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Local Columnists
You’ve Got A Friend
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- By David Thompson
Our country’s foreign policies included the Monroe Doctrine and the Marshall Plan, both bold and clear assertions of national purpose. Our Presidents sent ships to fight the Barbary Pirates off “the shores of Tripoli” at the dawn of the 19th century and we saved the world by winning both world wars in the 20th century. Now our country is reduced to having James Taylor sing “You’ve got a friend” in an absurd and juvenile effort at foreign policy aimed to make amends to our oldest ally France. France, without whose assistance we would not have prevailed in our Revolutionary War, was subjected to further indignity from terror by the tone deaf incompetence of the Obama administration.
“Tout est pardonne,” was the message Sec. of State John Kerry delivered at a press conference in Paris on Friday, January 16th, 2015. He had come just a week too late to demonstrate American “sincere condolences” for the murders of more than a dozen people in the Charlie Hebdo Muslim terrorist massacres. Obama, along with anyone else from his administration, skipped the march against terrorism that drew more than 3 million people along with more than forty representatives of other countries. How sincere can he pretend to be?
GOP Suicide: Amnesty Now, Gun Control Next, Gone in 2016
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- By Mike Scruggs
“Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.”
The origin of the quotation, “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad” is ancient and unknown. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow has Prometheus say the words in his poem, The Masque of Pandora. Because it has the meter and theme common to ancient Greek tragedies, it was once attributed to Euripides (480-406 BC). However, very similar quotations appear to be even more ancient. A common ancient variation attributes a man’s destruction to foolishness, especially in the sense of moral blindness, confused judgment, or willful rejection of self-evident truth. Several Biblical passages have this theme. Romans 1:22 says it plainest of all: “Claiming to be wise, they became fools.”
“A Light Unto the Nations”
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- By Dr. Al Snyder
We have been writing about the wars in Israel - the bombings, the rockets, the tunnels and the human shields in Gaza, not to mention the anxiety and political intrigue in Israel. But one important topic seems to be getting lost in the shuffle - the remarkable nature of the people of Israel. Take a close look at Israel’s people, and the little Jewish country there in the Middle East is as the Bible says it is - “a Light Unto the Nations.”
After 2,000 years of exile, during which time only a remnant had the privilege to live in the homeland of Israel, although under difficult conditions, the Jewish people have now come home from the four corners of the earth. Two thousand years of dwelling in other people’s lands led to an enormous ethnic, religious and cultural diversity in today’s Israel, often leading to serious internal conflicts on issues such as the military draft, acceptable social norms, and developing a constitution that could be made acceptable to all.
Do You Really Know American History?
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- By Mike Scruggs
Maryland, My Maryland!
Following the bombardment and surrender of Fort Sumter at Charleston on April 9, 1861, Lincoln ordered Governors of the remaining Union states to call up their state militias and supply an army of 75,000 to invade and subdue the seven Southern states that had seceded. While this was received enthusiastically in many Northern States, the Border States viewed this order as a tyranny they would not follow. Consequently, the border states of Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Arkansas seceded and secession efforts were underway in Missouri and Kentucky. The order was likewise not well received in Maryland.
The Battle for National Sovereignty
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- By Mike Scruggs
According to recent Washington Post/ABC, Rasmussen, and IBD/TIPP polls, President Obama’s weakest policy vulnerability is immigration. Americans have never favored illegal immigration, amnesty, or bringing in so many immigrant workers that it hurt American wages and job prospects, but the leadership of both parties have suppressed full discussion of immigration issues for at least two decades. This has worked out well for the Democrats. In fact, it is a major part of the reason Barack Obama is President. Illegal immigration has been a major problem since 1965, but it accelerated after the 1986 amnesty, and especially after Republican President George W. Bush embraced the idea in 2001 that amnesty would convert Hispanic and Asian illegal immigrants into “natural Republicans.” A little homework on immigration issues would have prevented what the American public now believes are two of our biggest problems: illegal immigration and too much legal immigration. But most politicians don’t like homework. They like big campaign donations and acclaim by the liberal press. So Congress passes momentous legislative disasters without even reading them, much less thinking a couple steps ahead about their consequences. However, good government and sound immigration policy require honest homework and principled dedication to the best interests of all Americans.
Obama’s Islamic Fantasyland
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- By Mike Scruggs
Sugar-coated Islam versus Reality
When President Obama says that ISIS, which now calls itself the Islamic State, is not Islamic, perhaps he is trying to tell us that because ISIS is violent and fanatical, it is not the “true Islam.” Unfortunately, the President’s benevolent “true Islam” is the fantasyland of Muslim Brotherhood propaganda, thoroughly deceived liberal academics and media personalities, and politicians more concerned with political correctness than thorough homework and reality. Sadly, this counter-factual version of Islam is the so-called religion of peace and tolerance exuberantly praised by Bill and Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair, and George W. Bush. This deceptive sugarcoated version of Islam differs sharply from the Islam of the Koran and the example and teachings of Muhammad. Moreover, it conflicts with Islam’s 1400-year record of fanatical violence, despotism, and expansion by coercion, sword, and terror. Undoubtedly, vast Middle Eastern petroleum reserves and billions of petro-dollars have lent foreign affairs credibility to the fantasy that Islam is peaceful and tolerant.
Chuck Wagon Gang
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- By Keith Crowe
The Chuck Wagon Gang, this week’s feature group, began in the 30’s and traveled all over the country and recorded for over 40 years with Columbia Records. They sold more than 38 million records – a record, which many of the secular artists have not attained. They appeared in Carnegie Hall, the Hollywood Bowl, Grand Ole Opry and the Grand Ole Gospel Reunion. They are Gospel Music Hall of Fame members and are included in the Smithsonian Institution’s classic American recordings. The group left the road after the death of Roy Carter in 1997.