoice.org will also march.


The organizers include Global Covid Summit and Children’s Health Defense (CHD), the organizations that have been outspoken about the risks associated with the COVID shots, particularly in children, heavy-handed government response, and efficacy of the early treatments.
Global Covid Summit represents over 15,000 doctors and scientists around the world, who met in September to sign a Declaration calling on the decision-makers to stop preventing healthcare practitioners from prescribing effective COVID treatments to their patients that have proven to save countless lives and implying that by doing so, they commit “crimes against humanity.”  


The Summit produced another Declaration in October, warning against vaccinating children against COVID and arguing the risks associated with vaccines far outweigh the benefits. The New American has covered the story here.

The CHD, according to its website, sees the January 23 event as one of the steps in ongoing pushback against government overreach. Besides participating in the DC rally, the organization encourages “concerned citizens around the world to Show up Strong at their statehouse for the first day of the 2022 legislative session” to let the lawmakers know how many people are willing to “come together and peacefully assemble to stand against mandates.”

The CHD is especially concerned with the lawmakers in New York, California, Louisiana, Washington D.C., and others moving to advance legislation that would make COVID shots mandatory for children attending K-12 schools. “They are coming for our children and the only thing that stands in their way is We the People,” reminds the CHD’s publication, The Defender.

The January 23 event is also supported by The Unity Project headed by Dr. Malone along with Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Paul Alexander, and Dr. Aaron Kheriaty.

Steve Kirsh wrote on his Substack, “We are not marching against the COVID vaccines, we’re marching against the government forcing these vaccines onto Americans. It’s something I hope we can all agree on.”

He further explained:

  1. We don’t even know what is inside these vials and we are being forced to take it.

  2. The VAERS data shows the vaccines kill more people than they save (by 15X).

  3. The vaccines suppress your immune system making you more likely to be infected.

  4. There is no stopping condition. If 1M people are killed by the vaccines, they won’t stop them.

Speaking with The New American in December, Kirsch said that according to his calculations, the COVID shots have killed more people than they saved. That disproportion is even worse when it comes to children: for every 1 child saved from COVID, 117 will die because of the vaccine-associated adverse events.

Bret Weinstein, an evolutionary biologist, visiting fellow at Princeton University, author and a podcast host, called on his Twitter audience to “join us:” “With our Constitution, we Americans are uniquely positioned for this fight. It’s time for us to #StandUp. The [vax mandate] orders are immoral, and we will not comply,” he wrote.

Dr. Pierre Kory, a pulmonary and critical care specialist and a co-developer of effective, COVID early treatment protocols, joined with Weinstein to call on people to “march to call attention to the relentless insanity and cruelty.” “As Americans, we should be at the forefront of the fight to regain the freedoms taken from us ignorantly, fraudulently, or harmfully,” he added.

 “Resist. It’s our obligation,” posted Dr. Richard Urso.

As of January 9, over 24,000 people have signed up for the rally, according to the event’s Twitter page.


Veronika Kyrylenko, Ph.D. is a freelance writer whose work has appeared at the Western Journal, American Thinker, The Hill and other publications. GETTR: @vkyrylenko LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nkyrylenko/