- The Assassination of Donald Trump and The Revenge of MAGA
- A review of Jenna McCarthy's new book: YANKEE DOODLE SOUP
- Three Experts Shred Fulton County 2020 Election Results, Shatter Secretary's Claims of Georgia Election Accuracy
- Air Commando Hunters on the Ho Chi Minh Trail
- A Different Focus on Biden July 11 Press Conference
- Remembering LBJ’s Vietnam War Operation Rolling Thunder
- The Battle for Biblical Christianity
- False Prophets and Deceived Shepherds
- Returning America to Truth, Justice, and Common Sense
- The Resignation of President Joe Biden and his Endorsement of Kamala Harris
- Kamala Harris Promises to Impose Abortion on All 50 States as President
- Frontline Ministries, Inc., Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary
- A Republic Or A Democracy? There IS a Difference, You Know!
Daughters of the American Revolution Awards
- By Julia Barnes
Hudson Berry Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, met on Saturday, May 14, 2016, at Boulevard Baptist Church in Anderson, SC. The ladies chose to move their usual location to outdoors in the brick-enclosed prayer garden next to the Chapel. Regent Julia Barnes welcomed all the ladies, including three prospective members, and led them in the ritual, pledges to flags, and American’s Creed. Special award certificates were presented to Kay Burns of Anderson, Julia Barnes of Honea Path & LuAnne Foster of Belton, for their work in the DAR Bible Records project.
Confederate Memorial Service Held at Springwood Cemetery
- By Pam Evans
On Sunday, May 1, 2016, the annual Confederate Memorial Service was held at Springwood Cemetery in Downtown Greenville. The South Carolina legal Confederate Memorial Day was Tuesday, May 10th. The memorial service was sponsored by the 16th Regiment SC Volunteers, Camp 36, Sons of Confederate Veterans, and the Museum and Library of Confederate History. Before the service began, the Unknown Soldier graves and other Confederate graves throughout the cemetery were decorated with flags. Beautiful prelude music was provided by the Kendall, Neely and Verdin families. Mr. Hunter Kendall played the “Call to Church” on his trumpet.
Elitist Republicans Angry with Voters
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Donald Trump has defeated 16 Republican Candidates in the Republican Primary contests. He is the only candidate standing and is presumed to be the ultimate winner at the Republican Convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July. He humiliated candidates Lindsey Graham and Jeb Bush in the South Carolina Primary. The entire Bush family, including two former presidents, is furious with Trump and refuses to endorse or promise to vote for him in the General Election.
Establishment Republicans who fear losing their power and prestige are taking out their revenge on Trump, however, it is the voters with whom they are really angry. For decades conservative Republicans have supported the candidates the party bosses selected for them. They made promises and never kept them. The voters are angry and have decided not to support the party regulars this time. They have chosen instead to take their chances with an outsider who has promised what they want in a leader. The nation is shocked at his success and the party leaders are terrified.
We Don’t Need Voting by Murderers
- By Phyllis Schlafly
We do not want convicted murderers and rapists sitting on juries in criminal trials, and we do not want convicted felons to be picking the next leaders of our Nation. Elections are for law-abiding citizens to pick law-abiding leaders, not for criminals to elect fellow criminals.
But Democrats have realized that convicted felons are more likely to vote for a Democrat than a Republican. In Virginia, the number of convicted felons is about 4% of the number of registered voters, which is more than enough to change the outcome in many local and statewide elections.
SC GOP Convention Acknowledges Trump as Probable Party Leader
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Lt. Governor Henry McMaster and State GOP Chairman Matt Moore Host Trump Unity Breakfast for Convention Delegates
Delegates attending the South Carolina Republican Convention were welcomed by Lt. Gov. Henry McMaster at a Donald Trump Campaign Unity Breakfast. McMaster and SC Republican Party Executive Committee Chairman Matt Moore were featured speakers at the Unity Breakfast.
Governor Nikki Haley was the featured speaker at the convention. Congressman Joe Wilson was the only member of congress present. In fact, only 496 of the 870 delegates to the convention showed up to vote for national delegates and for the national Committeeman and Committeewoman.
Governor Haley discussed her accomplishments as Governor and challenges that continue to face the State Government.
