- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- An Open Letter to Vladimir Putin and the Russian People - Revisited
- Run Toward the Battle
- SC Upstate Political Leader’s Repeated Use of Lawfare Backfires
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- South Carolina Poised to Oppose RFK Jr’s Health Policy with New Appointment
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Celebrate with Greenville County Republican Women
- Oreshnik Hypersonic Russian Missile Strikes Ukraine
Court Ordered Primary Delay Only Hope for Banished Candidates
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
RINO Hunt Launches “Operation Lost Vote”
Lexington County State Senator Jake Knotts, who allegedly had a part in creating the fiasco that resulted in some 180 candidates being deleted from the June 12, 2012, primary ballots has succeeded in blocking any attempt by lawmakers to put challengers back on the ballots.
The only hope left for the would-be candidates at press time was the possibility of a delay in the primary date by a panel of three federal judges in order to allow time for corrected ballots to reach service members overseas. It has been alleged that the election commission only sent ballots for federal offices to the troops from South Carolina stationed overseas.
Obama’s Shocking Anti-Christian Record
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- By Mike Scruggs
The May 8 Primary and Referendum proved disastrous for the cause of homosexual marriage in North Carolina. It was a decisive victory for Judeo-Christian and other traditionalist wisdom on marriage. North Carolinians voted 61 percent to 39 percent to pass a Constitutional Amendment firmly establishing its existing laws and traditions that marriage is exclusively defined as the union of one man and one woman. This victory was despite a deceptive and often-bitter campaign by those who wanted to see the moral roots of marriage pulled up and discarded.
Can Obama Win South Carolina?
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Can Barack Obama win South Carolina in the November 2012 General Election?
Both “moderate” Republican Karl Rove and “radical” Democrat Dick Harpootlian reportedly think the Palmetto State is a tossup or a “swing state” in the upcoming presidential election.
If that proves to be true, then South Carolinian voters and the Republican Party leadership in particular will have a role in the demise of the republic and the loss of freedom for Americans.
Grand Ole Gospel Reunion
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- By Keith Crowe
Well, it is that time of year again when I would like to remind everyone about the Grand Ole Gospel Reunion (this year will be the 25 year)which has been “a gospel music family gathering since 1988” and will again to be in Greenville this year. This year’s event will be held at The Hyatt Hotel. There seems to be some confusion about this year’s event since all the activities are at the Hyatt. If you are local and want to attend only the concerts or other events that occur during the day you can do so without staying at the hotel. The Thursday night concert will be dinner and a concert at a cost of $67. Friday and Saturday night concerts will be the same venue as in the past at a cost of $27 each night.
Where Are Our Churches Indeed!
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- By Frank Allen - Greenville, SC
I am weary of narrow-minded, finger pointing bigots damning Romney for being Mormon. It is as if they are agents of the liberal left trying to sow dissension in the Conservative and Republican ranks. Romney was not my choice for the Republican nomination, and has many issues that concern me, but his Mormon faith is not one of them. Don’t these critics realize how shrill and foolish they look and make the rest of us look to the undecided voters who will determine this election? “Mormonism is a Cult!” “They part their hair on the wrong side!” By their definition of “cult,” every major religion except Judaism and Hinduism are cults – including all Christians. Protestants are the newest branch of religion, only some 600 years old (Martin Luther), and it has not been long since Baptists and Methodists did not accept each other as true Christians! Listen folks, any person who accepts Christ as his Savior, is saved by the Grace of God, and attempts to lead his life by Biblical principles, is a Christian. The details are between them and God. And the Mormons I have known have lived up to that standard well. Sure there are bad ones, and fringe groups- don’t we have plenty, too?
Did Primary Ballot Snafu Result From Conspiracy or Incompetence?
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Supreme Court Decision that removed an estimated 100 Republican and Democrat candidates from primary ballots last week is a dramatic example of the need to get state government out of the internal affairs of political parties.
The legislature passed a law requiring all challengers to file their Statement of Economic Interest at the same time and with the same individual that they file for the office. The law does not apply to incumbents. State party officials did not make certain all county party officials knew about the law and, therefore, a large number of first-time candidates were uninformed or misinformed.
Columbia, SC, Confederate Memorial Day Program at Historic Elmwood Cemetery
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- By Julia Barnes
Left to right: 3rd VP of Winnie Davis Chapter 442 UDC Pamela Evans, UDC President General Martha Van Schaick, SC Division President Eloise Verdin, Piedmont District Director Julia Barnes, SC Division Registrar Nita Keisler at Elmwood Cemetery.
