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Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 07:54 AM


First Published in 1994


Benton Blount

First off, I have to say thank you to every person who voted for me in the primary! The outpouring of support was more than I had ever anticipated! It has been a pleasure to meet so many of you, while visiting your homes or businesses, being introduced to you in restaurants, or greeting you and your family on the Swamp Rabbit Trail. From my campaign signs being placed in your yards, to your doors opening when knocked upon, to the countless minutes you have listened to me vocalize my political views and aspirations for District 19, you have supported me, and I feel blessed beyond measure.

Due to the incredible amount of strain that Covid Mandates placed on families, the last thing I wanted to do was follow It up with a desperate plea for contributions to my campaign. So, we decided to take the road less traveled and simply work with the money that God provided, through people who were able and eager to help. Don't get me wrong, I understand the significant value of fundraising, but this seat for me is about giving to the community, not taking.


To put what you, the citizens of District 19 helped make possible, here are the compelling stats to our campaign approach, in comparison to other candidates. Up to now, our campaign spent less than 5% of the estimated $100,000 paid out by other campaigns. We had Zero fundraisers, Zero radio ads, Zero TV commercials, Zero talk show radio spots, Zero targeted politician endorsements, Zero demeaning mailouts, and Zero negative social media attacks. Despite this unconventional choice, we led Election Day with the greatest number of votes!

We didn't need a PR team because we had hundreds of people utilizing social media and their cell phones. Most campaigns generally focus on individuals such as investors, shareholders, business partners, etc., but my focus is on YOU, The People of District 19.

On Tuesday, June 28th I NEED YOUR HELP! I will be in a runoff with Chairman of County Council, Willis Meadows. If you voted for me in the Primary Election, I am asking for your time once more. If you voted for another candidate but are not happy with the direction our district is heading, I would implore you to take a moment and let me elaborate on my political views. If you are in agreeance with my beliefs, I would humbly ask that you return to your precinct and vote for me in this runoff election on June 28th.


My views are simple. I believe we live in the greatest country this world has ever seen. Our Constitution was written by men inspired by God for a government to abide by and protect the citizens’ freedoms. Just like gas prices I believe our government taxes us all too much.


FREEDOM OF SPEECH - After being kicked off a National tour with Z7 Top's, Billy Gibbons for simply wearing a MAGA hat to vote in the midterms of 2018, I quickly realized how devastating it can be when you are punished for openly supporting your political beliefs. Combine that with the constant censorship and banning I received on social media, even trying to campaign for this seat, it paints a terrifying picture of how losing our freedom to speak freely can quickly fall into a totalitarian nightmare.

2ND AMENDMENT - "Shall not be infringed." That was added for a very specific reason.



On a local level, I believe that County Council has missed an opportunity to improve the district’s quality of life.

"LET'S BUILD A BRIDGE" - This campaign slogan became the talking point of almost every candidate in District 19, which indicates that voters feel passionately about this matter. The community doesn’t need a bridge built 10 years from now on a "promise" by a housing developer. We need a multiple-source funded, well-architected, dependable, safe, and an aesthetic symbol of our commitment to making Highway 253 a smooth route for drivers as well as lifted and put on display for everyone to take notice of what a benefit and investment it would be for our District and County!

"WATER TOWERS" - As many of the mill towns around Greenville have seen recent renovations, the towers that often mark their location send a signal of an area forgotten or underappreciated. In forming a public/private initiative with the help of local artists, we could revitalize those water towers and bring the skyline to life with murals of the old mill sites which would show homage to our past and recognize the future.

"WE NEED MORE PARKS, NOT MORE APARTMENTS!" - The massive amounts of multi-tenant housing being hurled into District 19 is a major concern for our citizens. Zoning has become a crucial topic that needs to be addressed for the community. Mv opponent. Councilman Meadows recently voted in favor of hundreds of new apartments being developed in our area, indicating there is nothing that County Council can do to stop more apartment developments because properties have been zoned for these developments for decades. It is my first campaign promise that l will not vote to allow new zoning for apartments.

I will be seeking out locations where we can build new community parks.

Our roads are also of major concern. Studies have shown that our streets are not at all adequate to handle the heavy volume of traffic. From the beginning, I will ask our highway department how we can make the roads easier to traverse We taxpayers fund for maintenance and repair of roads. despite the neglected conditions of District 19's thoroughfares.

Finally, the only thing I have heard my opponent say about me personally is that I am not as qualified as he is and that l "Don't Nave takes." To that I think back on the words I first heard from my grandfather: "God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.”

David wasn't qualified to take on Goliath. He was laughed at, even as he walked in to face what most thought to be certain death. Then with a simple stone, did what those "qualified" couldn't.

Moses wasn't qualified to be a leader and couldn't speak properly. His weakness was transformed into one of the most powerful, "qualified voices the World has ever heard.

And almost 16 years ago. a man with little experience, stepped out of his comfort zone to become something that some thought he wasn't qualified for. He believed in himself, defied their claims, and became Councilman Willis Meadows. So, am I "unqualified"? Maybe! But, if I am, I would say that puts me in great company!

June 28th, I am ready to stand up for you, the citizens of District 19. I am prepared to lead this community with strength and conviction, and with everything I have. I will leave no stone unturned, and no secret locked away in Council Chambers. You truly Count Council! I would simply be the person delivering your message. Thank you for the time and consideration. If you are able to vote in the runoff election on June 28th, please consider voting for me as I hope to soon help District 19 move into a place where everyone feels that they have a voice and that it, is always heard!


P.S. Please ask friends & family to vote Tuesday, June 28th. Let's continue to make this a remarkable Grassroots Campaign.