- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- SC Upstate Political Leader’s Repeated Use of Lawfare Backfires
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- “Who Do Men Say I Am? Who Do YOU Say I Am?”
- Lighting the Syrian Fuse
Jim Lee Campaigns for State Senate
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- By Henry Pickard
Jim Lee and his wife of 31 years, Laurie, bustled into the room, prepared and ready to campaign. It was pretty obvious that the retired USAF MSgt was not at his first rodeo. He smiled and greeted those nearby, only after making sure Laurie had her campaign station up. Shirts, stickers, volunteer forms and email contact list all there and ready. She had it all under control (like always), and Jim could relax.
Sheriff Loftis To Seek Re-Election
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- By Press Release
Steve Loftis will seek a third four-year term as Greenville County Sheriff.
“Today, Greenville County is a safer place to live, work and raise a family. The time it takes for us to respond to a priority call has been cut in half. Violent crime is down by more than 10% and robberies, auto thefts and burglaries are all down as well. Last year, we seized more than 500 pounds of drugs worth more than $4 million. We led the state in DUI arrests last year, which helped reduce the number of traffic-related fatalities.
Scouting for Food Campaign
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- By Henry Pickard
The number of young boys from Boy Scout Troop 107 in Taylors, SC, just about matched the number of degrees the thermometer registered. It was in the low 20s Sunday morning and the pavement in front of Taylors First Baptist Church were cold and unforgiving. But the boys were there, in full uniform, and smiling! It was the second part of Scouting for Food Campaign, an annual event by Scout Troops around the country that provides a collection of non-perishable food stuffs for distribution to families in need. The Scouts met church-goers as they made their way to the building with plastic and paper bags holding food. They were all smiles as the Scouts approached them, and cheerfully asked, “May I take that for you sir or ma’am?” It was genuine American generosity with a helping “Doing a Good Deed” on the side.
RNC Passes Resolution Exposing Dangers of UN Agenda 21
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Rejects Destructive Strategies of “Sustainable Development”
The Republican National Committee unanimously passed a resolution exposing the dangers of UN Agenda 21 and the destructive sustainable development strategies. The Resolution was passed during the January 13, 2012, meeting of the RNC.
The RNC Resolution exposes the dangerous intent of UN Agenda 21 and resolves that “the U. S. Government and no state or local government is legally bound by the United Nations Agenda 21 treaty in that it has never been endorsed by the U. S. Senate.”
Tyrants Thrive on Ignorance, Stupidity
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Former presidential candidate Herman Cain speaking at CPAC this weekend once again said: “stupid and ignorant people are destroying America.”
Some people vote for presidential candidates because of their looks, personality, charisma, peer pressure, intimidation, bribery or race. They are stupid. It is a waste of time to attempt to convert them to accept truth. They are void of a capacity or desire to know the importance of truth. They have a herd mentality and can be persuaded to trade their freedom for promises by slick-tongued community organizers.
FOX Dropping Judge Napolitano Show
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
of Glenn Beck, Freedom Watch is the hardest hitting conservative program dealing with public affairs and the federal government.
WND Editor Joseph Farah described the program as “uncompromisingly conservative” and maybe “the only show on TV that measured politics and economics through the lens of the U. S. Constitution.”
Blue Ridge Students Attend Council Meeting
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Mrs. Wood’s Government students from Blue Ridge High School attended the February 6th meeting of Greenville County Council at County Square. District 17 Councilman Joe Dill presented each student a commemorative Greenville County lapel pin.
Family and Friends Remember Hero
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- By Henry Pickard
There were stars out at Furman University today, so many you could hardly count them all. White ones on a field of blue, blue ones on a field of white, and gold ones. These were not stars of stage or screen, nor were they TV reality show stars, they were just ordinary people wearing badges of honor. Many of those stars hid deep scars of pain, loss and anguish. Many were proudly displayed as a sign of those who are currently serving. And everywhere you looked; there in plain view were the Stars and Stripes, the symbol of our country that proudly waved today.
Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals”
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
President Barack Obama is a dedicated disciple of Saul Alinsky and is skilled in the tactics of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.
Let us not forget that Alinsky dedicated his book of rules to Lucifer, “the first radical known to man.” The book describes Obama’s purpose and tactics. This is Obama. The words to follow are those of Alinsky.
