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Thursday, January 16, 2025 - 07:23 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994



The Greenville County  Republican Party Executive Committee passed a “Refugee Resettlement Resolution” proposed by Dean Allen at their Monday meeting.

The Resolution stated that: “The Greenville County Republican Party respectfully calls upon Governor Nikki Haley to immediately suspend the further resettlement of refugees in South Carolina “ until certain specified conditions are met.

1. SLED investigates the impact of similar refugee resettlement programs in Tennessee and surrounding states on local law enforcement, and is able to certify to the Governor the proposed refugee resettlement program will not have an adverse impact on law enforcement in South Carolina, and will not require any additional funding for law enforcement.

2. DSS investigates the impact of the refugee resettlement program and certifies to the South Carolina General Assembly, the proposed refugee resettlement program will not have any negative impact on the provision of services to the current residents of South Carolina at the existing levels, and the refugee resettlement program will not cause any requirement to increase the DSS budget.

3. DEHAC investigates similar refugee resettlement programs in surrounding states and certifies to the General Assembly there is no likelihood of any negative impact on our environment, or to the health and welfare of the people of South Carolina; and there will be no need to increase the budget of DEHAC as a result of the refugee resettlement program.

4. The South Carolina Department of Labor is able to fully investigate the proposed refugee resettlement program and can certify to the governor the program will not adversely impact employment opportunities for current South Carolina Residents, particularly our youth and minorities.

5. The South Carolina Department of Education fully investigates the refugee resettlement program and the State Board of Education is able to certify to the Governor the refugee resettlement program will not have any adverse impact on education in South Carolina and local school districts will not need additional financial resources as a result of the proposed refugee resettlement program.

6. The federal Department of Homeland Security is able to certify to SLED that each refugee allowed to enter South Carolina, has been subjected to a thorough background check similar to the federal form e86 used to screen applicants for employment with DHS, and DHS has been able to determine none of the refugees pose any national security threat.

7. Each South Carolina State Senator holds Town Hall meetings in his or her district, at times and places convenient to the public, in order to determine there is not substantial public opposition to the refugee resettlement program in the communities they represent.