- A review of Jenna McCarthy's new book: YANKEE DOODLE SOUP
- Air Commando Hunters on the Ho Chi Minh Trail
- Remembering LBJ’s Vietnam War Operation Rolling Thunder
- The Battle for Biblical Christianity
- Lisa Campbell Bracewell for Greenville County School Board - District 17
- False Prophets and Deceived Shepherds
- Returning America to Truth, Justice, and Common Sense
- The Resignation of President Joe Biden and his Endorsement of Kamala Harris
- Kamala Harris Promises to Impose Abortion on All 50 States as President
- Frontline Ministries, Inc., Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary
- A Republic Or A Democracy? There IS a Difference, You Know!
- Obama Puppet Master Still the Same
- NBC News Report: 'The Firing Squad' Reaches 'Demographic that is Often Left Out of the Box Office Equation'
Aubrey Elliott Harp Performance
- By Mike Couch
Aubrey Elliott provided music for the December 18, “Christmas in Dixie” Program at the Museum and Library of Confederate History.
The Joy of Christmas
- By Tony Dunn
The Daybreak Singers present The Joy of Christmas at Daybreak Community Church in Greenville.
The Joy of Christmas
- By Tony Dunn
The Daybreak Singers present The Joy of Christmas at Daybreak Community Church in Greenville.
Schlafly: “Donald Trump Last Hope for America”
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
“He will fight for the issues that we really care about and are very hot at the present time, such as the Immigration Issue. I don't see anyone else who is eager to fight.”
On the eve of a presidential election year and the Iowa Caucuses less than two months away, there are danger signs on the horizon.
Hillary Clinton is the likely Democrat candidate. Her mendacity and alleged crimes are not a problem for her constituents who plan to win by “hook or crook.”
With Senator Lindsey Graham out of the race, there remain 13 Republican candidates. Most of the candidates are clinging to the moderate wing of the Republican Party that lost the last two elections to Barack Obama. Only Donald Trump and Ted Cruz stand out from the crowd as separate from the Republican Establishment.
Fanning the Flames of Hatred
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
An old adage that I recall from childhood appears more true today than ever. “If you give some people an inch, they will take a mile.”
Before current college-aged South Carolinians were born, schools and other institutions in this state were integrated and Jim Crow Laws scrapped with minimum turmoil. Later, lawmakers proclaimed national, state and county MLK Holidays and began naming highways, streets, schools and other landmarks for the late civil rights leader. MLK is the only American to be so honored.
Then came demands. “Remove the battle flag from the capitol dome or the NAACP will lead a boycott of the state.” In order to maintain peace, a compromise was reached and agreed to by all parties. The flag would be removed from the dome and placed appropriately at the memorial of the Confederate soldier on the capitol grounds. As part of the agreement, a large monument heralding Black history would be erected on the capitol grounds. The agreement was made into law.
Past Presidents Attend Celebration
- By Thomas C. Hanson
The current president of the Greenville County Republican Women's Club and six past presidents attended the Club's annual Christmas Luncheon at the Poinsett Club. From left to right, Mary Beth Green, Recently installed President for 2016 – 2017; Linda Slaton, 2014 – 2015; Debbie Spaugh, 2012 – 2013; Kathy Davis, 2010 – 2011; Geri Warren, 2008 – 2009; Betty Poe, 2006 – 2007; and Joanne Meadows, 2003 – 2005. Under the leadership of these ladies the club has grown to be the largest Republican Women's Club in the Palmetto State and one of the more active and influential.
Donald Trump Appealing to Discouraged Citizens
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Cruz Close Behind and Leading in Iowa, Establishment Candidates Getting no Traction
The latest polls indicate that Donald Trump is “building a commanding national lead” over his opponents. The only opponent showing a threatening surge is Texas Senator Ted Cruz.
Many concerned citizens are flocking to Donald Trump because they are convinced that the establishment Republicans are not committed to closing the borders and protecting citizens from an onslaught of foreigners that include an unknown number of committed terrorist.
Clinging to His Roots
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
David Quemere, at left, Grew up in New York City and spent his summers with his grandfather and numerous cousins in northern Greenville County, including Judy Walker and Robert Taylor in the photo above. David and his wife reside near Boston. He heads back to Greenville County at every opportunity. He owns the Rev. Hartwell Beacham home place and is planning to restore it for the enjoyment of future generations of the Beacham bloodline.
Joyful Harps Entertained at 2nd Christmas In Dixie
- By Mike Couch
Heather Sheen, with Joyful Harps, plays the museum’s historic melodian during the “Christmas in Dixie” Program.
Changing the Culture of the U. S. Military
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has announced he is opening all positions in the U. S. military to women. Obama has been pushing this unwise change for years. This decision will degrade the overall effectiveness of several critical elements of the United States defense establishment. The decision was not made of military necessity or to improve the military in any way. It was made to satisfy the career ambitions of a dozen or so senior military women and to degrade the military by those politicians who loathe the military and want to fundamentally change the United States of America to their twisted vision of a Socialist state.
It is clear that the Obama Administration has no interest in their decision’s impact on national defense or the impact on individual service women or their fellow service members.
