- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Paris Mountain Hotel Developer Wants to Circumvent Greenville County’s Land Use Protection Laws
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Trump and Musk Are Right: Legal Immigrants a Boon to US Economy
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Nice hotel, but the Wrong Place and the Wrong Way of Doing Things
- USAID Funded Beginning of Ukraine War in 2014
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
PTA Says PFOX Families Not Welcome at PTA Convention
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- By Christian Newswire
PTA President Chuck Saylors rejects pro-family organization’s request to exhibit at PTA Convention
CHICAGO – Charles ('Chuck') Saylors, hailed as the first male president of the Parents Teachers Association (PTA), has rejected a pro-family organization's request to exhibit at the national PTA convention. Although the PTA allows gay rights groups to exhibit, Saylors rejected the exhibit application of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX).
PFOX is a family organization that educates the public on the message of hope and support for students, families and educators affected by homosexuality, gender confusion, and school bullying.
Shivers, Presented SAR War Medal and Certificate
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
A Veteran of the Vietnam War, Shivers was Recipient of Four Purple Hearts, Silver Star Medal, and Battlefield Commission
Lieutenant Colonel Stephen L. Shivers, USMC (Ret), was presented the Society of the Sons of the American Revolution War Medal and Certificate. Charles Porter of the Colonel Robert Anderson Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, made the presentation on Memorial Day, 2010, during ceremonies at Woodlawn Memorial Park. Porter summarized Shivers’ military service.
Choice Hills’ Pastor Stan Craig Weds Beverly Freeney
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- By Barbara Wilson
May 15, 2010, was a pleasant, warm Saturday. We drove toward Choice Hills Baptist Church to attend Pastor Craig’s wedding, and along the way we listened to his Trumpet Pulpit segment on WTBI radio. Bro. Stan Craig was happily preaching “live” from his church office! It was 12:30pm, and getting closer to the start of his own wedding ceremony! Being so near to the starting time, it made us both chuckle! You could just imagine Brother Craig’s big smile! He said, “In just 30 minutes, I’m going to be married! Everyone is invited to come!”
Greenville County and SC GOP File Suit to Seek Registration by Party
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The South Carolina Republican Party has joined the Greenville County Republican Party to file a suit in U.S. District Court in Greenville, seeking to overturn laws that prevent political parties in this state from holding primaries in which only people registered for that party can vote.
The suit filed last week had no effect on the June 8, 2010, Primary Elections, as it seeks only to change the way future primaries are conducted.
Six High School Seniors Named Greenville County Students of the Year
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- By Press Release
Each spring, Greenville County Schools names Students of Year — the senior or seniors with the highest SAT score or highest ACT score. This year, six students received the prestigious title.
Hannah Chen from Riverside High and Valedictorian Natasha Deshpande from Mauldin High scored a perfect 2400 on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Irina Danescu and Amy Li from Riverside High, and MingZhe Lin and Valedictorian Angela Luo from Southside High Academy scored 35 out of a possible 36 points on the American College Test (ACT) to be named Students of the Year.
Heroes I Have Known (Part II)
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
My first encounter with Lewis Millett was in 1964. He was a Lieutenant Colonel instructor at the Command and General Staff College. I was a Captain student.
“I hope you are not like that last guy named Dill who came through here. He was a genuine (expletive deleted).”
“I don’t have any relatives in the Army,” was my response.
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- By Chuck Baldwin
My son, Tim Baldwin, is a constitutional attorney and historian. And now, after reading his just-released book, FREEDOM FOR A CHANGE, I learned something else about him: he is quite the scholar. I dare say his new book, FREEDOM FOR A CHANGE, rivals any great textbook of law and history written during the last hundred years. And I am not saying that because he is my son. I am saying that because it is the truth.
Jan Williams Elected to Replace Evert Headley as Greenville County GOP Third Vice Chairman
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Executive Committee of the Greenville County Republican Party elected Retired Engineer, Jan Williams, Third Vice Chairman of the County party Monday evening.
Williams replaces Evert Headley who is resigning for personal reason.
