- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- SC Upstate Political Leader’s Repeated Use of Lawfare Backfires
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- “Who Do Men Say I Am? Who Do YOU Say I Am?”
- Lighting the Syrian Fuse
Education Superintendent Exposes Secret Meeting
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
South Carolinians of good will need to know what Superintendent of Education, Dr. Mick Zais, is facing as he boldly attempts to carry out the mandate given to him by voters to improve education in South Carolina public schools. The Public Affairs Office of the SC Department of Education released the following information:
South Carolina State Superintendent of Education Mick Zais issued the following statement after attending an event at Scott’s Branch High School in Summerton, South Carolina, where U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan made a public appearance.
A Homecoming Celebration for Vietnam Veterans
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- By Gilbert Scales
Saturday, March 31st, thousands of Vietnam Veterans proudly displayed their former military branch of service ball caps, T-shirts, jackets and vests.
Some of the veterans remembered being told to buy civilian clothes and either throw away their uniforms or possibly burn them before returning to the States.
They didn’t want strangers to know where they had been.
Congressmen Committed to “No Compromise Conservatism”
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The state senators who re-drew the South Carolina Congressional District boundary lines to conform with the 2010 census split Greenville County from east to west. The northern part of the county remains part of the Fourth Congressional District represented by Rep. Trey Gowdy. The Southern part of the county now joins the Third Congressional District represented by Rep. Jeff Duncan. Both congressmen are first term Republicans and are part of a conservative congressional block that has made history in Washington by standing firm on the principles they went to Washington to defend.
Comedy Act: Playing With Children’s Future
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Greenville County School Board is the longest running comedy act in town. They spent fourteen hours behind closed doors Saturday allegedly trying to choose one of three individuals to serve under them as superintendent of Greenville County Schools. Why should we allow them to have all the fun?
The decision could have been simple until “race baiters” aided by the liberal media discovered and dramatized the fact that one of the candidates had committed an unpardonable sin by having students attend school on the MLK Birthday. That would be a problem, they whined.
Nonie Darwish Speaks to CSBT at Furman
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- By Henry Pickard
Ms. Nonie Darwish, director of Former Muslims United, spoke this evening at Furman University as part of the Cultural Life Program at the invitation of the Conservative Students for a Better Tomorrow. A noted, albeit somewhat controversial, author and national news commentator, she shared her thoughts and experiences with the gathered crowd of more than 75 students, faculty and citizens from the community. She spoke before the event with The Times Examiner and shared her personal thoughts and feelings.
"I Do's" Come In "Two’s" For Sisters
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- By Jan Kendall
“I Do’s” come in “Twos” for sisters Prentiss Elisabeth and Lisë Marie Kendall. Due to the logistics of getting two of their siblings here who are currently in Nevada and Hawaii the sisters and grooms opted for back to back weddings December 3, 2011, at Hampton Park Baptist Church in Greenville, SC. Prelude music by area harpists, Aubrey Elliott and Sarah Northrop, began at 10:30. As the mothers, Jan Kendall and Valerie Allen entered, Mark Jeffords and his mother, Barbara Jeffords, sang “O Holy Night,” followed by the chiming of the eleventh hour from Dr. Ed Dunbar, organist. Paton Kendall, nephew of the bride, came down the aisle ringing bells announcing repeatedly “the bridegroom is coming!” Hunter Kendall, brother of the bride, sounded forth the fanfare announcing the appearance of the bridegroom, James Chandler Allen of Knoxville, TN, and his groomsmen.
Sheriff Loftis Seeking Reelection
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- By Henry Pickard
Sheriff Steve Loftis graciously welcomed The Times Examiner to his office recently and spoke to us about his bid for re-election.
“Don’t call me Sheriff” was the first thing he said, and he smiled broadly, extending his hand. He walked easily down the short hall and into his office offering a chair. He most definitely was comfortable with his surroundings. As he spoke of his beginning in law enforcement in Anderson, SC, as a ‘beat-cop’ in 1974 and then his move to Greenville in ’77, he stated matter-of-factly, “I enjoy coming to work!” Working his way up through the ranks under then Sheriff Johnny Mack Brown he learned “A professional character driven system.”
Rally for Religious Freedom
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- By Henry Pickard
From all parts of the Upstate, they came today to Greenville County Square, in support of the Nationwide Rally for Religious Freedom. An enormous cross-section of our country was present to express their support, concern with respect to current topics of Health Care and the issues at the Supreme Court of the United States. Young and old; Veterans from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan; Mothers and daughters; Fathers and sons; Family and friends; Elected officials and of course, the media, gathered freely to exercise their Rights of Freedom of Religion, Speech and Assembly.
