- The Assassination of Donald Trump and The Revenge of MAGA
- A review of Jenna McCarthy's new book: YANKEE DOODLE SOUP
- Three Experts Shred Fulton County 2020 Election Results, Shatter Secretary's Claims of Georgia Election Accuracy
- Air Commando Hunters on the Ho Chi Minh Trail
- A Different Focus on Biden July 11 Press Conference
- Remembering LBJ’s Vietnam War Operation Rolling Thunder
- The Battle for Biblical Christianity
- False Prophets and Deceived Shepherds
- Returning America to Truth, Justice, and Common Sense
- The Resignation of President Joe Biden and his Endorsement of Kamala Harris
- Kamala Harris Promises to Impose Abortion on All 50 States as President
- Frontline Ministries, Inc., Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary
- A Republic Or A Democracy? There IS a Difference, You Know!
Scratch a Liberal and You Will Find a Fascist Underneath
- By David Thompson
There are some astonishing things happening in America as we speak, not least important of them is the fact that the minority is having its way with the majority. Obama’s actions are and should be a concern and the fact is, the majority of Americans do not agree with POTUS. And the question of how that could happen is answered by the progressives having adopted Obama’s “Chicago style.” That means shut down the opposition by whatever means necessary. The truth is that under the false pretense of being liberal, the progressives have exposed their true nature…they are fascist at heart.
What liberals can’t stand is being called out, having their nonsense confronted by facts. Liberals operate on one level only, a purely emotional consciousness. Really, all kidding aside, liberals live a facts-free existence. What issue would you like to discuss, for example, “global warming?”
Fort Moultrie
- By Terry M. Thacker
After a rainy Sunday cut short my sightseeing, the next day was much nicer. My intention on that Monday this past August, during a sightseeing trip to the Charleston area, was to return to Boone Hall Plantation, which I had visited on the rainy Sunday, and take some photos of the famous Avenue of Oaks.
But first I wanted to pay a return visit to a site that I had toured once before, back in 1999 - Fort Moultrie, which is a sub unit of Fort Sumter National Monument. Sumter sits just a mile from Moultrie. The two are strategically situated so as to provide enfilading fire to enemy ships that might attempt to enter Charleston Harbor. Moultrie lies near the end of a peninsula on a piece of land known as Sullivan's Island while Sumter sits upon a man-made island in the harbor.
Robert E. Lee
- By Mike Scruggs
Gallant Soldier, Noble Patriot, True Christian
January 19 will mark the 209th anniversary of the birth of Robert E. Lee in 1807, one of the most respected and revered military leaders in American history. That respect and reverence extends over most of the world wherever military leadership is studied. Lee’s birthday is an official state holiday in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Florida. It was also an official Georgia holiday until this year, when it will become an optional holiday. Other Southern states honor Lee during Confederate Memorial Day (NC, SC, KY, and LA), Lee-Jackson Day (VA), and Decorations Day (TN) during the year. Several states combine the celebration of Lee’s birthday with the birthday of civil rights leader Martin Luther King’s birthday in January.
Challenges of 2016
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
As we enter the New Year, there are many challenges ahead. As we attempt to forecast the future, there are reasons to be optimistic and hopeful. Much of the optimism is based on hopes to reverse some of the attempts of the current administration to “transform” the Constitutional republic created by our Forefathers and reestablish the credibility of a powerful world leader.
Tragically, while President Obama has been busy destroying the institutions and traditions of the American republic and using the armed forces as laboratories for social experimentation, the potential enemies of our nation have been growing in strength and taking advantage of our leadership void on the world stage.
Republican Women's Club Honors Deceased Members
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Greenville County Republican Women’s Club honored three deceased members during a recent luncheon at the Poinsett Club.
Club members lit a candle and made a short presentation honoring each of the ladies.
Past club president Geri Warren lit the candle and discussed the life of Mary Earl Drawdy. Mrs. Warren described Mary Drawdy as a “strong Southern lady” whose entire family has been important to the Greenville County Republican Women’s Club since its beginning in 1956. Mary was a 10th generation Earle, one of Greenville’s pioneer families. She was a descendant of Col. Elias Earle, who served in both the South Carolina House and Senate and the United States Congress.
Obama Imposing Vague New Gun Restrictions
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Opponents see abuse of power, Ignoring Second Amendment
President Obama announced unilateral plans to work around Congress and expand background checks to cover more guns sold at gun shows, online and anywhere else.
The devil is in the details:
regulations and procedures developed and issued by agencies. The Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives will be one of the agencies issuing updated guidance that says the government should deem anyone “in the business of selling guns to be a dealer,” regardless of where the gun or guns are sold.
