- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- SC Upstate Political Leader’s Repeated Use of Lawfare Backfires
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- “Who Do Men Say I Am? Who Do YOU Say I Am?”
- Lighting the Syrian Fuse
Basic Formula For Defeating Obama
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
One of the unchanging principles of warfare is: “Know your enemy!” The same applies equally to spiritual and political warfare. This year the United States of America is engaged in a political battle for the survival of our constitutional republic. If the political battle is not brought to an equitable conclusion violence could erupt. Warfare is raging in the spiritual realm, of which only those with appropriate discernment are aware.
For any Republican candidate to defeat President Obama in the 2012 General Election, the candidate must know all there is to know about his opponent and have the courage to tell the American people who Barack Obama is, and what the incumbent president’s plans are for our republic.
Rick Perry Visits Stax’s Original
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Gov. Rick Perry (R-Texas), presidential candidate, greets diners before speaking at Stax's near Cherrydale, Monday. Gov. Perry was introduced by David Wilkins, former South Carolina speaker of the House and U.S. ambassador to Canada under President George W. Bush. Gov. Perry was also accompanied by Katon Dawson, former chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party.
Thousands Line Streets to Pay Tribute to Fallen Soldier
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Army Medic Killed in Afghanistan
Private First Class Justin Whitmire was laid to rest at Cannon Memorial Park on Saturday following a moving memorial service at Simpsonville First Baptist Church and a journey of three miles through streets lined with thousands of mourners bearing American flags. PFC Whitmire, an Army Medic, lost his life while on duty in Afghanistan on Tuesday, December 27, 2011. He was 20 years old.
Santorum “My First Big Win Was Here”
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Santorum, Perry Courting Upstate Voters, Candidate Forum Friday Night
“My first big win in this campaign was right here in Greenville at your County Convention,” said Rick Santorum after thanking Gresham Barrett, his campaign chairman and Greenville County GOP Chairman Betty Poe for their “great, wonderful hospitality.’ Santorum won the straw poll at the county GOP convention last year as he was launching his campaign.
Barrett is heading up Santorum’s campaign in South Carolina. The former Third District Congressman introduced former Reagan policy adviser Gary Bauer, who described Santorum as “the Reagan conservative” in this campaign.
2012: Winds of Change
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- By Tony Beam
Very few things in our world today are certain. For example, planes and trains run off schedule more than they run on schedule. Appliances break down after the warranty has expired. Clothes come into and then go out of fashion (but if you hold on to your clothes long enough, you will be in style again). Many times, the check isn’t in the mail and our job, which we think we will have until retirement, changes or we get laid off. Change is inevitable and the future is very hard to predict.
Understanding the Iowa Caucuses
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Most Republican Presidential Candidates consider the Iowa Caucuses to be an important launching pad for their campaigns. Iowa is the first state to select candidates to represent them at the national convention that will nominate the Republican presidential and vice presidential candidates to challenge the incumbent Barack Obama. Next will come the New Hampshire and then the South Carolina primaries.
The caucuses and primaries are not elections; they are means for a political party to select candidates to represent them in upcoming elections. Some parties in some states may use conventions to select candidates.
MOAA At Thornblade
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- By Brenda Jansons
The Joyful Harps entertained officers and spouses of the Greenville Chapter, Military Officers Association of America at the Thornblade Club during their Christmas Banquet.
Stan Clardy Closes out 2011 Christmas in Dixie Series
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Joined by Terry Grissop with a True (more or less) Grizzly Bear Story
Stan Clardy closed out the fifth and final Special Friday Celebration titled Christmas in Dixie at the Museum and Library of Confederate History in Greenville.
The annual event sponsored by the Sons of Confederate Veterans and Order of Confederate Rose, is free and open to the public and attracts hundreds on Friday nights each December.
A different program is presented each week. This year, the musical programs were presented by Leeanne White, TheReeves Family, Mark and Donna Simpson, The Joyful Harps and Stan Clardy. Each program begins with a children’s hour from 6 to 7 p.m.
Christmas In Dixie by Joyful Harps
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- By Bob Dill & Gilbert Scales
The Joyful Harps with parents Ray and Holly Sheen.
Obama Administration Encourages “Phantom Voting” in South Carolina
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- By Tony Beam
Friday’s decision by the Obama Justice Department to strike down South Carolina’s voter ID law should surprise no one who has been following Attorney General Eric Holder’s idea of justice. The South Carolina law is similar to laws passed in Texas, Rhode Island, Kansas, Tennessee and Wisconsin but so far the Justice Department’s interest has rested solely on Texas and South Carolina; the two states on the list that are among nine covered under the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
An Open Letter to Bill O’Reilly
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- By H. K. Edgerton
Your utilization of a program that promotes itself as delivering fair and unbiased news, yet allows you to continue in this the Sesquicentennial of the War Between the States to use the airways of America to promote and to deliver the Reconstruction Puritan message designed to disguise from the American public the war crimes of Abraham Lincoln and the northern industrialist in the promotional sales of a book, without allowing equal air time for rebuttal by Southern authors like Thomas De Lorenzo, and Stanley Lott, a Black man, and promotions of their books, and the view of Southern folks about Lincoln, then and now, would be fair and unbiased.