Eight Furman, NGU Graduates Commissioned As US Army 2nd Lieutenants
- By Bob Dill, PublisherBy Bob Dill Eight new Army second Lieutenants were commissioned at Furman University McAlister Auditorium Saturday, May 6th, 2016. Lt. Col. Gregory Scrivens is Professor of Military Science at Furman. Also participating in the ceremony
Eight new Army second Lieutenants were commissioned at Furman University McAlister Auditorium Saturday, May 6th, 2016.
Lt. Col. Gregory Scrivens is Professor of Military Science at Furman. Also participating in the ceremony were Furman President Dr. Elizabeth Davis and Interim North Greenville University President Dr. Randall Parnell.
Guest speaker for the ceremony was Colonel Erick Schwartz (USA Ret.).
Col Schwartz said the purpose of his talk was to give the soon to be Army officers, “an insider’s look into hearts and minds of men in battle.”
Confederate Memorial Day in Columbia
- By Jennifer Sawyer
On May 7, 2016, Confederate Memorial Day in Columbia brought the largest crowd seen in recent years. Several hundred were at Elmwood Cemetery for the UDC service sponsored by the Mary Boykin Chestnut Chapter of Columbia. Chapter President Juanita Keisler presided, Division President Ann Shugart brought greetings as did SC Division CofC President Matthew Myers. The speaker was Leland Summers, SC Division SCV Commander. Special music was presented by the gospel group Sonrise. After the laying of the wreath at the unknown Confederate soldier’s grave, a military salute was given by the Palmetto Battalion complete with cannon firing and the playing of taps. The parade of those who wished to participate took place between 11 AM and 12 noon with a march to the Statehouse. Several hundred individuals and groups with flags waving were escorted by police cars to the Statehouse for the 12 noon service.
Official (Politically Correct) Islam versus the Truth
- By Mike Scruggs
In the last two articles on the Foundations of Islam, I have pointed out that the violent coercion of Jihad is deeply embedded in its founding doctrinal texts: the Koran, the Hadiths, and the Sira. These are essentially the alleged revelations to Muhammad of Allah’s words in the Koran and of Muhammad’s words and example recorded by his closest companions in the Hadiths and Sira. Sharia Law is also based on this textual trilogy. The only way to judge the true nature of Islam is through the Koran and the words and example of its Prophet, Muhammad. It will not do to call Islam a religion of peace, when 9 percent of the Koran and 31 percent of Islam’s doctrinal trilogy is about Holy War on all non-Muslims, and Muhammad claims that he is called by Allah to make Islam the only religion and that all nations should be subject to Sharia Law. None of the Jihad spoken of in these doctrinal standards is a “spiritual struggle” of prayer and fasting, as is falsely claimed by Muslim Brotherhood propagandists. One of the most shocking incidents of Muhammad’s early leadership is the beheading of 800 Jewish prisoners of war in Medina, because they would not accept the Muslim faith. This ghastly massacre is taught approvingly by Muslim scholars and leaders. There are 328,000 words in the Islamic trilogy devoted to political violence, almost all against non-Muslims, whereas the Hebrew Bible has only 34,000, and the New Testament has almost none.
Destroying the Republic from Within
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
As a retired soldier with both enlisted and commissioned service including the Vietnam War, I have serious concerns about the present and future of the Republic for which many of my friends and their families sacrificed and some gave their lives. Therefore, I am extremely interested in who becomes our next President. Those of us who served, and especially those who served in combat, know that the choice of a Commander-in-Chief is a matter of life or death for all those in uniform.
Tragically, unwise decisions by President Obama during his two-terms in office have resulted in the loss of many lives and will cost lives and cause untold suffering far into the future.
I don’t know who, if anyone is advising Donald Trump on national defense, however his teleprompter speech on foreign policy contained a lot of common sense and more than a little sound military strategy.
You never commit American troops to war unless it is clearly in the national interest and there is no acceptable alternative.
Obama Moving Suburbanites to Cities, Urbanites to Suburbs
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Greenville County Council Will Be Told To Get Ready,It Is Coming. The Wednesday Briefing Is Open To The Public
The Times Examiner has been informing readers about the dangers of United Nations Agenda 21 that has been embraced and quietly implemented by presidents of both political parties. Agenda 21, when fully implemented will eliminate private property ownership and control every aspect of human life according to the wishes of environmental wackos and other leftists.