The Low Information Members of Team Obama
- By David Thompson
Barack Obama has been President of the United States (POTUS) for seven years this month (1/16)…the most unsettling epoch in the history of the American presidency. What is even more bracing is the knowledge that the earthquake is not done yet. And the aftershocks will continue to alter American history long after Obama no longer lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Having Obama as POTUS would constitute cruel and unusual punishment, save for the fact that he didn’t just appear out of the mist. Obama was created out of whole cloth but mystery or not, he was elected twice. And if nothing else, Obama’s legacy will always serve as a reminder that “we get the government we deserve.” If Americans remain asleep at the switch and unwilling to fulfill their duty as citizens, we will continue to decline as a nation
Citadel President Is Staying Put
- By Vivian Bradburn - Union, SC
I applaud the Citadel President's decision to stay put amid the hullabaloo over a photo of cadets with pillowcases over their heads. Christmas skit? Racism? Well of course it was racism, because civil rights activists wouldn't have it any other way.
The students involved have been ousted, but that's not enough. Oh no! There's a Confederate flag in the school's chapel. Down with it! When do these demands stop? Not until governments, schools and businesses stop lying down and rolling over for every imagined insult.
Republican Voters in Rebellion
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Having been active in the Republican Party for more than 30 years, I have observed and been part of efforts to reform the party from the ground up. As pressure has built to make the national and state parties more responsive and accountable to the people, the professional politicians and political consultants began to realize that their lucrative careers were in jeopardy. That is when they began to push back.
The sudden rise of the national Tea Party in the final months of the George W. Bush administration terrified the Republican Party leadership and fellow travelers. Hundreds of thousands of regular folks showed up in Washington, D. C. demanding smaller government, lower taxes and less intrusive bureaucrats. They were not led or controlled by the Republicans or Democrats, they were simply free Americans demanding better representation in Washington.
WWII Weapons On Display
- By Post 214 Photo
American Legion Post 214 members display weapons of World War II from Germany and Russia during a recent gun show. These weapons are from The Cecil D. Buchanan War Museum. Left to right: Carroll Kelley, Post Adjutant; Tony Dunn, Post Vice Commander; Steve Zietz, Post Commander.
Refugee Resettlements Are A Risky, Billion Dollar Boondoggle!
- By Ron Tamaccio - Greenville, SC
People fleeing their homes in fear for their lives deserve help. However, the knowledgeable, thoughtful, and cautious among the compassionate think it’s better if that help comes in the form of temporary assistance, i.e., a “safe haven,” in their own, or nearby countries, with similar values and customs. Those who take the time to “think” instead of “react” also know that what these unfortunate people do not need – and, in most cases, do not even want - is a permanent relocation to another continent!
Regrettably, as with nearly all disasters, the charlatans and profiteers arrive. In this case, we have nine groups of “voluntary agencies” (VOLAGS), with names that sound like they are associated with a church or some other religious entity, competing for extremely lucrative government contracts, in 181 US cities, to assist the US State Department in carrying out the reckless and dangerous UN mandate to resettle refugees from the Middle East.
Republican Woman of the Year
- By Thomas C. Hanson
Geri Warren, at left, was named South Carolina Federation of Republican Women’s Republican Woman of the Year. The above presentation was made by Linda Slaton, President of Greenville County Republican Women’s Club at the Poinsett Club. Warren is a Past President of the club.
“Forced Diversity” Housing Coming to Suburbs
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
“They're Going to be Destroying Every Suburb That they Move into, Just as they've Done the Inner Cities”
“The Obama Administration is now redistributing poor inner city families to American Suburbs,” said Jesse Lee Peterson. “They’re going to be destroying every suburb that they move into, just as they’ve done the inner cities.”
The government is implementing the program mostly in secret. They are using third parties to purchase houses in the suburbs for single black mothers with children.
WND reported that the Housing Authority of Baltimore is secretly relocating Section 8 Subsidized housing families from the inner city into suburban homes.
The Rise of American Fabian Socialism
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
“But they are all equally culpable in waging a campaign that sooner or later, must destroy civilization, if allowed to run its ruinous course.”
Socialism. Progressivism, Fabianism and Communism have the same goals. They simply had and have different means of achieving those goals.
The Marxist socialists and German national socialists under Hitler were impatient and willing to kill thousands to achieve their goals quickly.
The European Fabian Socialists believed in achieving power gradually. The Communists failed to achieve victory over the United States using external military force and failed to make progress with the American people because the population is armed. Therefore, for several decades, the Communists have used the gradual approach so as not to panic the armed American people.
The Joy of Christmas with the Daybreak Singers at Daybreak Community Church
- By Tony Dunn
Music Director Ann Ewards leads The Daybreak Singers as they present The Joy of Christmas at Daybreak Community Church on Hillcrest Drive in Greenville where Marshall Sargent pastors.
Survey Indicates Serious Problems
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
A just released survey of Muslims living in the United States discovered that a majority of those surveyed (51 percent) agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah or the United States Constitution. When the same question was asked of the broad American population, the contrast was drastic. An overwhelming majority, 86 percent of Americans polled held that shariah should not displace the United States Constitution. More than half of US Muslims polled also believe that they should have their own tribunals to apply shariah. Only 39 percent of Muslims polled said Muslims in the U. S. should be subject to American courts.
