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Local Columnists
Real Immigration Reform
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- By Mike Scruggs
Losing Ground to Big Money and Low Information
The first big mistake in U.S. immigration policy was the 1965 “Immigration Reform” Act, which broadened family reunification preference policy from nuclear family (spouses and minor children) to extended family. The extended family policy, which included an endless chain of siblings, parents, and in-laws, resulted in Chain Migration. Chain Migration changed the character of U.S. immigration from limited and selective to an out-of-control immigration tsunami that made immigration an increasing fiscal and social burden on the nation.
To the Winner Goes the Mandate
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- By David Thompson
It always seems so lame, the whine that goes up from the loser that the other guy barely won. Or that the beauty contest had all ugly contestants and so nobody wanted anything to do with the result. Remember this: every contest has to have a winner… and the winner gets the prize.
The majority of the country now realize what a foolish mistake it was to elect and, even worse, re-elect Barack Obama; but spin those results any which way and the bottom line remains the same. And yes, he gets the mandate that goes with winning. Fortunately that works both ways, so after the 2014 elections Congress should again have a say as well. But that assumes the weasels that got elected were going to be serious about their oath to uphold the Constitution.
Part of the reason the country now realizes it made a prodigious error voting Obama-the-fox into the chicken coop is that he has some real strange ideas that he is inflicting on America and the world. For example, he apparently is OK with radical Islam…wow.
Netanyahu Re-Elected Prime Minister
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- By Dr. Al Snyder
With all the ballots counted, it was clear that Benjamin Netanyahu has been re-elected as Israel's Prime Minister for the fourth time. Netanyahu's conservative Likud Party won 30 of the 120 seats in the Knesset. The liberal Zionist Union (formerly Labor Party) won 24 seats, but it was not enough to put their party leader Buji Herzog in office as prime minister.
While there were few surprises with the smaller parties, the most recent pre-election polls had shown Herzog unseating Netanyahu. Even preliminary results on election night had Likud and Zionist Union neck and neck with about 24 seats each, making it unclear who would be designated by the president to form the next government.
Why Not Re-Elect Netanyahu?
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- By Dr. Al Snyder
Nineteen year ago, when Benjamin Netanyahu first became Prime Minister of Israel, the Israeli-Palestinian peace process dominated the national elections. There were other issues of importance, but all else paled in comparison to the question of how much Israel's next leader would give up for peace, and how he would handle the situation if the Palestinians failed to reciprocate.
Two decades later the situation looks much different to voters as they head to the polls on March 17. Today most Israelis recognize that there is no peace process any more, and that efforts to conclude a viable agreement with the current Palestinian leadership are increasingly unrealistic. And so, while a leader's position regarding the peace process and the Land of Israel still matters, it is far from being the first thing voters look to when making their decision.
Christians and Netanyahu
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- By Dr. Al Snyder
"Israel's Prime Minister is correct to stand up for what is right, rather than cower to those who are more concerned with what they consider to be political correctness." This was a statement made by Israeli Goodwill Ambassador Earl Cox in a recent TV interview in Augusta, Georgia.
Cox was referring to the invitation extended by U.S. Speaker of the House, John Boehner, to Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu to address a full session of the U.S. Congress on March 3, without having first received the blessing of the White House.
Cox went on to say, "While the White House is busy criticizing Boehner and Netanyahu for moving outside of what they consider proper channels of protocol, Netanyahu should instead be hailed as a hero for his courageous willingness to sacrifice his own political future in order to warn the free world and save his country from facing a nuclear armed Iran.
Calvin Newton
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- By Keith Crowe
This week’s article is somewhat unusual in that I am writing about someone who sang gospel music but along the way made some mistakes and had to pay for his mistakes and is currently back singing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This person is Calvin Newton.
His music career begins, as so many folks do, by singing with his family. Calvin’s father was a Church of God minister and had high hopes for his son to follow in his footsteps but Calvin had other ideas. Newton said that he had seen the hardships his father had gone through as a minister and he did not want to face those same hardships. While singing with his family Calvin had been a part of a radio broadcast on WEBQ out of Harrisburg, Illinois, so he decided that maybe he could be a gospel singer.
His father wanted him to attend Lee College so he did for a while and this is where his singing career got a jump-start. Newton stated that he was singing in a chapel program and was heard by the Dean of Music. He was invited to sing in the college quartet. Next he formed a group called the Kingsmen Four, then came the big time and the job of singing Tenor for a group called the Melody Masters. Along with Calvin the other members were Jake Hess, James “Big Chief” Weatherington, Alvin Tuddle and Wally Varner.
Duke's Decision
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- By Dr. Al Snyder
Like so many of America's elite universities, North Carolina's Duke University began with a strong Christian foundation. And like many of America's elite universities, Duke has strayed from those original values.
In 2004 Duke raised eyebrows for sponsoring a Palestinian Solidarity Movement conference. As one might imagine, the movement promoted divestment from Israel and supported the outrageous claim that "Zionism is racism." The conference sold T-shirts calling for the destruction of Israel.
When Jewish students criticized the anti-Semitic nature of the Palestinian Solidarity Movement, they were accused of wanting to silence free speech. An article ran in the student newspaper entitled, "The Jews," which suggested that there were too many Jews at Duke. It complained about "the powerful Jewish establishment" in the country. Not surprisingly, some Jewish students left Duke in disgust.