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Monday, February 17, 2025 - 05:53 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


You aint Democrat
Words of warning right from the Serpent's mouth!

Now why would I accuse our “old time” Democrat Party of being an enemy of our freedoms and our Constitution?  Am I being unfair?  Judgmental? Un-American?  Or am I being TRUTHFUL?  Let’s delve into the somewhat sordid and tarnished history of that “D” party and examine its record since its founding in the late 1820’s, when it supported Andrew Jackson for  President . 

Isn’t this the sameold Democrat Party of our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers?  Yes, pretty much.  Isn’t this the same Democrat Party that fought AGAINST women’s right to vote from 1878 through 1919, and even opposed the Women’s SuffrageAmendment (19th Amendment)  in 1920 until “Kaiser WoodrowWilson”, as he was mockingly called by most Americans of that time--the racist Democrat POTUS-- finally saw the handwriting on the wall and decided to bow to Republican pressure and endorse women’s suffrage?  Yes, it is the same anti-constitution Democrat Party. 


Isn’t this the same Democrat Party that was responsible for giving us the totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid (all three of which are popular programs but which are essentially bankrupt or soon will be, courtesy of profligate federal spending by mostly Washington Democrats), multiple “civil rights” laws that did and still do more harm than good to our black minority, the (un)Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), and a huge “Imperial” federal government?   Yep. That’s the one.

Isn’t this the same Democrat Party that gave us  the personal (unconstitutional) income tax back in 1913, and  the privately owned and “boom & bust” economy-causing, and the perpetual DELIBERATE INFLATION  causing, Federal Reserve System (which is NOT Federal and has NO reserves), also in 1913, that destroyed the constitutionally mandated gold and silver precious metal backing for our currency (thus assuring endless and PLANNED inflation)? And that STOLE all of the gold held by Americans in the 1930’s by forcing them to sell it to “the government” for a low price, after which that same government resold the gold at a much higher price?  Uh huh! That’s the oneThat was the Democrat Party!

Didn’t the same Democrat party contribute to the crippling of the concept of “federalism” bequeathed to us by our Forefathers by pushing through the 17th Amendment, thereby denying our state legislators their previous constitutionally mandated right to select U.S. Senators? Yes, it did.  Hasn’t the same Democrat Party given us  ever-increasing budget deficits and endless wars?  It sure has (often with “RINO” help).   Didn’t that same Democrat Party push to entangle our nation in the surreptitious scheme to merge us into a ‘world government’—a “new world order”—by involving us in the anti-American, Marxist dominated (then and now) United Nations Organization in 1945? It sure did.  Isn’t it the same Democrat Party that prolonged the evil institution of human chattel slavery back in the 19th century, and that passed multiple “JIM CROW LAWS” from the late 1860’s until the 1960’s, which restricted the freedoms of our black fellow citizens and kept them on “the Federal Plantation” virtually to this very day?  Indeed, it surely is the same despicable Democrat party! 

Unfortunately, it’s the SAME  Marxist/socialist/collectivist ANTI-AMERICAN Democrat party (or DEMONCRAT PARTY—or Klan of New Bolsheviks--as I now call it) that has despised our constitutional republic almost from the time that party was founded back in the late 1820’s!  These truths may “offend” the tender sensibilities of some of you, but as the old saying goes:  The Truth Hurts!  You’ll get NO apologies from me, especially if you support that Klan of New Bolsheviks! (If you do, then SHAME on you.)

Now, to be fair, that party of compromisers, political cowards, Neo-Cons and “RINOS” (that I resigned from several decades ago)—the possibly terminally ill Republican Party—aided and abetted the Democrats in many if not most of these “accomplishments” of the past, because the “R” party long ago decided that it was better to be the “Democrat-Lite” party—one “wing” of that “bird of prey vulture” that we now call “The Uniparty”,  rather than standing firm on the constitutional principles of our Founders, and it has done an admirable job doing that ever since its founding by a group of Marxists and socialists in Ripon, New York on March 20, 1854.