The primary duty of the Third Vice Chairman is precinct coordination, organization and reorganization.
Trumpeters Honored by SAR at Memorial Day Program
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
During the annual Memorial Day program held inside Woodlawn Funeral Home due to rain, two local trumpeters were honored.
The Col. Robert Anderson Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, presented the two with the SAR Outstanding Citizenship Pin and Certificate. This is a prestigious award given to those who attained noteworthy achievements in their community and state.
Speaking on behalf of chapter president Victor Compton and the chapter members, master of ceremonies Charles Porter, the past state and chapter SAR president noted that despite a 50-year difference in age between the two recipients, they both have a strong sense of community service.
Fifth Annual Greenville Scottish Games Held at Furman University
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- By Staff Reporter
Two members of the Blue Star Mothers Association explain to His Royal Highness Prince Edward what their organization does on behalf of mothers whose sons/daughters are serving in the military in a war zone, as board member Phil Bradley and Greenville Scottish Games President Dee Benedict listen.
Annual Veterans Memorial Day Ceremony Held at Greenville County Square
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- By Gilbert Scales
Ruth Helen Massey, Gold Star Mother, and American Legion Post 3 Commander John Collins prepare to place a wreath in front of the Veterans Wall of Remembrance.
Boiling Springs Tea Party Announce Endorsements
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- By Press Release
The Boiling Springs Tea Party has announced their endorsement of candidates in the upcoming Republican primary election.
United States Senate – Jim DeMint
South Carolina Governor – Henry McMaster
South Carolina Secretary of State – Mark Hammond
South Carolina Comptroller General – Richard Eckstrom
South Carolina Commissioner of Agriculture – Hugh Weathers
SC House District 38 – Joey Millwood
SC Attorney General – Robert Bolchoz
Heroes I Have Known (Part 1)
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
On Memorial Day I reflected on the friends I have known who lost their lives while serving in the uniform of our country. It is only natural for those of us who returned safely from a combat zone having lost friends to experience varying degrees of remorse. We do not know why some suffer fatal wounds and others survive.
On this Memorial Day I recall Heroes who looked death in the eye and lived to receive the Nation’s highest honor: The Medal of Honor.
Obama STARTS to Disarm America
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- By Phyllis Schlafley
Would you be satisfied if your only access to a computer was to try to boot up one that hadn't been used or tested since 1992? That's the predicament of our nuclear deterrent on which we depend for our ultimate physical survival.
On April 8 in Prague, President Obama signed what is called the New START bilateral arms control agreement. It reads like it was written by the Russians and has nothing good in it for the United States.
Obama is demanding a rush to ratification, after which we can then discover the details of what the treaty requires. Does that remind you of the procedure used for Obamacare?
New County Ordinance Declares Certain Uncultivated Weeds, Briars, Vines Unlawful
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Final Vote June 1st
An amendment to Section 9-132 of the Greenville County Code of Ordinances impacting certain property owners, passed second reading and will receive a final vote during the next Council meeting on the first Tuesday in June.
The change is worded as follows and will have the force of law immediately upon passage:
National Society of the SAR Participate in Furman Univ. Army ROTC Awards Ceremony
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Nine graduating seniors successfully completed the requirements to receive commissions as Second Lieutenants in the United States Army or National Guard during commissioning ceremonies May 8, 2010. An awards ceremony was held on Friday, May 7th.
Awards were presented to cadets and members of the Military Science Department by officers of the Colonel Robert Anderson Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution.
Cadet Alex Moore, a freshman enrolled in the Furman Army ROTC program received an SAR medal and certificate.
Signed and numbered paintings by Doug Chaffie entitled The Southern Campaign were presented to LTC William Maddox and LTC Bill Price.
Air Force JROTC Awards Presented
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- By Gilbert Scales
The Third Annual Blue Ridge High School Air Force JROTC Awards Program and Banquet was held at Ebenezer Welcome Baptist Church on Tuesday, May 11.
U.S.A.F. Lt. Col. Laura Kinard presented Mat Gedenberg a four-year scholarship to any college that has an Air Force ROTC program.