Friends Stunned by Allegations Ron Wilson Ran Ponzi Scheme
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Hearing in Columbia This Week
Most people who know, or thought they knew former State Education Board Member and Anderson County Councilman Ron Wilson fit into one of two categories: friends and enemies. Currently the latter are dominant.
Many friends who invested their life savings with Wilson are stunned by news reports that he was running a ponzi scheme and some were his victims. They now have nothing but a computer printout to show for their money. They have hopes that all is not lost, but Wilson does not return their phone calls and has now lost control of company assets.
We Abandoned Inglis Because He Betrayed Us
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- By Lewis Vaughn - Greer, SC
The article appearing in this weeks (2/29/12) issue of The Times Examiner titled, "BOB INGLIS CONFESSED HIS CONSERVATIVE "SINS" TO BILL CLINTON" piqued my interest. It appears that Bob remains very angry over losing his Congressional Seat in 2010 and is still blaming his loss on everyone and everything but himself.
Time For a New School Board
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
A month after the political party primaries are over, and people go on vacation waiting for the November General Election before engaging their political brains, the filing period for non-partisan school board candidates will open.
In Greenville County six of twelve board seats are up for reelection. If the electorate bothers to pay attention, most will be replaced. Several members of this board were elected and rose to power with the aid of individuals and organizations using tactics advocated by Saul Alinsky in his book, Rules for Radicals, dedicated to Lucifer. Their campaigns were funded by tens of thousands of special interest dollars. Some of these special interests benefited financially and politically from the takeover of the school board.
Shooting and Trapping Coyotes
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Government Has Never Released Coyotes into South Carolina For Any Reason
Coyotes were trapped and killed near Wade Hampton High School and fire department recently. This raised the question as to the legality of trapping and shooting coyotes in South Carolina. A call to the Sheriff’s Office led to the Department of Natural Resources in Clemson.
Coyotes have been present in Upstate South Carolina since 1978. They are now present in 46 South Carolina Counties. DNR has never released Coyotes in South Carolina for any purpose, although an unfounded rumor alleges they were released in SC to help with deer
Children of Confederacy Active in Community Service
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- By Pam Evans
The Joseph Evan Davis Chapter #907 Children of the Confederacy has been actively participating in service projects for their community and around the world. In September, the Chapter collected school supplies for Armstrong Elementary, to be distributed to needy students. In October and November, the children collected Toys for Tots that were donated to the Marine Recruitment center for distribution to needy children in December.
PWC Banquet Provides Funds for New Grove Rd Facility
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- By Henry Pickard
The TD Convention center filled quickly tonight, as more than 1000 invited guests, staff, friends and family gathered for Piedmont Women’s Center’s annual Banquet for Life 2012, “Righting the Wrong.” Lenna Fox Neill welcomed the crowd with her spontaneous enthusiasm and sparkling personality. She took the stage and grabbed the attention of everyone in the room with a simple statement, “We have saved 243 babies.” That simple remark underscored the complete purpose and mission for the Piedmont Women’s Center and the evening itself.
Palin Speaks at BiLo Center
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Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska and vice presidential candidate in 2008, speaks at the Extraordinary Women Conference at the Bi-Lo Center, Saturday. Palin spoke about how she became a Christian, and about our country's Christian heritage, her family, especially Trig, her son with Down Syndrome, and the Obama administration. The Palin address may be seen at SouthCarolinaConservative.com.
SCAT Dedicates Legislative Luncheon to Jim Keasler
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- By Henry Pickard
The South Carolina Association of Taxpayers held it’s 16thAnnual Legislative Luncheon on March 7th, 2012. The luncheon is held annually to honor the legislators and organizations that have protected and served the taxpayers and citizens of South Carolina. President Don Weaver welcomed all and dedicated the luncheon to the memory of Jim Keasler [Greenville, Vice President SCAT], who passed recently, for all of his tireless efforts on behalf of South Carolina taxpayers. Jim selflessly devoted his life to promote less spending and more accountability in S.C. government. Jim’s wife Pat and son Colton were on hand in his honor. Also in attendance were David James, Mark Johnson and Stephanie Hale, officers of SCAT.
SCV Sesquicentennial Heritage Rally 2012
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- By Pam Evans
The Sons of Confederate Veterans held its 2012 Sesquicentennial Heritage Rally in Richmond, VA, on Saturday, February 25, 2012. The day dawned sunny, clear and beautiful, but bitterly cold. The first event of the day was the Heritage Parade. It was spectacular, with many in Confederate uniforms, holding our flags high, marching in a long procession to the Lee Monument. Once assembled, the attendees remembered the inauguration of President Jefferson Davis, heard stirring greetings, and enjoyed a message from Commander-in-Chief, R. Michael Givens. He explained the meaning of liberty, as understood by our country's founders, and that our Confederate relatives were contending for the same liberty. Overhead, a plane circled, pulling a banner that called Richmond to remember its Confederate heritage. Those in attendance were encouraged by this opportunity to honor the valiant efforts of our Southern ancestors.