In this book we are concerned with how to create mass organizations to seize power and give it to the people; to realize the democratic dream of equality, justice, peace... “Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.” This means revolution. P.3
Freedom Works School Choice Night Packs House
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- By Henry Pickard
Spartanburg, SC – 2 February 2012
David Spielman, who travelled to South Carolina from Washington, DC, to stay here in the School choice effort as Campaign Coordinator was busy tonight. He and the Southeast Coordinator for Freedom Works, Allen Page, expected a crowd to hear former US House Majority Leader Dick Armey. Their plan and effort paid off. The Cleveland Park pavilion in Spartanburg was standing-room only! Parents, educators, fact-finders and many local, State elected officials as well as many candidates for office gathered this evening for a School Choice event. Freedom Works is a nationwide non-profit organization built on the principles of, “Lower taxes, less government, more freedom.” Freedom Works with over 1.5 million across the US, 20,000 of which are here in South Carolina, were here to promote awareness and support for the South Carolina School Choice Bill H.4576. David Spielman spoke to the audience to open the event and said, “I came down here to get this bill passed, and I will stay ’till it is done!”
CWP Classes Overflowing as Firearm, Ammo Sales Increase
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Uncertainty, Fear of Criminal and Gang Activity Spur Self-Defense Training
The six o’clock news is saturated with gruesome stories of murders, home invasions, rape of young women, car-jackings, robberies and scams designed to take advantage of vulnerable senior citizens living alone.
The liberal media and school officials are mostly silent on the fact that no less than 135 gangs, including some of the most dangerous in the world are operating in the upstate cities of Spartanburg, Greenville and Anderson, but informed citizens know the danger and are very concerned.
Greenville County Republicans Call for Holder Impeachment
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Executive Committee Unanimously Approved Strongly Worded Resolution Addressed to Fourth District Congressman Trey Gowdy and House Leadership
The Greenville County, South Carolina Republican Party Executive Committee unanimously passed a resolution Monday night directing Fourth District Congressman Trey Gowdy to present the resolution to the U. S. House leadership directing the leadership to “immediately begin proceedings to impeach Eric Holder and all other involved parties.”
The Committee directed Rep. Gowdy to report the response of the House leadership to the committee.
The resolution contained ten facts to justify the impeachment action. ”That probable cause exists to not only criminally indict US Attorney General Eric Holder but to impeach him.
Greenville County Disabilities and Special Needs Shakeup
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Executive Director Replaced after Closed Door Meeting of Board
The Greenville County Disabilities and Special Needs Agency Executive Director has been replaced following an Executive Session of the Board of Directors and a very brief public vote without discussion, according to attendees present at the public meeting. Three members of Greenville County Council were outside the door and entered the board room with others as soon as the door was opened, but heard nothing other than a motion to adjourn.
Saul Alinsky, Cloward-Piven and the Delphi Technique
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
It was Herman Cain who said, in effect, that the United States has bad government because a large segment of the voting public is ignorant or stupid. Herman is correct in general terms, however, avoiding ignorance and stupidity in today’s deceptive world requires work and it requires more than government school education and degrees from liberal universities. It requires independent study. Remember the slogan: “Inquiring minds want to know?”
In the year 2012, the American people are facing some of the same problems faced by the German people in the 1930s. The Germans and others were successfully deceived and disaster of historic proportions followed.
Pickin' and Grinnin'
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- By Terry M. Thacker
Gatlinburg, Tennessee, and the surrounding region has plenty for the tourist to see and do. In addition to the three attractions I told you about last week, the Guinness World Records Museum, Ripley's Believe It or Not Odditorium and Ripley's Aquarium, there is Cades Cove, which I wrote about two weeks ago.
There is also a plethora of other attractions designed to grab the tourist dollar, including the Dollywood Amusement Park in nearby Pigeon Forge. And, of course, Gatlinburg is nestled at the foot of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which has a wealth of activities in store for the outdoor enthusiast.
However, on the second full day of my trip last August to Gatlinburg, I was able to break free from the allure of the town and took a side trip several miles north to see some other sites.
JB Kershaw UDC Chapter Hosts Annual Lee-Jackson Luncheon
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- By Jennifer Sawyer
The Joseph Brevard Kershaw Chapter #205 of the United Daughters of the Confederacy held their annual Lee-Jackson Luncheon with a fashion show on Saturday, January 21 at 12 noon in Hunter Hall of the First Presbyterian Church of Laurens. This is the fourth year of the luncheon and, having grown each and every year, the chapter had to continue to move the location for the luncheon.
