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Sunday, September 8, 2024 - 11:49 AM


First Published in 1994


Ellen Weaver Endorsement

Eagle Forum PAC is honored to endorse Ellen Weaver for South Carolina Superintendent of Education and urges all South Carolinians to vote for Weaver on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, in the primary run-off election.

Ellen Weaver has been an advocate for stronger families in South Carolina for years. After working alongside Eagle Forum ally Senator Jim DeMint, Ellen Weaver was inspired to do more for the state. Together, they launched the Palmetto Promise Institute to advocate for conservative policies that result in less government encroachment on the American people. Almost a decade later, she decided to take those principles to the highest education office in the state of South Carolina. Ms. Weaver will work hard to bring the changes necessary for South Carolina’s children by listening to parents and focusing on literacy and phonics.

Eagle Forum PAC opposes the left’s aggressive push for dangerous and fabricated curriculums in public schools such as critical race theory and gender ideology. Parents across the nation are speaking out against political indoctrination in the classroom. Teachers’ unions have only served to work against parents. Ms. Weaver’s opponent is the Palmento State Teachers Association executive director and past president Kathy Maness. Not only has Mrs. Maness been praised by high-ranking Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris, but she voted to mask our kids and keep them out of the classroom. In order for South Carolina students to have the education they deserve, South Carolinians must show up at the polls and elect Ellen Weaver.

“After seeing the left’s radical indoctrination of our children in public schools, it’s time to elect officials who are willing to protect students from this type of brainwashing,” Eagle Forum President Kris Ullman stated. “Ellen Weaver is the clear choice to elevate parents’ rights and pave a way for students to be successful.”