The Ken Ard Tragedy
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Ken Ard is now history. He was Lt. Governor of South Carolina and resigned before the end of his term due to ethics charges. As a candidate he appeared to be a good family and businessman and a fiscal conservative. Ard is on probation for 5 years, will pay a $5,000 fine and will do 300 hours of “community service.”
The State Grand Jury charged Ard with developing a scheme to create the impression that he was getting a lot of public support for his campaign, but the money was coming from his personal funds or from others not correctly reported. He spent money from the campaign fund illegally; apparently thinking it was legal because he had donated the money. His attorney said he could have written himself a reimbursement check for up to $25,000 from campaign funds, but spent the money on unauthorized purchases directly from the campaign fund in violation of the law.
Beware of Leftist Dirty Tricks
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Readers of this publication don’t need to be reminded that we are living in very dangerous times. The radical anarchists of the 1960s are now in charge of many of our government agencies, universities and corporations. Although they have cleaned up their outward appearance, they remain the radicals that they have always been and are actually more dangerous than before because they now have friends in high places and have no fear of the law.
Last year a column appeared on the internet allegedly written by Dr. Walter Williams, one of our syndicated columnists. It had to do with the electability of Barack Obama. We received many copies of it with some senders asking if it was really written by
Thaddeus Sammons, A Christian Gentleman with Many Talents
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- By Press Release
Thaddeus Edward Sammons, Jr., 88, of Taylors, husband of Racheal Lollis Sammons for 64 years, joyfully entered into his long-awaited heavenly home to be forever with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on February 29, 2012, following an extended illness. Mr. Sammons loved the Lord first and made it his life’s mission to win as many people to Christ as he could. He was very successful in this ministry, enthusiastically sharing the Gospel with family, friends, and strangers wherever he went. With his winsome personality and genuine compassion for people, he seldom ever missed an opportunity to be a witness. He was an ordained deacon and long-time member of Mountain Creek (Greenville) and Cresthill (Savannah) Baptist Churches and later a member of Pelham Road Alliance Church and currently, of Milford Baptist Church.
James F. Keasler, Sr. Business Executive, Christian Educator, Persistent Friend of Taxpayers
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- By Press Release
Jim Keasler went to his eternal home Monday, February 27, 2012. A celebration of life was held at Brushy Creek Baptist Church in Taylors on Thursday. He is survived by his beloved wife Pat of 25 years and 3 children and 2 stepchildren.
Jim was born January 23, 1932, graduated from Inman High School in 1950 where he played football and was president of his senior class. He graduated from Spartanburg Junior College and received a degree in business from the University of South Carolina in 1958 after serving a tour in the United States Air Force as a volunteer in the Air Force Cadet Program.
The Leap Year Triplets
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- By Press Release
Triplets, Harris, Elizabeth, and Andrew Rowe will have a special birthday on Wednesday, February 29, a Leap Year birthday! Born on February 29, 2004 at MUSC in Charleston, SC, these spontaneous triplets are very rare. The odds of being born on Leap Day are 1 in 1,461 and the odds of being a spontaneous triplet is 1 in 8,100 births. Therefore, the odds of being a spontaneous triplet born naturally (not via C-section) on Leap Year are virtually non-existent; the Rowe triplets may be the only set in the world. Born full-term at 37.5 weeks after an uncomplicated pregnancy, the healthy triplets at almost 17 pounds collectively went home after 2 days of "rooming" in with mom and dad, Jeff and Kelly Rowe formerly of Mt. Pleasant now livng in the upstate of SC. They continue to be active 8 year olds, home-schooled, and involved in sports, cub scouts, church, and their large family of nine.
Netanyahu: “I Will Not Gamble With Security of Israel”
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- By Press Release
Editors note: Greenville and Spartanburg County Republican Party Chairmen Betty Poe and LaDonna Riggs attended the AIPAC gathering in Washington, D.C. Riggs dispatched the following report from Washington immediately following the Netanyahu speech.
While President Obama asked Israel to wait, again, for the sanctions against Iran to fully work, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a rousing speech to AIPAC (America Israel Public Affairs Committee) saying that for “15 years he had been warning the world that Iran was a dangerous country; for 10 years the international community had tried diplomacy, and for 6 years sanctions had been used, and it has not worked. Israel has patiently waited through diplomacy and sanctions, but it cannot afford to wait much longer.” Then one of the best lines of the speech: “I will never let my people live in the shadow of annihilation.”
