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Local Columnists
Trump Plans Crack Down on Muslim Immigration
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- By Mike Scruggs
Most Other 2016 Presidential Hopefuls Silent
The mainstream media including Fox have apparently not noticed that in Trump’s five-page immigration plan he intends to cut down on immigration from Middle East countries posing a terrorist risk. This includes at least Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and so-called refugees from Iraq and Syria. In fact, Trump plans to increase overall fiscal scrutiny and security measures on our much abused asylum and refugee programs. He is particularly concerned with President Obama’s un-vetted surge of Iraqi and Syrian refugees. Although severe persecution and slaughter of Christian and other non-Muslim minorities in ISIS-held parts of Syria and Iraq is raging, few of Obama’s refugees are Christian or other religious minorities. Trump has also been sounding the alarm about Christian persecution worldwide, but the most egregious cases have been in predominantly Muslim nations or regions.
Are Good People an Endangered Species?
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About ten years ago, on the occasion of my 60th birthday, I made a comment to the group my wife had assembled. To honor what I knew was a terrific bunch of people I said that, “Everybody in this room is a good human being.” Little did they know they were also shortly to become an endangered species. Without dwelling on the obvious fact that I reserved then and still count now on my place among the “good guys,” let’s talk about the larger premise.
From where I sit, the President of the United States (POTUS) has targeted the good people of America. There is really too much evidence to ignore what Obama is doing. The list of crimes against the honor and integrity of America and its people is, frankly, too long to list here. If you don’t agree with that, well, you simply aren’t paying attention.
The Clash of Civilizations
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- By Mike Scruggs
The Muslim Immigration Dilemma for the West
In 1992, Harvard professor Samuel Huntington gave a lecture entitled, “The Clash of Civilizations and The Remaking of World Order.” In 1993, Huntington published the essentials of this lecture as an article in Foreign Affairs. His book by the same name followed in 1996. Huntington’s theory was that nations were already beginning to reorganize relationships and loyalties around cultural rather than primarily ideological and economic factors and that future conflicts would center around clashes of culture. At center stage, once dormant Islam, now blessed with enormous oil wealth, was becoming resurgent Islam, renewing its centuries-old militant religious-ideological based cultural drive for world dominance. Huntington stated:
Charles (Charlie) Waller
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- By Keith Crowe
Left to right: Charles (Charlie) Waller and Hovie Lister.
When I began to write “The Gospel Music Corner” I said that not only would the feature be about groups and artists but also about folks who had made an impact on the gospel music industry.
This week’s feature is without question about one person who has impacted the gospel music industry nationwide, as well as the upstate, as much if not more than any other person. This person is Charles (Charlie) Waller, “The Grand Ole Gospel Man.” Charlie is one of the more colorful people in Southern Gospel Music. He loves traditional Southern Gospel Music and works tirelessly to promote and preserve it Charlie was born in 1948 (a very good year) in Waynesboro, Mississippi.
The twenty-eighth Grand Ole Gospel Reunion will be in Greenville this year. The date for this year’s reunion is August 13th through the 15st. Charlie’s background is well-rounded in the gospel music field. He began as a DJ in New Orleans and while there promoted his first concert in 1971. He formed the Southern Gospel Music Association of Georgia in the late 70’s.
Muslim Dinner at White House
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- By Dr. Al Snyder
President Barack Obama, who has canceled several Christian events usually celebrated annually at the White House, hosted a special dinner recently there to celebrate the Muslim Ramadan holiday. The supposedly holy month of Ramadan was being celebrated around the world by millions of Muslims who worship Allah.
Obama seems to be quite familiar with the Muslim holidays. The Jewish and Christian holidays he doesn't care much about, but these Muslim ones ... well, he seems to love them. So much that he invited a crowd of Muslims to the White House, gave them his valuable time and attention, plus giving them a formal tax-payer funded dinner.
Will Taking Down Confederate Flags Promote Social Peace?
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- By Mike Scruggs
Of Course Not
Will taking down Confederate flags promote social peace or racial healing? How long would a peace based on suppression of a people’s cherished heritage last? How long would a peace built upon suppressing the memory, valor, and virtue of the revered forebears of a great number of the Southern people last? What could possibly be a surer cause of immense strife, bitterness, and economic and political turmoil? Does anyone outside of a madhouse believe that peace and prosperity can be achieved by discarding the heritage of a numerous people to gain the political favor of another? It is more likely to shatter all hope of peace. Can a society set itself against tolerance and mutual respect and have peace? No fair-minded person can accept such corrupt reasoning.
The Confederate Battle Flag
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- By Mike Scruggs
The Battle for Historical Truth
The Confederate Battle Flag, sometimes called the Southern Cross, is held in disfavor by many who are unfamiliar with its origin and true symbolism. Many have been taught to treat it as an object of moral horror and political infamy. A deadly combination of ignorance and arrogant self-righteousness is constantly engaged in shouting down its true history and meaning. Demagogues freely defame it, while moral cowardice acquiesces to their outrageous distortions of the truth. The apathetic allow its true history to be buried under decades of slanderous propaganda. It is incumbent upon those who value truth, fairness, good will, reasonable tolerance, and charity in society to educate themselves on the true history and meaning of this famed banner.