Taxpayer advocate Butch Taylor kept elected officials informed on Agend 21 for almost two decades. Citizen activist Diane Hardy has taken a leading role in exposing AFFH to public officials and their constituents.
President Obama is using his final years in office to implement a program called HUD/AFFH (Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing) Regulation.
Korean Vets Support Community Project
- By Lew Perry
The Korean War Veterans Association, Foothills Chapter of SC #301, has contributed to the Greer Daily Bread Ministries STEP project, a veterans and family shelter. The STEP program (Shelter to Empower People) is designed to allow a veteran or a family to progress through a 90 day program that will provide them with the faith, financial knowledge, and life skills needed to exit homelessness, rejoin the workforce, and become productive members of the community. STEP is an arm of the Greer Soup Kitchen, well known in the community since 1991, whose mission is to feed the hungry by providing one hot nutritious meal (not just a sandwich) each day to whomever comes, serving approximately 140 to 150 meals each day. The Soup Kitchen provided over 50,000 meals in the past year.
Furman University US Army ROTC Awards Ceremony
- By Gilbert Scales
Homer Bryant, WWII veteran, presents the American Legion Award for Scholastic Excellence to Cadet Adam Johnson. This award is presented to a junior cadet that displays leadership qualities and is active in student organizations and constructive activities.
Joel Heiser, Vietnam veteran and member of James F. Daniel, Jr. American Legion Post 3, presents the American Legion Award for Military Excellence to Cadet William Jenkins. This award is presented to a junior cadet that demonstrates outstanding qualities and military leadership, discipline, and citizenship.
Mrs. Helen Kinion presents the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution National Defense Committee ROTC Medal and Certificate to Cadet Devan Trout. This award is presented to a cadet that shows qualities of loyalty and patriotism.
Johnny Mack Brown Spoke to Legionnaires
- By Tony Dunn
Retired Sheriff Johnny Mack Brown spoke to the Rudolph Anderson American Legion Post recently. The longest serving sheriff in Greenville County history discussed his interesting and productive life in law enforcement, including his appointment to the Federal Marshall service after leaving the sheriff’s office.
Winnie Davis 442 UDC Celebrates 20th Anniversary in Historic House
- By Julia Barnes
Chicora Historic Home featuring the 1st national flag CSA in Belton, SC.
The twentieth anniversary celebration of Winnie Davis 442, United Daughters of the Confederacy, was held on the afternoon of Sunday, May 1, 2016, at Chicora historic home located in a rural area between Belton & Williamston. This home was built in the 1840s by William Anderson, who served later as an officer in the Confederate military. After his death during the War, his widow Lucretia Breazeale Anderson used her home as a girl’s school. Chicora was surrounded by Federal troops who were part of Brown’s Raid on May 1, 1865.
Sex, Gender, and Politics: Restore Common Sense and Public Safety
- By Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D.
Some claim that sexual orientation is a preference, not genetic, and therefore can be changed. However, nothing is more clearly genetic than our biological sex. It is determined by our two “sex” chromosomes, one from each parent. Two X chromosomes determine a biological female, while one X and one Y chromosome determine a biological male. The Y chromosome can only come from the child’s father.
But in the 21st century, “gender” has moved beyond biology, morphing into a new construct that is part socio-cultural, part ideological, and part political: that gender is based on one’s self-perception of being male or female, and is changeable.
Hence we have controversial legislation allowing self-selection of public bathrooms by transgender individuals – or anyone who claims to be transgender.
The Changing Scene at Clemson
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The racial strife and week-long demonstrations at Clemson University alleging racism and discrimination, coupled with administrators struggling to find ways to meet demands of small groups of students remind me of the contrast with “Old Clemson College” of the 1950s.
Clemson was created as an all-male military college with a proud heritage to provide educational opportunities for rural children of modest means. It was an agricultural and mechanical college that in the 1940s and 50s featured mostly agricultural and textile graduates. Clemson provided more commissioned officers for World War II than all the US military academies combined. Freshmen from as far away as New York City were required by their upper classmen to become conversant in the history of Clemson and South Carolina. Discipline was administered to students by students with minimum supervision and guidance from the college administration.