Families Plead with Committee: “Replace the Entire Board”
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Family Members Insisted “Parents Treated As Enemies”
The three member ad hoc committee appointed by Greenville County Council Chairman Butch Kirven to look into complaints about the county Disabilities and Special Needs Board held a one-hour public hearing Monday evening.
The committee members are Dan Rawls, Lottie Gibson and Liz Seman serving as chairman. Twenty individuals, limited to 3 minutes each, were allowed to address the committee. The concerned parents were in no mood to “sugar coat” their comments.
Confederate Memorial Service Featured Kendall, Neely, Verdin Family Musical Ensemble
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Robert H. Roper III, Past S.C. Division Commander Featured Speaker
The 2012 Confederate Memorial Service held in Springwood Cemetery on North Main Street in Greenville, South Carolina, Sunday, May 6th, drew a capacity crowd.
A prelude of soul-stirring music by the Kendall, Neely and Verdin family Musical Ensemble permeated the historic cemetery where hundreds of Confederate soldiers and their families were laid to rest.
Hunter Kendall gave the bugle Call to Church.
David Wright, Commander, 16th Regiment SCV, issued the Call to Order, with Invocation by SCV National and 16th Regiment Chaplain Mark Evans.
All Greenville County Republican Candidates Legally Qualified
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Challengers Filed Economic Interest Statements On Time
No Greenville County Republicans were disqualified by the State Supreme Court ruling Wednesday, May 2nd that ordered South Carolina political parties to remove as many as 100 candidates from June primary ballots.
The number of candidates impacted was an estimate. The confusion and turmoil caused by the decision, five weeks before party primaries, added to the arguments of those who have been urging the General Assembly to change current election laws and get government out of the selection of candidates by political parties.
Reach out to the Politically Ignorant and Misinformed
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
“Now is the time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of their country.” We can do that by shining the light of truth on the lies and distortions coming out of Washington, DC daily.
Former presidential candidate Herman Cain may have spoken the truth when he said the current occupant of the White House was elected by the ignorant and stupid. He should have added that the Obama leadership cadre came from the well-trained hard-core leftist students of Sixties radical Sol Alinsky and the Columbia University anarchist team of Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, not to mention former bomb-throwers and now tenured professors at the University of Chicago, Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn.
Poe and Riggs Elected Delegates to Republican National Convention
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Republican National Convention Set For Tampa, Florida Monday, Aug. 27 - Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012
Delegates to the Fourth Congressional District GOP Convention elected Greenville County Republican Party Chairman Betty Poe and Spartanburg County Republican Party Chairman LaDonna Riggs delegates to represent the district at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, this summer. The convention begins Monday, August 27, 2012, and ends Thursday, August 30, 2012.
Stephen Brown, from Greenville and Karen Floyd from Spartanburg were chosen as alternate delegates.
John Wheeler, Proud Descendant of Confederate Ancestry
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- By Press Release
On Saturday, April 28, 2012, John Wheeler... after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep...Acts 13:36. He was ushered into the presence of his Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.
John Evan Wheeler, the most beloved husband, for almost fifty years, of Sara Ann (Sally) Swett, was born May 7, 1937, to George Ellis Wheeler, Sr and Annie Mae Lanford Wheeler
“The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him,” Prov. 20:7. He was a godly father and grandfather to Anne Bythewood Wheeler Broyles, son-in-law David Broyles and children, Katherine Rebecca B. King (Ian), Sara Jane, Gilbert Evan, and Caroline Elizabeth. His son, John Evan Wheeler, Jr, daughter-in-law Mary Whitten Wheeler and children Ellis Grace and Sadie Caroline. Also his daughter, Sara Lee Wheeler. Who all adored him!
Heartstep Foundation Helping Community Ministry Go “Beyond Recovery”
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Virtually every family and business in the Upstate is impacted in one way or another by addiction. Law enforcement leaders have said that alcohol and other drugs are factors in a majority of traffic fatalities and serious crime in our community.
Christians know that “All things are possible through Jesus Christ.” They know that the answers to all their problems are contained in their Bible but they don’t always know where to find them.
When Christians are faced with an addicted family member who is being abusive, committing crimes, unreliable as a worker and eventually facing prison, they will usually seek advice and help from their pastor. Unless pastors are familiar with Wisdom in Living Life Ministry, they have little choice but to refer them to a private or government operated treatment facility where they are “treated” and released into the environment they came from. There is an alternative. There is a Christ-Centered, Bible-Based method for ending addiction once and for all that has proven successful for more than a decade. We need it and it needs us. We have an opportunity to take part in a proven effective Bible-based method of changing lives.