Nearly 1 in 4 of the Muslims polled that are living in the United States believed that, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed.”
Vietnam Veterans Help Disabled Veteran
- By Ty McCollam
Commander Pat Ramsey and members of Vietnam Veterans Chapter 523 helped disabled veteran Matt McCollam move to a new residence in Berea.
Republican Women Install 2016-2017 Officers
- By Thomas C. Hanson
The Greenville County Republican Women’s Club installed officers at the Poinsett Club Thursday, December 3, 2015. Karen Floyd, former Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party conducted the ceremony and administered the oath of office.
From left to right the officers are Evelyn Hargett, Treasurer; Ann Powell, Secretary; Racine Cooper, Second Vice President; Julie Hershey, First Vice President and Mary Beth Green, President. Susan Kendrick, Corresponding Secretary is absent from the photo.
Aubrey Elliott Harp Performance
- By Mike Couch
Aubrey Elliott provided music for the December 18, “Christmas in Dixie” Program at the Museum and Library of Confederate History.
The Joy of Christmas
- By Tony Dunn
The Daybreak Singers present The Joy of Christmas at Daybreak Community Church in Greenville.
The Joy of Christmas
- By Tony Dunn
The Daybreak Singers present The Joy of Christmas at Daybreak Community Church in Greenville.
Schlafly: “Donald Trump Last Hope for America”
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
“He will fight for the issues that we really care about and are very hot at the present time, such as the Immigration Issue. I don't see anyone else who is eager to fight.”
On the eve of a presidential election year and the Iowa Caucuses less than two months away, there are danger signs on the horizon.
Hillary Clinton is the likely Democrat candidate. Her mendacity and alleged crimes are not a problem for her constituents who plan to win by “hook or crook.”
With Senator Lindsey Graham out of the race, there remain 13 Republican candidates. Most of the candidates are clinging to the moderate wing of the Republican Party that lost the last two elections to Barack Obama. Only Donald Trump and Ted Cruz stand out from the crowd as separate from the Republican Establishment.
Fanning the Flames of Hatred
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
An old adage that I recall from childhood appears more true today than ever. “If you give some people an inch, they will take a mile.”
Before current college-aged South Carolinians were born, schools and other institutions in this state were integrated and Jim Crow Laws scrapped with minimum turmoil. Later, lawmakers proclaimed national, state and county MLK Holidays and began naming highways, streets, schools and other landmarks for the late civil rights leader. MLK is the only American to be so honored.
Then came demands. “Remove the battle flag from the capitol dome or the NAACP will lead a boycott of the state.” In order to maintain peace, a compromise was reached and agreed to by all parties. The flag would be removed from the dome and placed appropriately at the memorial of the Confederate soldier on the capitol grounds. As part of the agreement, a large monument heralding Black history would be erected on the capitol grounds. The agreement was made into law.
Past Presidents Attend Celebration
- By Thomas C. Hanson
The current president of the Greenville County Republican Women's Club and six past presidents attended the Club's annual Christmas Luncheon at the Poinsett Club. From left to right, Mary Beth Green, Recently installed President for 2016 – 2017; Linda Slaton, 2014 – 2015; Debbie Spaugh, 2012 – 2013; Kathy Davis, 2010 – 2011; Geri Warren, 2008 – 2009; Betty Poe, 2006 – 2007; and Joanne Meadows, 2003 – 2005. Under the leadership of these ladies the club has grown to be the largest Republican Women's Club in the Palmetto State and one of the more active and influential.
Donald Trump Appealing to Discouraged Citizens
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Cruz Close Behind and Leading in Iowa, Establishment Candidates Getting no Traction
The latest polls indicate that Donald Trump is “building a commanding national lead” over his opponents. The only opponent showing a threatening surge is Texas Senator Ted Cruz.
Many concerned citizens are flocking to Donald Trump because they are convinced that the establishment Republicans are not committed to closing the borders and protecting citizens from an onslaught of foreigners that include an unknown number of committed terrorist.
Clinging to His Roots
- By Bob Dill, Publisher
David Quemere, at left, Grew up in New York City and spent his summers with his grandfather and numerous cousins in northern Greenville County, including Judy Walker and Robert Taylor in the photo above. David and his wife reside near Boston. He heads back to Greenville County at every opportunity. He owns the Rev. Hartwell Beacham home place and is planning to restore it for the enjoyment of future generations of the Beacham bloodline.
- Joyful Harps Entertained at 2nd Christmas In Dixie
- Republican Women Install New President
- Changing the Culture of the U. S. Military
- Rafael Cruz Visits Volunteers at Cruz for President Greenville Headquarters
- Ted Cruz Leads in Iowa, Wins Greenville Straw Polls
- Christmas in Dixie, December 4, 2015 Museum & Library of Confederate History
- Memorial Marker Dedicate for Thomas Calvin Chumley
- Party Hacks May Decide the Republican Presidential Nominee
- Pastor Lays Aside Political Correctness, Confronts Radical Islam
- Legionnaire of Year Award
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