Let me restate:  this IS the same Democrat Party that has been around since the early 19th century—the same Democrat party that perpetuated the evil institution of human chattel slavery far beyond the time when it should have been dismantled This is the same Democrat Party that fostered the freedom and dignity destroying “Jim  Crow laws” that kept our black minorities as second-class citizens for a century or more.  Yep, it’s the same big government Democrat party now as then, and far too many of our minority citizens are still controlled by the “modern” versions of Jim Crow laws, i.e. endless federal welfare programs and endless lies that keep them on the “federal plantation” their entire lives and that have virtually destroyed most minority families, for years openly restricting them only to ‘certain neighborhoods” and forbidding  them to use all of the infrastructure and benefits of a “civilized” white culture, and REWARDING single minority women for having children out of wedlock. Yes, we have the disreputable Democrat Party to thank for these horrors!

Again, we all must acknowledge that yes, it’s the same Democrat party today that kept minorities “in their place” from the period of Reconstruction up until the 1960’s, when the Republican Party discovered a small amount of ‘backbone’ and stood up to the party of the modern Ku Klux Klan and the real “white supremacists”, the senior leaders of Congress who had “D’s” (and probably some with “R’s”)  after their names. 

And it’s STILL the same Democrat Party, supposedly under the “leadership” of that senile Marxist, Comrade Joe Biden (but in truth STILL under the direction of that America-hating former illegal President, Barack Obama), that is destroying the SOVEREIGNTY of our nation by allowing the unchecked culture threatening and surreptitious  MILITARY/TERRORIST invasion over our totally open borders of millions of ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS, many of whom are carrying potentially deadly diseases, most of whom can’t speak English and are basically uneducated or minimally educated, and NONE of whom understand the concept of living in a Constitutional Republic of laws, ALL of who demand that WE, the citizens and government of the U.S. provide for ALL of their needs, and having within their “caravans” and their invading hordes large numbers of minor children without adults accompanying them—children which without any doubt are being sold into sexual slavery or forced into illegal, under-age work.  Included in these hordes of undesirables are drug smugglers who are bringing their death poisons into our people, future terrorists from all of the America-hating cesspool nations of Earth who are setting up terrorist cells within our country, awaiting their orders to begin their campaigns of terror and destruction.  And ALL OF THIS COURTESTY OF THE DESPICABLE DEMOCRAT PARTY and its very wealthy and powerful financial masters.

No Further Comments Are Needed
No Further Comments Are Needed!

Well then, you ask, didn’t the Democrat Party produce many notable and “great” presidents of the U.S.?  I’m not certain whether the word ‘great’ can be associated with any former Democrat presidents, (and precious few Republican ones).  “Infamous” or “lackluster” or “treacherous” may describe them more accurately.  A case in point is Democrat President Andrew Jackson, a man with a “checkered reputation” who became a national hero as a result of his victory over the English military at the 1815 Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812 (a war that had already been concluded before that battle).  He remains ‘heroic’ in the minds of many Americans today, but there are aspects of his life that would cloud his reputation were they well known in our time. 

Jackson, like many others of his day, was engaged in the disgusting slave trade, even transporting slaves illegally across Indian land in Tennessee at one time.  Jackson had a well-known low opinion of Indians as well as black slaves.  He also had the reputation for a fierce temper, and any friends who offered him any advice contrary to his opinion were treated instantly as enemies! Jackson had a reputation as a bellicose man who did his best to make certain that all “good Indians” were dead Indians, or at least run off of their land and banished to the hell of “Indian Territory” out west in what is now Oklahoma.  He was accused more than once of being an adulterer, but this was probably untrue.   He surely was a man determined to have his own way.