The chapter members had held the event in the Simpsonville/Mauldin area for a couple of years in an effort to draw ladies from the Greenville area. Finally, after crowded conditions last year at the 2011 event, the chapter decided to bring the event home to Laurens. Everyone was extremely pleased with the location of the event in Laurens. Perhaps a few people did not attend due to the change in location, but most people did not seem to mind, particularly since the venue was so much roomier for the event.
Haley: “Biggest Bureaucratic Mess I Have Ever Seen”
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
“Five People Control Hundreds of Things You Should Know About, and Don’t”
Governor Nikki Haley spoke at the Greenville County Republican Women’s Club luncheon, Thursday, and answered a series of challenging questions, including an explanation of why she endorsed and campaigned for Gov. Mitt Romney for president in the South Carolina primary.
The Governor gave a humorous overview of her turbulent experiences as a member of the State House, her campaign for governor and first year as chief executive of the Palmetto State.
National United Daughters Leader Joins Sons to Honor Generals
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Sixteenth Regiment, Sons of Confederate Veterans was honored with the presence of Mrs. Martha Van Schaick, President General of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, above center, at their Annual Lee-Jackson Banquet. From left to right, the President General is accompanied by Dr. Julia Barnes, Piedmont District Director, UDC; Mrs. Pam Evans, 3rd Vice President, Winnie Davis # 442; Mrs Eloise Verdin, SC UDC Division President; and Pam Durham, Treasurer, Winnie Davis # 442.
Ann Coulter May Be Helping Gingrich by Attacking South Carolina
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- By Tony Beam
Let me begin by putting my cards on the table. I adore Ann Coulter. After all, what’s not to love? She is beautiful, smart, funny, and conservative. She is always right about the left and she is usually right about the right. But her analysis of why Gingrich won South Carolina is not only wrong, it’s wrong to the point of placing her firmly in camp of those who are actually helping fuel the Newt surge.
On Sunday’s edition of “Fox and Friends” Coulter opened her diatribe against South Carolina by saying, “Apparently, South Carolina would rather have the emotional security of a snotty remark toward the president than to beat Obama in the fall.” She followed by accusing the “tea party crowd” of loving the name calling while ignoring Gingrich’s past. She ended with a flourish saying, “With Gingrich you throw out the baby and keep the bath water!”
Truth Will Set Us Free
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
While most South Carolinians were watching the election returns on television or pursuing their routine Saturday night entertainment, one hundred Upstate residents were celebrating the birthdays of two of America’s most admired and emulated military heroes, General Robert Edward Lee and Lieutenant General Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson. Gen. Lee was born Jan. 19, 1807 and Gen. Jackson was born Jan. 21, 1824.
If you were born since World War II, you probably never heard anything positive about these men. That is, unless you attended a military school or one of the service academies where Lee is premier example of leadership and Jackson’s tactical genius is admired and taught.
Believe It or Not!
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- By Terry Thacker
For the past two weeks I have related to you my experiences while touring Cades Cove during a visit I paid last August to the Gatlinburg area. After exiting the 11-mile Cades Cove loop road, disappointed in my lack of an ursine encounter, I returned to Gatlinburg.
I found a reasonably-priced parking space on the top level of a parking deck behind the Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies and rode the elevator down to street level. As I walked by some parked city buses that were collecting tourists for the next run through town, I considered buying a bus pass and riding one of them to the various attractions I planned to visit. I decided instead to walk since my destinations were not too far away and because I could use the exercise.
Four Probable Candidates for SC Senate Spoke at RINO Hunt Meeting
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Denny’s on Wade Hampton was packed Friday night despite the sheets of cold rain blowing across the parking lot and no seats for at least two dozen attendees who stood around the walls and in the entrance. It was RINO Hunt meeting night, and despite the presidential primary that would take place the following day, this group was focused on changing the South Carolina government, specifically the Senate. Four individuals announced their intentions of challenging incumbent Senators. Two are from Greenville County, one from Pickens and one from Senate
District 26 that includes part of Aiken, Lexington and Saluda Counties
Banquet Honoring Generals Lee and Jackson
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
General Robert E. Lee was born January 19, 1807, at Stratford Hall, Virginia. General Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson was born January 21, 1824, at Clarksburg, Virginia. These two Virginians became officers in the United States Army, distinguished themselves in service to their country during the War with Mexico, chose to defend their homeland during the War of Southern Independence and are considered worldwide to be two of the greatest military leaders the world has known.