Mayor of “Mural City” Elected to Sixth Term
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Mayor Ray Mortimeyer of Cuba, Missouri, Has Upstate Connection
Mayor Ray Mortimeyer of Cuba, Missouri, easily won his 6th term as mayor by a vote of 368 to 150, April 5th, 2012. He is the father of First Lieutenant, Pamela Durham, USAF (Ret.) of Greenville, and a long-time subscriber to The Times Examiner.
Enforce Ethical Standards on County Boards, Commissions
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Greenville County has a commendable ethics code for board and commission members. Tragically, the code has not been uniformly enforced in the past and some current members of boards and commissions are allegedly serving in violation of the code and are lobbying for relaxation of the ethics rules. Unfortunately, some members of the Greenville County Council appear inclined to change the code rather than enforce it.
The code is very clear and applies to applicants for positions on boards and commissions.
8th Upstate South Carolina Honor Flight
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- By Henry Pickard
[Editor’s note: This is a collection of thoughts, impressions and photographs submitted by the writer with additional information provided by Paul Howell, Director Honor Flight Upstate SC.]
There are no words to properly convey the experience of witnessing the launch and return of an “Honor Flight!” There is no easy way to tell the story of those who were here today, many books have already been written about “The Greatest Generation.” Rather than try to write their names or attempt to capture their words, thoughts, stories or feelings; the camera gave them a forum to express themselves. It is in their eyes mostly, but when you get closer, it becomes almost a physically palpable feeling, the unconditional, unquenchable love for their Country and their fellow ‘Brothers-in-Arms.’
Families Urge Council to Help Replace DSN Board
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Board Chair, Acting Director Observed from Back of Chamber
About 60 representatives of families with members being served by the massive Greenville County Disabilities and Special Needs Agency filled Council chambers for the April 17 Greenville County Council meeting. Eight of the family members were able to address the Council during the 30 minutes allowed for constituent remarks. They discussed the importance of the agency to their families and the stress on families brought about by recent confusion, turmoil, uncertainty and unexplained personnel changes.
Somers Sues to Avoid Opposition in Senate Race
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Candidate Admits Voting in 2008 Democrat Primary
The surprise withdrawal of Sen. Phil Shoopman from the District 5 Republican Senate primary has triggered a potential major crisis for the Republican Party locally and at the state level.
Immediately, stories began to surface alleging that there was more to the Shoopman withdrawal from the race than has been made public, including a possibility that he was nudged from the race by unnamed individuals in positions of influence.
Shoopman Withdraws Name From District 5 Senate Race
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
State Party Exercises Discretion, Re-Opens Filing Period for 48 Hours
Greenville County Republicans were stunned when they learned over the weekend that their popular conservative State Senator Phil Shoopman was suddenly withdrawing his name from consideration in the upcoming Republican Primary in Senate District 5. The announcement came only three weeks after filing for re-election.
Shoopman, a Blue Ridge resident confirmed to The Times Examiner, Sunday evening, that he had notified SC GOP Chair Chad Connelly earlier in the day that he was withdrawing from the race because, “It has become obvious that I cannot continue to provide the desired level of service and maintain adequate time with my family and private work.”
Why Would Anyone Oppose Photo ID?
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The sign on the door of the convenience store reads: “We Card.” It means that if you appear to be young, you must produce a photo ID proving you are old enough to legally purchase tobacco or alcoholic beverages. If the store is caught selling the substances to underage customers, they can be fined.
When I purchase Claritin over the counter at a drug store, I must produce a photo ID. To use any facility on a military base or at the VA Clinic, I must show a photo ID. Most businesses that accept checks for payment require photo IDs. Sometimes they are requested when a credit card is used. Passports contain photographs of the holder of the passport. The photograph is necessary to prove that the holder is the individual whose name appears on the passport.
Jane Kizer Files for Senate District 7
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- By Henry Pickard
Jane Kizer (at left) at Greenville County Republican Headquarters filing her candidacy for Senate District 7. She is unopposed in the Republican primary. Kizer is assisted by Deb Jolly and Geri Warren.
Superintendent of Education Requests Help
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Governor Stresses: “It’s a Great Day in South Carolina”
Superintendent of Education Dr. Mick Zais received an enthusiastic standing ovation following his remarks at the Fourth Congressional District GOP Convention, Saturday.
Dr. Zais, the first conservative pro-student superintendent of education in South Carolina in several decades, has reduced the size of his state department staff by 50 spaces and saved the taxpayer $2 million.
He has advocated a strong charter school bill that has been passed by the House and is pending passage in the Senate.
NRA President at Furman
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- By Henry Pickard
Conservative Students for a Better Tomorrow (CSBT) recently hosted a reception and speaking engagement featuring David Keane, President, National Rifle Association (NRA). The reception held in the University Center featured photos opportunities, personal conversation and discussion between gun enthusiasts, elected officials, the media and students with President Keane. Many of the local race candidates circulated freely in the reception meeting and greeting new and old friends and supporters. Local News Radio WORD FM personality Bob McLain was also on hand to greet Mr. Keane.