A Time for Reflection
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The end of the year is a great time for reflection on the past. History provides important lessons for the future, and those who do not know their history are destined to repeat mistakes rather than learn from the mistakes of others.
My first-born granddaughter gave me a DVD for Christmas titled The Dark Corner. I watched it with her on Christmas Eve. It features a narration by three historians and authors with ancestral roots deep in Dark Corner heritage. I have been privileged to know them for a quarter century.
Freedom from Addiction is found in a Person, Not a Program
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Home for Christmas with Wisdom in Living Life Ministries
Winn Freeman and his volunteer staff at Wisdom in Living Life Ministries held their Christmas Banquet at Renfrew Baptist Church Family Life Center.
Each year the ministry brings back former students to tell their stories of how Jesus Christ, through Wisdom in Living Life Ministries saved them from death or life in prison as a drug or alcohol addicted individual who became a criminal to support the addiction.
Mauldin Middle School Class Wins Canebrake Scholarship
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- By Press Release
Dan Woodruff, president of the Col. Robert Anderson Chapter of the South Carolina Society Sons of the American Revolution, presents a $100 Canebrake Scholarship for the classroom with the most students in attendance at the Canebrake celebration Dec. 3 to teacher Pam Barefoot of Mauldin Middle School. From left: Tom Weidner, Dan Woodruff, Pam Barefoot and Robert Krause.
Students in Ms. Barefoot’s class with SAR Representatives.
Holder Rejects SC Voter Photo ID Law
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Decision Based on False Data. Unconstitutional Federal Law
It was predictable that President Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder would block the South Carolina law requiring a driver’s license, or other picture ID prior to voting according to observers of election fraud in the 2008 presidential election.
The NAACP vowed earlier this year at a convention carried on C-SPAN to do everything in their power to block the requirement that voters show photo IDs in all states where it is required. In states where laws were already in effect they would go to court. In South Carolina, the challenge assured victory.
Will any Republican Presidential Candidate Expose the Agenda of Barack Obama?
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Republican Presidential Primary candidates are verbally attacking each other without restraint, but all are somewhat timid when addressing their general election opponent President Barack Obama. Are they uninformed, misinformed or simply afraid of the possible repercussions of informing the American people of the dangerous situation in which we find ourselves?
Undoubtedly some of these candidates and their advisors are poorly informed, will have little chance of defeating the incumbent president and are therefore unqualified to be elevated to the office of President of the United States. They are ill-equipped to inform the American people, many of whom are equally ignorant of current affairs, of our impending danger. Other candidates are clearly aware of the truth of the Obama agenda and are, for some reason, too timid or fearful of speaking the truth to the American people.
Greenville GOP Christmas Party
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Greenville County Council Male Quartet plus one entertained at the Greenville GOP Christmas Party. Left to right: Dr. Bob Taylor, Joe Dill, Dan Rawls, Joel Dill and Willis Meadows.
Santa Comes to Allen Arms Indoor Range and Gun Shop
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- By Frank Allen
Santa, otherwise known as Ed Livengood, spent two evenings at Allen Arms Indoor Range and Gun Shop listening to Christmas wishes from children of all ages. Many of the children and their parents posed with Santa with products for sale.
OCR Ladies Host Annual Christmas Reception for SCV
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Event Held in Newly Renovated Museum Expansion
The Varina Howell Davis Chapter, Order of the Confederate Rose, provided food and served as hostesses for the Annual Christmas Reception honoring members of the Sixteenth Regiment, Camp 36, Sons of Confederate Veterans.
The Confederate Rose Chapter is auxiliary to the Sixteenth Regiment, SCV.
Mosie Marlar is president of the OCR Chapter. Other members assisting with the event were Cheryl Rude, Sally Wheeler, Linda Hamilton, Pamela Durham and Pam Evans.
GOP State Chairman Angers County Election Officials
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Allegedly Reneged on Promise to Pay Unfunded Primary Cost
Unless the Legislature and Governor act in January to increase the funds allowed for the presidential primary set for January 21, 2012, county governments will be stuck with the bill.
Some county officials feel they were misled by Chad Connelly, Chairman of the SCGOP. In fact, Connelly informed the Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee that he was raising funds to cover the cost not funded by the state and that county officials should not be concerned about being stuck with the bill.
Passing the Gavel
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- By Photo By Bob Dill
Kathy Davis, at left, outgoing president of the Greenville County Republican Women's Club passes the gavel to incoming president Debbie Spaugh during the December luncheon at the Poinsett Club in Greenville.