Post 214 Display At Local Gun Show
- By Post 214 Photo
Legion Post 214 members John Banning, Tony Dunn, Bobby Prater and Charlie Porter display a Russian 762/54 Water Cooled MAXIM machine gun on a Sokdov wheel mount captured from Soviets by Finns. The gun fires 200-600 rounds per minute. The gun is part of a collection owned by a member of the Post.
22 Veterans Walk 22 Miles to Raise Awareness of Vet Suicides
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Few Americans realize that 22 veterans are lost everyday to suicide. These dramatic losses far exceed the current casualties in foreign conflicts.
Early Friday morning, 22 military veterans departed Landrum in the rain on a 22-mile walk to Greer to raise community awareness of the 22 veterans lost to suicide each day.
The first scheduled rest stop was Gowansville. They reached it ahead of schedule. The second rest stop on highway 14 was Skyland Elementary School where they were greeted by a group of supporters and encouragers from local veterans organizations. They provided water and restroom facilities for the walkers.
Tabatha R. Miller, Veterans Outreach Program Specialist represented the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs at the Skyland rest area. Auxiliary members of several veterans organizations as well as veterans not personally participating in the walk joined her.
Foundations of Sharia Law
- By Mike Scruggs
The Koran, Sira, and Hadiths - Part 1
Islam is a total worldview, and Islamic Law is a legal system encompassing every aspect of Muslim life—religion, politics, government, war, criminal and civil law, business, family, food, dress, social, culture, absolutely everything. Although criticism of Islam or Islamic Law can invoke the death penalty, there are many secularized or purely cultural Muslims who are not fully compliant with Islamic doctrines and Islamic laws. But according to a 2008 survey reported by Ingrid Carlqvist with Dispatch International (Sweden) in 2015, 66 percent of European Muslims want to be under Sharia Law rather than Europeans laws.
Merger of Trump & Cruz Supporters Could Save GOP and America
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
A merger of Trump and Cruz political campaigns is not likely, but could capture the Republican Party for Conservatives and create a real contrast between Democrats and Republicans for the first time in modern History. The two camps control 70 to 80 percent of the Republican electorate.
There is much in common between the true Conservatives in both camps. However, there is little chance that the two campaigns will be allowed to get together at the convention in Cleveland. Such a merger would be very detrimental to the party elite that hold the power at the top and the RINOs (Republicans in name only) that hold the power at the county and state level in many cases.
Neither candidate is perfect, however both Trump and Cruz have a lot to offer in terms of returning the nation to a constitutional republic based on laws rooted in morality. Both candidates are very intelligent and the best at what they do.
Feminists Can’t Get Over Clarence Thomas
- By Phyllis Schlafly
Most people would get over defeat that occurred nearly 25 years ago, but feminists hold grudges forever. They continue to rage against Justice Clarence Thomas’s routing of them at his 1991 confirmation hearings, where he beat liberals at their own game, surviving a media ambush that would have destroyed any mere mortal.
A new movie called “Confirmation” tells the story of the Clarence Thomas Senate hearings from a distorted liberal perspective. Senator Alan Simpson, a key participant in the hearings, described the movie as “seriously distorted” based on his review of the script, and former White House lawyer Mark Paoletta said “it’s a dishonest film. … It’s a propaganda piece for Anita Hill and for Hillary Clinton’s run for the White House.”
Cruise-in at Lil’ Rebel
- By Tony Dunn
Members of Chapter 523 of The Vietnam Veterans of America Car Cruise-in at Lil’ Rebel Restaurant Saturday evening distribute door prizes to winners.
AVVA Swears in New Chapter Representative
- By Tony Dunn
SC State Associates Vietnam Veterans of America (AVVA) Representative Hope Summers swears in Doris Brock as the AVVA Representative for Greenville Chapter 523. She will serve a two year term in this position.
- Diversity Becoming Central Value For Clemson
- What Do I Have To Do To Get Kasich Out of my Hair?
- The Front-Runners
- Last Chance for GOP and America
- Nikki Haley: Another Disappointment
- Furman Men’s Lacrosse Game
- Hampton Massacre Family Monument Rededicated
- Greenville County School District Brings Change in Grading Scale in all Middle Schools by Fall of 2016
- I Don't Like Where This Is Going
- Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear
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