Jackson died of wounds May 10, 1863, and is buried in Jackson Cemetery in Lexington, Virginia.
Newt Scores Big Win in SC
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Despite Haley Endorsement, Millions Spent on Attack Ads, Romney Finished Distant Second
It was exciting while it lasted, but now it is over. After a big win by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the Republican primary candidates have moved on to Florida.
Democrats did not come out in large numbers and vote in the Republican primary in the low country as expected, giving Gov. Mitt Romney a disappointing loss.
The outcome was very disappointing for Gov. Nikki Haley who along with her husband had endorsed and campaigned hard for Romney. Our smiling, optimistic Governor was absent when Romney made his modified concession speech Saturday night. Haley detractors were rejoicing and hoping the weak support for Romney indicates a lack of support for Haley.
US Taxes Pay PA Terrorists
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- By Dr. Al Snyder
American tax money is helping to fund the salaries of Palestnian Arab terrorists who are or have been in Israeli prisons. Those who committed the worst crimes and received the longest sentences are also receiving the most money.
And if that's not bad enough news, several American TV news networks came out with the revelation this past week that the US government has been giving several Arab Moslem countries financial aid for the purpose of repairing and restoring Moslem mosques. All this through our US State Department with the approval of the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barak Obama.
Remember to Vote on Saturday
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The First in the South, South Carolina Republican Presidential Preference Primary will be held Saturday, January 21st. It is hotly contested and the outcome is unpredictable. This is partly because Democrats and third party folks can vote to select the Republican candidate to challenge President Obama in November and because some candidates and political action committees are running vicious ads on television and mailing false and misleading information on their opponents. Uninformed voters will be confused.
Point Lookout, Prison Camp for Confederate Soldiers
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- By Elaine Thorp
Point Lookout, Union POW camp for Confederate soldiers, was established after the Battle of Gettysburg and was open from August 1863 to June 1865. It is located along the coast of Maryland only five feet above sea level, on approximately 30 acres of level land. It was the largest Union POW camp and one of the most secure, as it was surrounded on three sides by water from the Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac River, with Union cannons pointed at the Confederate prisoners from Ft. Lincoln and Union gun ships anchored in nearby waters. There were only an estimated 50 successful escapes.
Sen. Phillip Shoopman Addresses Americans for Constitutional Government
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- By Gilbert Scales
Senator Phil Shoopman, who represents District 5 that includes the northern third of Greenville County and a slice of northern Spartanburg County joining Greenville County, was the speaker at the annual dinner held by Americans for Constitutional Government. Sen. Shoopman talked about reapportionment, Voter ID and state funding problems and solutions.
Young Drug Addict Finds Wisdom in Living Life
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
A Love Story
The miraculous true love story that follows is that of two young people whose lives were changed when Cliff dialed a wrong number. It is also the story of a loving mother who sought help from the source of all wisdom and power. Finally, it is the story of how a group of former alcoholics and drug addicts, who are now new creatures in Christ, have used the Holy Scriptures to tap into the source of all wisdom and power and allow the love of Jesus to transform the lives of the most hopeless alcoholics and drug addicts.
Working together, with obvious divine guidance, they all contribute to the current happiness and joy of Christina and Cliff.
Substance Abuse and Addiction Are Costing Greenville County
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Costing Every Man, Woman and Child Estimated $1,300 per year
Greenville County Sheriff Steve Loftis and other law enforcement officials have confirmed that a majority of all crimes are committed by individuals involving or under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. The fallout from addiction and drug abuse makes up a large portion of the workload of law enforcement, emergency medical personnel and facilities and is a burden on families and county taxpayers.
A study conducted by Tripp Umbach Healthcare Consulting, Inc. estimates that South Carolina spends more than $5 billion annually on substance abuse including criminal justice costs, social services, healthcare, loss of productivity and treatment.
- Basic Formula For Defeating Obama
- Rick Perry Visits Stax’s Original
- Thousands Line Streets to Pay Tribute to Fallen Soldier
- Santorum “My First Big Win Was Here”
- 2012: Winds of Change
- Understanding the Iowa Caucuses
- MOAA At Thornblade
- Stan Clardy Closes out 2011 Christmas in Dixie Series
- Christmas In Dixie by Joyful Harps
- Obama Administration Encourages “Phantom Voting” in South Carolina
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