Rafael Cruz Visits Volunteers at Cruz for President Greenville Headquarters
- By Robert Ryggs
Rafael Cruz, father of Senator Ted Cruz, poses with volunteers and guests at Cruz Headquarters in Greenville.
Ted Cruz Leads in Iowa, Wins Greenville Straw Polls
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
“Ted Cruz will always tell the truth and do what he says he will do.” ~ Rafael Cruz
Senator Ted Cruz of Texas jumped to first place in the latest Iowa poll. Cruz sailed by both Donald Trump and Ben Carson in the latest Monmouth University poll released Monday, December 7, 2015.
Cruz took 24 percent of the votes from a survey of 425 Iowa voters likely to attend the Republican presidential caucuses in February.
This marks the first time that Cruz has held a lead in any of the crucial early primary states.
Memorial Marker Dedicate for Thomas Calvin Chumley
- By Press Release
Caroline S. Coleman 537, Children of the Confederacy, had the privilege of dedicating a memorial marker for Confederate soldier Thomas Calvin Chumley on Saturday, November 21, 2015, at the Cedar Shoals Baptist Church cemetery in Enoree, SC. Thomas Calvin Chumley is one of the Confederate ancestors of four chapter members of Caroline S. Coleman 537: Sumter (Chapter President), Hampton (Chapter Chaplain), Georgia Grey, (Chapter Historian) and Charlotte Chumley. Hampton and Georgia Grey also serve as SC Division officers of the Children of the Confederacy. Hampton is the SC Division Historian and Georgia Grey is the SC Division Recording Secretary. The Chumley family purchased and installed the iron cross marker and then gave the honor to Caroline S. Coleman 537 to dedicate the marker with a ceremony conducted by the chapter members.
Party Hacks May Decide the Republican Presidential Nominee
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The first Republican presidential primaries will begin in a little more than two months. In theory and as most voters understand the system, the votes are tallied for each state and the winner of each state receives all the electoral votes. The candidate who receives the largest number of electoral votes will become the nominee of the party and will select their Vice Presidential Running Mate.
The Democrats will nominate and support Hilary Clinton as their candidate although she has a horrible record and could be charged and convicted of a variety of crimes should there be an Attorney General willing to serve the papers.
Pastor Lays Aside Political Correctness, Confronts Radical Islam
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
“It is Impossible to Defeat an Enemy you are Unwilling to Identify.”
On Sunday morning following the radical Islamic attacks on innocent civilians in Paris, Dr. Robert Jeffress Pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, dispensed with political correctness and provided a special message to his congregation. Dr. Jeffress and Pastor Donnie Swaggart have demonstrated boldness and courage that most pastors and elected officials have not yet exhibited.
The message now on U-tube lasts only 6 minutes and will be quoted as near verbatim as possible.
I feel like I need to address the tragedy we all witnessed this weekend in Paris. What should be our response to that tragedy? Certainly, as Christians, we should be praying for the victims and the victims families. Psalms 34 says, The Lord is close to those who are broken hearted.
Legionnaire of Year Award
- By Tony Dunn
Cecil Buchanan congratulates Peter Butchart on receiving the Legionnaire of Year Award from Major Rudolph Anderson Jr. Post 214 Commander Steve Zietz.
Cecil Buchanan Presented Quilt of Valor
- By Tony Dunn
Korean War veteran has provided Leadership and work to the American Legion for 48 years since the War
Suzanne DiCarlo and Walt Richardson of the Quilts of Valor Foundation presented a beautiful quilt to Cecil Buchanan during the Tuesday, November 17 meeting of Major Rudolf Anderson American Legion Post 214 in Taylors.
Buchanan, a veteran of the Korean War, has been a very active member of the American Legion for some 48 years. His work leading to the establishment of the Cecil Buchanan War Museum in Greenville is noteworthy. Commander Steve Zietz, Stuart MacDonald and Bill Moore assisted in the presentation.
MOAA Names Lt. Gen. Dana Atkins as New President & CEO
- By Press Release
Alexandria, Va. -The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) today announced its board of directors has unanimously selected retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Dana Atkins, a distinguished military officer and seasoned private-sector business leader, as its new president and chief executive officer. The appointment is effective as of Jan. 4, 2016.
Atkins will succeed retired Navy Vice Adm. Norbert R. Ryan, who has led the association since 2002 and announced his retirement earlier in 2015.
In his new role at MOAA, Atkins will lead the more than 390,000 members of the nation's largest military service organization and fourth-largest veterans service organization in its advocacy mission on behalf of the entire uniformed services community.
SC Volunteers Welcome New Members
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Commander Douglas Langley, above left, welcomed 5 new members to the 16th South Carolina Volunteers SCV Camp 36 during the Thursday 19 November meeting of the camp. From left to right, the new members are Taylor Davenport, Jason Ross, Barry Kay, Perry Sudduth and Shane Anderson.
Shift in Attitude Regarding Refugees
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
On the third Tuesday night in November, Greenville County Council unanimously passed a resolution urging a halt to acceptance of refugees that have not been adequately vetted and proven not to be terrorists. Two weeks earlier, the Council had taken a hard line against such a resolution. What happened to drastically change the attitude?