A series of Democrat incompetents followed the Jackson years.  Martin Van Buren (1837-1841); James Polk (1845-1849) and Franklin Pierce (1853-1857), the latter two of whom had been involved in the Young America” communist movement so active in the 19th century.  Two of the most notorious and anti-constitutional Democrat presidents of the first half of the 20th century were Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) and Franklin Roosevelt (1933-1945), both of who were not-so-secretly involved in the pro-Marxist/collectivist machinations of their times.  Democrat President Woodrow Wilson was a notorious racist who despised black people and hated the U.S. Constitution, who saddled the nation with the (at that time) unconstitutional individual income tax amendment (16th   Amendment) and the sinister Globalist-inspired Federal Reserve Banking System.  He also encouraged the birth of the anti-American sovereignty, pro-“New World Order” Council on Foreign Relations, headquartered in New York City, and became a member.

Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt, as we know, was a big-spending socialist who flooded our government with communists. He was a philandering adulterer, a lover of big government, a conniver and an Anglophile who, in order to get us involved in WW11 in support of England,  did all he could to antagonize the Japanese government of the time into attacking the U.S. at Pearl Harbor, an attack he knew was coming but purposely failed to warn our military about it.  He was also a strong supporter, and member of, the treacherous Council on Foreign Relations, known as “the nerve center” of the anti-American sovereignty movement since its founding in 1921,

Democrat President Harry Truman (1945-1953) was a feisty former member of The Ku Klux Klan (in the 1920’s and perhaps later) who seemed popular because of his battles with “big business”.  He is remembered also for allowing many communists within his administration, and for firing the great military hero, 5-Star General of the Army, Douglas MacArthur, who actually wanted to win the Korean War, but was forbidden by Truman and his fellow conspirators to do so.

Little positive can be said of the following Democrat presidents:  Democrat President John Kennedy (1961-1963), a serial adulterer and member of the anti-American sovereignty group, The Council on Foreign Relations, who betrayed the Cuban Freedom fighters by reneging on his word to support their invasion landing at the Bay of Pigs, deciding at the last moment to withdraw American air power which would have undoubtedly made all the difference and which would have resulted in freeing Cuba from decades of dictatorial rule by the brutal communist, Fidel Castro. (I recall that day, April 17, 1961 well, and like many Americans then, I was terribly disappointed that “our” president had let down the Cuban people in their quest to throw off the yoke of Castro’s dictatorship.)  While his attack against the devious and un-constitutional Central Intelligence Agency and his warnings about the machinations of “internationalists” in the U.S. government were admirable, overall he was just another big spending Democrat.

Then there was Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969), another philandering adulterer and big government, big spending autocrat, who “discovered” how to get dead people to vote for him, and who got us entangled for years in his no-win Vietnam War. Democrat President Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) was an ex-Navy officer and an incompetent POTUS who did his best to grow government. He gave away our Panama Canal, which China basically controls today. Carter was a member of two subversive organizations—the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, the later of which he had been personally selected for membership in by Zbigniew Brzezinski (also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations) in 1976. (Brzezinski’s daughter, Mika, is married to “Morning Joe” Scarborough, and they have an almost “unwatched” morning TV show on one of the leftist alphabet channels—the Communist News Network).

Who can forget Democrat President Bill Clinton (1993-2001), a serial philanderer, an adulterer, a woman-beater and rapist, a long time member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and along with his wife, Hilary, one of the top “Deep State” players of our time?  And who can forget (although we’d like to) the probably illegal Democrat President Barack Obama (2009-2017) (yes—I still believe he was born in Kenya, thus making him Constitutionally ineligible to be a U. S. President).  Obama believed it was his job to “fundamentally transform the United States”, and he did his best over eight years to do so.  During his tenure, government grew ever-larger, more powerful, and much closer to national bankruptcy.  Race relations deteriorated significantly, American jobs and industries disappeared overseas, mainly to one of our major adversaries, communist China, the bureaucracy grew exponentially, and huge budget deficits became the norm.  Obama, of course, rose from a virtual pauper to a multi-millionaire during and after his two terms.  Most intelligent citizens know that America-hating Comrade Obama and his supporters and behind-the-curtain “handlers” are still the governing power behind the current pathetic Senile Comrade Biden Administration—and that Obama has always been the one who “pulls” Biden’s “strings”.

