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Friday, February 14, 2025 - 01:26 PM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Left to right: County Council Candidate Dr. Ben Carper, Greenville Councilman Joe Dill and his son Joel Dill, State Rep. Patrick Haddon, and State Rep. Mike Burns.
Left to right: County Council Candidate Dr. Ben Carper, Greenville Councilman Joe Dill and his son Joel Dill, State Rep. Patrick Haddon, and State Rep. Mike Burns.

On March 17, 2022, a day after the 2022 filing period opened to run for office in Greenville County, three men signed up for reelection and one signed up to run for an opening elected office.

Dr. Ben Carper from Greenville County District 23 filed to run for the County seat that Xanthene Norris has held since 1997, almost a quarter of a century. She plans not to run this coming term.

As a licensed South Carolina real estate sales agent, active in ministry as a member of Rock Springs Baptist Church in Easley, and a lifelong resident of Greenville, Dr. Carper will be an active counselor representing all constituents. Dr. Carper says he wants to, "Unify district 23 with a positive message of growth and prosperity for all district citizens."

Dr Ben Carper Conservative Quartet

Dr. Carper understands business needs as a business owner and low-income needs for thirty years in Real Estate and will represent everyone in the district. He wants to unify district 23 with a positive message of growth and prosperity for all district citizens.

Greenville County Joe Dill filed for reelection for his Greenville County Council District 17 seat that he has held for the past 23 years plus. Once elected, he will be serving his 7th term as Councilman for the Northern portion of Greenville County. He believes that all constituents have a voice in his district.

Councilor Dill currently serves as Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee. He is the Chairman of the Regional Advisory Committee and was Chairman of the Appalachian Council of Governments. He also serves on the Board of the South Carolina Association of Counties and was President of the SC Association of Counties for 2011-2012.

Joe and Joel Dill Conservative Quartet

Currently, Mr. Dill serves as the Minister of Music at Blue Ridge Baptist Church. He has spent over 30 years leading music. Joe Dill is a member of the Slater Lions Club and has served as District 32A Governor for the SC Lions for the year 2012-2013.

Prior to Dill's election to County Council, he served twelve years on the Greenville County School Board, where during his tenure, he served as Chairman. After becoming a Council member, Mr. Dill has served as a member on the Greenville County Finance Committee, the Capital Project Sales Tax Committee, the Reedy River Steering Committee, and the Greenville Parks and Recreation Committee.

Patrick Haddon Conservative Quartet

SC State Rep. Patrick Haddon filed for reelection for his State Representation of SC District 19 where he has been serving since 2019. His race for reelection is because he continues to see the problems facing South Carolina; an unfunded pension liability, last in the nation education, crumbling infrastructure, and a government system that is inefficient for small businesses. Patrick will bring fresh ideas and a strong Conservative backbone to our State Legislature to help solve the problems we face as a State.

Patrick Haddon has been in the trenches fighting for our Conservative values for years. As a party official, public official, and volunteer, Patrick has donated thousands of hours over the past 2 decades to fight for our shared conservative values. Patrick is willing and able to stand strong on the issues and inspire others to come alongside to work towards a more Conservative South Carolina.

Patrick currently serves on the SC House Agriculture, Natural Resources & Environmental Affairs Committee, as well as the Operations and Management Committee.

Mike Burns Conservative Quartet

SC State Rep. Mike Burns also filed for reelection for his State Representation of SC District 17. He wants to continue fighting on behalf of District 17 residents for a smaller and smarter state government. He is also committed to family-values legislation that strengthens the moral fabric of our state.

Mike Burns is a businessman from Travelers Rest who has represented District 17 in the S.C. House of Representatives since 2013. Burns has created five businesses during his career. He is a member, Sunday School teacher, and treasurer at Enoree Baptist Church, and is a board member for the Davis-Lar International Orphanage as well as Taylors Free Medical Clinic. He is a member of the Greater Travelers Rest Chamber of Commerce.

Burns currently serves on the SC House Agriculture, Natural Resources & Environmental Affairs Committee, as well as the Regulations and Admin. Procedures Committee.