The day before South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley modified her stand on welcoming refugees from the United Nations refugee stream. Haley had earlier agreed to accept the refugees. What motivated the change in position by the Governor?
Sarah Palin sees Trump, Cruz as GOP Finalists
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Trump Holds Strong Lead in all three Early Primary States, Cruz Passes Carson in Iowa. Stop Trump PAC Forming.
“I think it will come down to Trump and Cruz, to tell you the truth,” said former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin in an interview with WBT-FM in Charlotte, North Carolina last Thursday.
“People are really tired of professional politicians who won’t call it like they see it and maybe don’t have life experiences that allow them to prove a track record of success.
“That’s refreshing about Trump. He’s a fighter. We know he’s going to put America first. And he really nailed it early on what the main problems are in America right now.”
A Visit from Four Black Bears on State Park Rd.
- By Terry M. Thacker
Valerie Adams, who lives in the State Park Road area, awoke Saturday morning anticipating setting up a garage sale, only to discover a family of four black bears in her back yard. Although she contemplated cancelling the sale, she decided to go ahead with it, all the while the four bruins slumbered peacefully high up in the branches of a tree. A family of bears, probably the same ones, have recently been spotted in the general area by other individuals as well. By the way, the bears were not for sale.
The Truth about the Confederate Cause
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
A Presentation by Dr. Terry Rude, Retired Educator and Board Chairman of the 16th Regiment, SC Volunteers Confederate Museum and Library
Dr. Terry Rude came to Greenville, South Carolina from the West Coast. Motivated by a desire to learn something about Southern Culture, he discovered Confederate history. For decades, as a professor at Bob Jones University and a teacher in Greenville County public schools, he continued to study original source historical documents. During a lengthy search he discovered he had a Confederate ancestor and was qualified to become a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Museum and Library of Confederate History Dedicates Napoleon Cannon
- By Pam Evans
On Sunday, November 15, 2015, at 3:00 p.m., the Museum and Library of Confederate History, located at 15 Boyce Avenue, Greenville, SC 29601, held a dedication ceremony for its newly installed 1857 12-pound Napoleon Cannon. The 16th SC Color Guard of Honor posted the colors. 16th Regiment, SC Volunteers, SCV Greenville Camp 36 Chaplain Mark Evans gave the invocation. Museum Director Michael Couch welcomed everyone and told of some of the events surrounding the acquisition and installation of the cannon.
Spiritual Warfare in the Flesh
The Islamic slaughter of more then 130 innocent people in Paris, Friday night, has Americans suddenly concerned about safety. We know from the days before Obama (BO) and extreme political correctness that it is the “truth that sets men free.” Therefore, if we are to have victory over and freedom from the various Islamic terrorist organizations, we must know the truth about who they are, what motivates them and their ultimate goals.
The origin of this conflict goes back to Genesis in the Old Testament. Abraham failed to obey God and fathered a son “Ishmael” by his wife’s maid. He was banished from the family when a legitimate son “Isaac” was born to Abraham and his wife Sarah. Ishmael became the father of the Muslims and Isaac the father of the Jews. There is much more to the story in the book of Genesis.
Carson Does Double Duty
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Republican Presidential Candidate Dr. Ben Carson pulled double duty in Greenville, Friday, 13 November 2015. He began the day speaking to a breakfast meeting of about 250 Republican Women and their guests at the Global Trade Center. Dr. Carson took time to shake hands and greet virtually everyone in attendance. His address was mostly about personal relationships, truth and well thought-out solutions to complex problems. He did not venture into domestic and foreign policy issues.
Cruz’s “Rally for Religious Liberty” at BJU
- By Arthur Hampton
Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz went to Bob Jones University, Saturday afternoon, holding the “Rally for Religious Liberty.” Hundreds filled the campus beginning with a moment of silence for the Paris attacks. Cruz exclaimed that Obama is not doing enough to fight ISIS, and if Americans do not act, “we will be mourning another attack like this.”
Cruz began his speech by quoting Martin Luther King, Jr. and reminded the audience that he was indeed a pastor. Cruz then attempts to appeal to conservatives, quoting Reagan’s first speech at Notre Dame after he was shot, stating, “‘Communism is a bizarre chapter in human history, whose last pages even now are being written.’ Let me say that the same is true of radical Islamic terrorism.” In addition, Cruz notes interestingly that Notre Dame had a “tremendous Christian Heritage.”
- Alarmed Citizens Call on Leaders to Halt Dangerous Refugee Resettlement
- Vietnam Veterans America Flag Retirement in Cleveland Park
- Wade Hampton High School AFJROTC Veterans Day Program
- Jeb Can Fix It
- Liberals Call Immorality "Progress"
- Obama’s “Syrian” Refugee Resettlement Plans Breath-Taking Costs Exceeding $257,481 per Household
- The Lawless History of Hillary Clinton
- Greenville County Council Tabled Refugee Proposal
- Christian Film Pioneer Katherine Stenholm Passes at 98
- Doctor Assesses Jeb Bush's Plan On Obamacare
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