Now I’m not suggesting that Democrats have contributed to the degradation of our Constitutional Republic without HELP from the party of compromise, the     “TIMID & COWARDLY RINO PARTY”.  Many Republican presidents and recent Republicans in high office are now, or were during their time in power, members of the treasonous Council on Foreign Relations, e.g Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and George H. W. Bush, V.P. Dick Cheny, for example.  Democrats have no monopoly on stabbing our constitutional republic in its back. 

And that leads us directly to the shady and sleazy (and MARXIST) Democrat pseudo-President “Crooked” Joe Biden and his Administration of Merry Marxists and total incompetents, led (?) by a totally corrupt and mentally challenged far left wing senior citizen as our POTUS and an ambitious and ruthless socialist former prosecutor and U.S. Senator (Kamala Harris) as our “moon bat” V.P. (and who is scheming to be POTUS in the near future), both of whom are going to try their best to complete Comrade Obama’s goal of “fundamentally transforming America” into a far leftist, socialist/collectivist tyranny where what “they” say is law, and where resistance results in the heavy fist of retribution coming down on one.

And yes, this is the SAME Democrat Joe Biden who once upon a time was against allowing undocumented, ILLEGAL aliens into our nation, but who NOW preaches to all of our nation that we should be pleased that “white folks are now the minority” in the U.S., that this is “a good thing” and “the source of our strength”, and that he assures the rest of the world who want to emigrate here (and are increasingly doing so with Comrade Biden’s encouragement—INCLUDING perhaps a million of the extremely dangerous and fanatical and virulently anti-American Palestinian “refugees”-- that they will be welcome, with almost no questions asked and generous welfare assistance provided, and that this will last for the foreseeable future if Americans are sufficiently STUPID and re-elect this senile Marxist. 

Unfortunately, this is the SAME Joe Biden Democrat administration that is now begging hordes of mongrel and desperate and DANGEROUS illegal alien invaders (that President Trump refused to allow into our nation, insisting that they stay in Mexico or other Hispanic countries until they had a legal hearing on their asylum applications), to come among our often out-of-work citizens, all expenses paid, free cell phones and free credit cards provided to them, free hotels and meals and plane flights to wherever they choose to go, NO tests for disease administered to them, and released helter-skelter (INCLUDING identified terrorists on federal watch lists)  into our population to await their “hearings” years in the future, to which the vast majority will never show up.  I’m prompted to ask:  WHOSE SIDE IS JOE BIDEN ON?  Obviously he’s NOT on the side of law-abiding and increasingly concerned Americans! (I think that most Americans with functioning brains know what “side” Comrade Biden is on!)

Sadly, this is the SAME corrupt, and Democrat Joe Biden Administration (along with many sleazy and equally corrupt Demoncrat mayors and governors in increasingly dysfunctional “no bail—criminals get out of jail” blue states or cities), that is now releasing convicted criminals and criminal aliens OUT of prison or out of “Immigration & Customs Enforcement” custody and onto the streets and neighborhoods of our towns and cities where they can prey on law-abiding citizens.  (And have already done so on multiple occasions).  Undoubtedly our “American” criminals will join hands with the invading illegal alien criminal scum and lend their “expertise” to the rapidly increasing horde of future terrorists, criminals, drug cartels, human traffickers, etc. which are making up the ranks of the ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS coming among us from the hellholes and cesspool nations of the world—coming probably to our—to YOUR—neighborhoods!