Washington Center’s Dr. Wanda Brownlee Honored as SCCEC Principal of the Year
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- By Press Release
Dr. Wanda Brownlee, principal of Washington Center, has been recognized as the South Carolina Council for Exceptional Children (SCCEC) Principal of the Year.
Since being named Washington Center principal in 2007, Dr. Brownlee has served the needs of about 130 moderate to severely disabled students, ages 3 to 21, who exhibit severe cognitive challenges and medical fragility.
The Delphi Technique of Manipulation
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
On February 1, in this space, we discussed Saul Alinsky, Cloward-Piven and the Delphi Technique and how these three describe Barack Obama and his success in deceiving and manipulating large groups of people who are ignorant of his methods.
Longtime readers of The Times Examiner are familiar with the Delphi Technique and are not fooled by liberals and leftists using the technique. Tragically, those Americans unfamiliar with the technique are vulnerable to manipulation and played for fools. They have unknowingly been willful partners in the destruction of our constitutional republic and the demise of personal freedom.
Greenville County Republican Women’s Club Meets
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- By Henry Pickard
Debbie Spaugh, President of the Greenville County Republican Women’s Club, greeted over 90 members, friends and invited guests to the Poinsett Club meeting Thursday. The beautiful ballroom was filled with excited conversations and catching up with the latest events of the Upstate and in particular the Republican primaries. Several candidates for the upcoming Senate and other office races for the June 12th Primary Election day made their way around the room, speaking to supporters and friends.
Spartanburg Sheriff Speaks at RINO Hunt Meeting
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- By Henry Pickard
Sheriff Chuck Wright was a popular guest at RINO Hunt.
Josh Kimbrell Visits Upstate Republican Women
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- By Henry Pickard
The stately room at the Poinsett Club in downtown Greenville filled quickly with a group of about 25 from the Upstate Republican Women’s Club. Phyllis Foster greeted everyone with a bright smile and her natural Southern charm. She quickly moves the meeting to order and gives the room the latest updates to activities and interests. When she called for information from the members, Ruth Templeton gave a detailed account of her son, Larry Templeton, a US Army Officer who was injured in a rocket attack in Afghanistan; it focused the thoughts, emotions and feelings in the room sharply. Chaplain Shari Chavers’ invocation earlier led the group in a request for Larry and his recovery. Ruth praised the Army and Government for doing everything it could and being very supportive of not only Larry, but his wife and his parents, just a reminder of how ‘close to home’ a war can be.
Sullivan Runs for Senate District 6
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- By Henry Pickard
Like the textile industry in the Upstate, threads of involvement run deep in Chris Sullivan’s family. He gathered more than 75 of his family and friends at Tommy’s Ham House to officially kick-off his campaign to replace South Carolina Senate District 6 incumbent Mike Fair. His family involvement in the political arena dates back to the early 20th century where his paternal grandfather G. Heyward Mahon was mayor of Greenville from 1903 – 09. His father Hewlett was instrumental in Bob Watkins’ campaign in ’64. Chris worked in 2000 to help break the Democratic majority and has been personally involved in the campaigns of Representatives Stringer, Chumley and Bedingfield as well as Senator Bright.
“The Cost of Lincoln’s War” Topic for Stephen Dill Lee Institute
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- By Marlene Dowd
Recently the Stephen Dill Lee Institute held its annual conference at the DeSoto Hilton Hotel in historic Savannah, GA. The topic this year was The Costs of Lincoln’s War. The Institute is an educational tool for the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Scholarships for teachers and students are available.
Derrell Stewart
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A few years ago I had the opportunity to talk with several of the Southern Gospel Music legends at the Grand Ole Gospel Reunion. This week’s feature is one of the true legends. He is Derrell Stewart, one of the main stays of The Florida Boys before they retired and Charlie Waller began to carry on the group. Darrell was born in Brunswick, Georgia. Derrell began to play piano at five years of age and continued to take lessons all through school. He stated that his introduction to Southern Gospel Music was through the all-day singings and other church related musical events.
- Jim Lee Campaigns for State Senate
- Sheriff Loftis To Seek Re-Election
- Scouting for Food Campaign
- RNC Passes Resolution Exposing Dangers of UN Agenda 21
- Tyrants Thrive on Ignorance, Stupidity
- FOX Dropping Judge Napolitano Show
- Blue Ridge Students Attend Council Meeting
- Family and Friends Remember Hero
- Jon Voight tells the truth about Obama. Wake up America.
- Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals”
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