Who are they Kidding?
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The SCGOP and the media proclaim that South Carolina is holding the “First in the South” Republican Presidential Preference Primary in mid January. Who are they kidding?
First of all, primaries are not elections; they are a method for a political party to select its candidate to participate in an election. It is true that all the candidates on the ballot will be Republicans seeking the party’s nomination to represent Republicans and challenge the incumbent Democrat. By Definition, in South Carolina, this is not a Republican Primary whereby Republicans select their candidate for President of the United States. Any registered voter in South Carolina, regardless of party affiliation can vote in this primary.
Gov. Rick Perry at Stax Omega
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- By Gilbert Scales
Gov. Rick Perry made another brief stop in Greenville and addressed supporters at Stax Omega. With recent excellent performances in debates and commitments on important issues, along with the fluid political situation, Perry is experiencing a rebound in the polls. Publisher and former presidential candidate Steve Forbes told CNN Tuesday that Perry has a “chance to move up.”
RINO Hunt Joins Forces With Patriots Club
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Sharing an Untiring Determination to Live in the Freest State in America
RINO Hunt joined forces with the newly chartered Patriots Club last Thursday to make the desire of both organizations to “live in the freest state in the republic” a reality.
They agree that their shared goal is possible only if they “Hold elected officials, each other, and themselves accountable for demanding nothing less than their vision of the “freest state,” entirely and without compromise.
Remember Pearl Harbor and 9/11
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
For the fifth time in my lifetime, the American people are about to allow the Congress to dismantle the defenses of our country and leave us vulnerable to attack from foreign enemies.
As a nation, we have a very short memory and never seem to learn from our mistakes. As a result of being unprepared, we pay a horrible price in blood and lives each time we are forced to go to war.
GOP Executive Committee Stops Short of Calling for Holder Impeachment
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee stopped short of calling for the Impeachment of Attorney General Eric Holder during their Monday night meeting. A member of the committee from Travelers Rest was prepared to present a resolution for a vote by the committee, but suspended his intended proposal until after the congressional hearing, testimony by Holder, and action by the Congressional committee scheduled for Thursday, at the request of the county chairman and Fourth Congressional District staff.
Citizens Found Town Meeting For Seniors “Very Informative”
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Town Meeting for Seniors was worthwhile and “very informative,” said Billy Rainey, a retired television program host and sales executive. Rainey and his wife Delores attended all 12 sessions of the meeting hosted by Greenville County Probate Judge Debora Faulkner.
The meeting was held at Greenville County Square on the morning of Friday, December 2nd from 8:30 am. until Noon.
Sean Hannity Meets Numerous Fans in Greenville
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Sean Hannity with Anderson resident Mark Powell prior to hour-long interview with Newt Gingrich at Tommy’s Country Ham House in Greenville.
Tommy’s Ham House Site of Hannity/Gingrich Interview
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Tommy’s Ham House in Greenville, South Carolina, was the site of the most probing interview of Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich to date.
The candidate, whose South Carolina campaign staff had abandoned him more than a month earlier, had found new life through his performance in the televised debates and rocketed to the top of South Carolina and national polls.
Young Pastor Preached 1st Sermon on Sunday Pearl Harbor Attacked
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- By Pam Evans
Pastor Paul B. Chandler, Jr. Honored for 70 Years of Gospel Ministry
Pastor Paul B. Chandler, Jr., of Flat Rock, N.C., at age 17 was on his way to preach his first sermon at a youth rally in St. Petersburg, Florida, on Sunday, December 7, 1941, when he heard the news on the radio that the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. He felt that the country would soon be entering into World War II, and he knew that many of the young people to whom he would be preaching could possibly be going into battle. The text of his first sermon was from Romans 12:1 and 2: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Eighteen young people made professions of faith in Christ at that service. His first wife, Esther Lillian Allen (Chandler), was in attendance at that service.
Battle for the Soul of the Party
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Word coming from the campaign of former Mass. Governor Mitt Romney indicates that the leading Republican candidate for President of the United States who has been running for half a dozen years will not attack his opponent in a personal manner and will deal only with policy differences. This sounds a lot like Sen. John McCain. How did it work for him? Mr. Romney would be better served if he would just tell the truth and be honest about who Barack Obama is and what he is intentionally doing to systematically destroy the American free enterprise system and our sovereignty as a free people ruled by law and not by man.
- MOAA Decorates Tree for St. Francis Festival of Trees
- Voorhees College Honors Dr. Michelle Meekins
- Time Running Out on Edison Light Bulb
- Sevier Middle School Hosts Veterans Day Memorial Service
- Congressmen Speak at Furman
- Baptists Under- represented in Congress
- I Am Now A Candidate For Montana Lieutenant Governor
- The Real Thanksgiving
- Chaplain in Chief Discusses “Thanksgiving”
- Probate Judge Announces Town Hall Meeting for Senior Citizens
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