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Saturday, July 27, 2024 - 05:44 AM


First Published in 1994


MegaVoice Audio Bibles Lead Cutting Edge

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- MegaVoice was recently featured in FaithTech's Missional Tech Trends Report. Emerging technologies are transforming how the Church advances the Gospel, and this report affirms the innovative work MegaVoice does in the digital space.

There are numerous ways to get the Gospel message out to people, whether through video, audio, or text. Each approach shapes the Gospel message in different ways, with risks and benefits in every case. From livestreaming to hotspot broadcasting, from peer-to-peer file-sharing to physical distribution, Christians must understand how these systems will impact the communities they serve so they can spread the Gospel in a form and format that advances God's mission.

FaithTech's founder James Kelly says, "The organizations we featured in Missional Tech Trends are true pioneers. They are carving new paths that will benefit the many early adopters who come after them.

MegaVoice solar-powered audio and video Bibles carry Scripture audio, discipleship resources, and evangelical films to the most remote areas on earth. Tom Meiner, COO of The Jesus Film Project, says, "Without MegaVoice audio, and now also video players, we wouldn't be able to give millions the opportunity to hear and see Jesus speak their language."

MegaVoice is proud to help people engage with God through solar-powered Bibles, and they're grateful for the supporters who have caught the vision with them.

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange an interview with MegaVoice CEO Charlies Cibene or MegaVoice Chief Partnership Officer Darrel Templeton.

About MegaVoice:Millions around the world still don't have access to a Bible they can engage with because of language barriers, physical disabilities, or limited literacy. We create access solutions for these unique contexts. Through solar-powered audio and video Bibles and our massive content library, we equip our Partners to show up for the people they serve. Whether you're a missionary working in the Amazon rainforest or an advocate for the homeless in New Orleans, MegaVoice can help you reach the least of us.

Click here to learn more about MegaVoice!

About FaithTech:FaithTech empowers Christian technologists to innovate for the Church, for the marginalized, and for the spread of the Gospel. Learn more at FaithTech.com.


SOURCE MegaVoice