The Blue Ridge H. S. AFJROTC Squadron earned the “Distinguished Unit Award with Merit” based on setting and achieving/exceeding Cadet Corps goals.
The Squadron also received “Exceeds Standards” recognition during the graded unit inspection conducted by USAF Area Administrator Col. Williford.
Constitution Party Nominates Candidates
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- By Press Release
The Constitution Party of South Carolina held their State Convention, Saturday, May 15, 2010, at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Greenville. The State Convention was to nominate Constitution Party candidates for the general election to be held in November. SC State Chairman Ted Adams presided, and Convention President John Langville conducted the election of state officers.
Dr. Tom Kendall introduced Constitution Party nominee for the 4th Congressional District, Dave Edwards who is a real estate broker in Greenville. Dave believes that it is a citizen’s duty to stand up for the rights and principles of Constitutional government that our founders secured for us. More information can be found at www.Daveedwards4congress.com.
Why the Obama Lies Prevailed
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- By John H. Utz - Greenville, SC
It is impossible to understand just how all the Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et al, lies prevailed, in the recent passage of Health Care Reform. The lies regarding ‘reducing the deficit,’ health care for all, the ‘straw men,’ the CBO shenanigans, etc. Just how could all their lies prevail??
Well, their lies prevailed just as the neocon Cheney/Bush lies prevailed in the unconstitutional war against Iraq (weapons of mass destruction, nation-building, etc.), and Afghanistan (the Taliban, friends of our enemy, are our enemy!, though they had nothing to do with 9/11). Who knows into what countries the neocons (Project For a New American Century) will chase the ghosts of the Taliban and Al Qaeda?
Most Dangerous Time in Our Lives
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
I am convinced that we are currently living in the most dangerous time in the lives of everyone living today.
For the first time in the history of our republic, we have dangerous enemies with access to nuclear, chemical and biological weapons both outside and inside our porous borders. It is important to remember, however, that a dedicated Communist with a sharp stick of bamboo or a radical follower of Islam with a can of gasoline or a long knife can kill Americans and others they have been trained to hate. They are just as dead as if they were incinerated by a nuclear weapon, poisoned with chemicals or destroyed by disease intentionally spread.
Breakup Of U.S. Is Inevitable
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- By Chuck Baldwin
People all over America are discussing freedom’s future. In short, they are worried. In fact, many are actually talking about State secession. In coffee shops and cafes, and around dining room tables, millions of people are speaking favorably of states breaking away from the union. Not since the turn of the twentieth century have this many people thought (and spoken) this favorably about the prospect of a State (or group of states) exiting the union. In my mind, this is a good thing.
Even many of those who oppose the prospect of secession understand the increasing tyrannical nature of the current central government in Washington, D.C., and that something must be done about it.
Pushing The Wrong Buttons
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- By Ray Simmons
I've been on sort of a hiatus because there is too much news in too many places heading in too many different directions and my head is telling me that pushing the wrong buttons can be worse than pushing no button at all. My observations are telling me that too many people are pushing the wrong buttons while hardly anyone seems to know what the right button is.
I guess I'm a bit old-fashioned but it seems to me that first cause should become first priority.
Angry and Apathetic?
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- By Cynthia Skelton
Can there be anger and apathy at the same time? If you had asked me this a month ago 1 would have told you no, that anger is born of concern. Common sense would have told me that if a person cares enough to get angry about something then they care enough to look into it and try and change it. However, after talking to hundreds of people that live in this community I have unfortunately come to the conclusion that the concept of America as our founding fathers knew it is lost to us. It is not lost because people agree with the direction the country is going. It is not lost because the majority of Americans have suddenly become fans of big government or higher taxes.
Upcountry Coalition Issues Contract with Voters
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Candidates for Public Office will be Asked to Agree to Seven Commitments to Constituents
The Upcountry Coalition of Conservative Organizations has prepared a contract between elected officials and the voters of South Carolina. Candidates for public office will be asked to sign the contract and agree to keep the seven promises during their term of office.