Top Ten Finalists Announced for 2012-13 GCS Teacher of the Year
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- By Press Release
Ten finalists have been selected in the 2012-13 Greenville County Teacher of the Year program.
They are, in alphabetical order: Abigail Cook, Chemistry, Wade Hampton High; Matt Critell, Kindergarten, Fork Shoals School; Jillian Grimsley, Fifth Grade, Stone Academy of Communication Arts; Jessica Jackson, Special Education, West Greenville School; Brian Morgan, Art, Duncan Chapel Elementary; Sara Newell, Fifth Grade, Sterling School; Will Ragland, Drama, Woodmont High; Rex Smith, Sixth Grade Science, League Academy of Communication Arts; Jennifer Valenti, Eighth Grade Spanish, Northwood Middle; and Sherryan Yarbrough, Kindergarten, Blythe Academy of Languages.
Boomers Tale - Part 3
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- By W. H. Lamb
Let Me Tell You About My Operation (As Narrated by Boomer)
Hello, again. This is Boomer back with you. I’m the 9 year-old Pit Lab in the nearby picture, and the human with me is one of the people I take care of day and night. You recall, I’m sure, that I wrote two articles in The Times Examiner last year, in which I told you about how I watch over both of my humans (named Grampa and Gramma), and about my daily adventures with them. I also wrote about some of my Grampa’s observations about politics and politicians, although the more I try to understand what they are, the more confused I get. I often hear my humans talking about politics and politicians, and usually not in very flattering terms. If they’re confused and disappointed with these politics and politician things, you can understand why I’m puzzled as to why my humans and their families put up with such confusion. Humans are so difficult to understand, at times. Why can’t they be straightforward and loyal like we dogs are?
Basics of Agenda 21 for Candidates
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
State Senator Mike Fair thanked Butch Taylor for warning lawmakers for the past 16 years of the dangers posed by Agenda 21. Taylor had just announced to the Greenville County Legislative Delegation that he and a group of Upstate citizens were planning to attend a legislative committee hearing on that important topic in Columbia later this week. The Agenda is in various stages of implementation in every state, county and city in the nation.
Few elected officials of any party and virtually none of the new candidates for public office know much about Agenda 21 and Sustainability. Our friend Tom DeWeese has spent a decade or more educating the public on the factual, but disguised goals of Agenda 21. The information to follow is from his white paper titled, “Agenda 21 in One Easy Lesson.”
Wade Hampton Memorial Observance
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- By Rev. Robert Slimp
The eighth annual Wade Hampton Memorial Service will be held on Saturday afternoon April 21st at 2 o'clock in Keenan Chapel at Trinity Cathedral.
The outstanding speaker will be Dr. David Aiken of Charleston, who until his retirement last May was a professor of English at the Citadel. In his later years at El Cid, he also taught some courses at the College of Charleston. He is a nationally known authority on the works of William Gilmore Simms and also the War for Southern Independence. His topic will be: "Wade Hampton, a Civilizing Influence." Dr. Aiken is a well-known author of such books as "A City Laid Waste," and "Fire in the Cradle: Charleston's Literary Heritage."
If Obamacare Not Struck Down
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Rep. Trey Gowdy: “HHS Will Control Your Life”
Fourth District Congressman Trey Gowdy spoke his mind during a politics and policy session at Dickey’s Barbecue Pit in Greer,
Friday night. Some of his strongest words pertained to Obamacare, excessive regulations and judges making law from the bench.
“HHS will control your life” if this health care law is not struck down, said Gowdy, who was guest of Christian Talk Show Host Josh Kimbrell and Dickey’s Barbecue Pit of Greer.
Desperate Men Given Unlimited Power
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The United States of America is entering the most dangerous period in the history of the republic since the period 1861 through 1876, when the federal government was waging war against Americans and directing election outcomes at the point of a bayonet. Union victory resulted in the first major shift of power from the sovereign states to the federal government. The party in charge was Republican. The Republican president was desperate because he was about to lose the states that produced a large portion of the tariffs and taxes that financed the wheels of federal power.
- Ladies Received the Winnie Davis Award
- Thank You!
- Education Superintendent Exposes Secret Meeting
- A Homecoming Celebration for Vietnam Veterans
- Congressmen Committed to “No Compromise Conservatism”
- Comedy Act: Playing With Children’s Future
- Nonie Darwish Speaks to CSBT at Furman
- "I Do's" Come In "Two’s" For Sisters
- Sheriff Loftis Seeking Reelection
- Rally for Religious Freedom
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