Over most of the years of its existence, the Democrat Party—what has in recent years morphed into what I now call ‘The Klan of New Bolsheviks—has usually always advocated and passed laws that take from one group of taxpayers to give to some other group of taxpayers (or non-taxpayers in many cases today), and always in the name of providing some “urgently needed” service or benefit to certain targeted segments of our society.  Unfortunately,  its “red-headed stepchild”, the “REPUBLICRAT” Party, has long had a history of advocating and passing laws that have destroyed the constitutional power of Congress to maintain the independence (the sovereignty) of the American nation, compromising all too often with the Democrats, and along with that Klan of New Bolsheviks Party, pass “pacts” or “treaties” that are sold as “free trade agreements” but which, in reality, are regional government treaties that have little to do with ‘trade’ but that operate under the auspices of the United Nations Organization, tying the U.S. and other nations together by economically integrating them. (A case in point is the recently passed USMCA Trade Agreement, so UNWISELY favored by ex-President Trump).  In that respect, BOTH of our existing political parties are the ENEMIES of our Constitutional Republic!  The Democrat “Klan of New Bolsheviks” has just had a much longer time in which to perfect its TREASON against the U.S. Constitution and to brainwash a significant segment of the American populace!

There is a long history of Democrat politicians and leftist groups whose seeking after power is actually a war against the U.S. Constitution!  In the past this ‘war’ has been so intense that it has blatantly advocated and publically flaunted plans to scrap the Constitution of our Founders and replace it with a new, Marxist-oriented form of government.  For example, even as far back as 1854 William Lloyd Garrison, the well known newspaperman and a radical abolitionist and Marxist sympathizer, openly burned a copy of the U.S. Constitution on a Boston street.  Garrison’s goal at that time was to destroy our Constitution—all in the name of ‘abolishing slavery’.  But he wanted that venerable document to be gone completely, not merely amended.  His political “descendants” are striving for the same thing!

Today, “our” Federal Government is not-so-slowly morphing into a totalitarian entity that is striving to end the American people’s loyalty to constitutional principles and respect for the Republican system of government our Founders mandated for us, and is demanding loyalty to IT—particularly to the Democrat Party/collectivist portion of IT that quite obviously has been captured by the far left communist/socialist/ wing of the federal bloated monstrosity, or what I accurately refer to as The Klan of New Bolsheviks, i.e the DEMONCRAT PARTY.  If we’re not vigilant right NOW, the “new” Bolsheviks will be just as dangerous, or more so, than the “old” Bolsheviks in Russia were, hordes of whom migrated to the U.S. before and after the Russian Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 to begin the process of injecting their particular brand of Marxist infestation into our body politic, aided and assisted by treasonous so-called “Americans” in the federal government and throughout our society, notably wealthy bankers and industrialists.

They and their fellow travellers and their political descendants have been far more successful in inducing their collectivist poison into our nation than most of us realize.  They are now seeing the victory of their centuries-long war against God and family and freedom getting closer and closer, and they can “taste” success.  We, the Christians, Jews, and Patriots of the U.S.  can’t allow that to happen!  If we do, we’ll deserve all of the misery, violence, loss of our liberties, and even worse that will surely come our way!  And if these warnings disturb you----GOOD!  I HOPE THAT THEY DO!




A native of Cleveland, Ohio W. H. (Bill) Lamb was graduated from Cleveland State University (Ohio) in 1960, and relocated to South Carolina in 1964.  For many years he was an Industrial Engineer, Chief Industrial Engineer, and plant manager in the steel, electronics, and apparel industries in Ohio, South Carolina, and Alabama. 

An avid and long time writer concentrating on political and cultural issues of concern to America’s Christian Patriot community, he was published in the Lancaster, S.C. “News” during the mid-to-late 1960’s and in Greenville’s “The Times Examiner” since 1999.   The late Christian Patriot, Col. Bobby Dill, was his first editor for The Times Examiner, the publication he always refers to as “a great journal of truth”.

Married to Barbara for 65 years, he has two adult kids, five grandkids, and six great grandkids, plus a “feisty and opinionated” 80 lb. Pit Lab named Hayley, who runs the entire house.

A long time member, with Barbara, of the patriotic John Birch Society, he believes that it is the duty of ALL Christians to first, share the love of his Savior, Jesus, with others, and then to be dedicated patriots and do everything possible to both resist the evil of collectivism that is smothering Western Civilization and educate and motivate his fellow Americans in the preservation of our unique Constitutional Republic.