SCSSAR Honors Vets During National Nursing Home Week
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- By Thomas C. Hanson
The Col. Robert Anderson Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution and Oakmont East Nursing Home honored veterans living at Oakmont East Nursing Home May 10.
Charles Porter was master of ceremonies. The Berea High School Air Force Junior ROTC color guard presented the colors. Heather Peel, Miss Greenville, sang the National Anthem. Beth Adams, activities director at Oakmont, led the Pledge of Allegiance. Warren Berg, a retired pastor who attends Buncombe Road Baptist Church, gave the invocation and benediction.
Blue Ridge Native Earns Doctorate in Pharmacy
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Blue Ridge Native Earns Doctorate in Pharmacy
Meghan Dowd, daughter of Marlene and Bob Dowd of Taylors, graduated from the South Carolina College of Pharmacy on May 5, 2010.
Dr. Dowd attended Mt. View Elementary School in northern Greenville County, Blue Ridge Middle School and graduated from Blue Ridge High School.
Remembering Those Who Sacrificed That We Remain Free
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Obama Steers the Court Left
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Barack Obama has thumbed his nose at veterans and many other Americans by trying to replace Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens with the liberal Elena Kagan. She is mainly noteworthy for excluding military recruiters from Harvard Law School.
This nomination illustrates how far Obama has fallen from his lofty rhetoric about ending insider politics. Kagan, a campaign donor to Obama, has never decided a single case.
Obama, a "Strategic Catastrophe"
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- By Dr. Al Snyder
Although Israeli officials publicly play down the crisis in relations between the United States and Israel, privately the language is much different. Sources close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu describe Obama as a "strategic catastrophe" for Israel.
Officials in the prime minister's office, speaking on condition of anonymity to the nation's media, see the Obama administration as a serious threat to the future of the State of Israel. On the record, Israel and the U.S. have a strategic partnership that is unbreakable. Off the record, that once strong partnership now seems to be a thing of the past.
SC Federation of Republican Women Hold Annual Legislative Day
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- By Thomas C. Hanson
COLUMBIA — The South Carolina Federation of Republican Women went to Columbia Wednesday for their annual Legislative Day.
They were introduced in the House and Senate, had tea at the Capital City Club, where they heard speeches from Republican legislators, and had tea at the Palmetto Club, where they listened to speeches from the state’s constitutional officers. Club officers had breakfast with Gov. Mark Sanford at the Governor’s Mansion.
SCFRW officers from Greenville are Betty Poe, president, Linda Garner, treasurer, and Geri Warren, membership chairman.
Click HERE for More Photos
Confederate Memorial Day Observed in Columbia
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- By Jennifer Sawyer
Confederate Memorial Day was observed in Columbia on Saturday, May 1, beginning at 10 AM at Elmwood Cemetery and concluding at the State House around 1 PM. Officially, the SC State Confederate Memorial Day is Monday, May 10, the same day as General “Stonewall” Jackson’s birthday. However, throughout the state, observances are held on various days in different towns and cities as May is Confederate History Month in South Carolina.
Three UDC Chapters were in charge of the service held at Elmwood Cemetery including Mary Boykin Chestnut Chapter, Columbia Chapter, and Wade Hampton Chapter. Nita Keisler, SC Division Recorder of Military Service Awards, presided over the event. Introduced were the SC Division UDC President Retta Tindal, the President of the SC Division Children of the Confederacy; Josh Herron, SC Division SCV Commander Mark Simpson, and Military Order of Stars and Bars Commander Joe Payne.
- Dr. Phinnize Fisher Named 2011 SC Superintendent of Year by Peers
- “The Manchurian President”
- Home Canning Workshop
- Bad Year for Career Washington Politicians
- SC Federation of Republican Women Hold Annual Legislative Day
- GOP Dinner and Debate Provide Exciting, Informative, Entertaining Evening
- Confederate Memorial Service
- The Phoenix Academy
- Upstate WWII Veterans Visit D.C. Memorials
- Candidate Jim Lee Makes a Written Commitment to People of Fourth Congressional District
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