- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- An Open Letter to Vladimir Putin and the Russian People - Revisited
- Run Toward the Battle
- SC Upstate Political Leader’s Repeated Use of Lawfare Backfires
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- South Carolina Poised to Oppose RFK Jr’s Health Policy with New Appointment
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Celebrate with Greenville County Republican Women
- Oreshnik Hypersonic Russian Missile Strikes Ukraine
Mr. President, Declassify Documents Relating to Russian Collusion Now
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- By R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.
Editor's Note: David Limbaugh is off this week. The following column is by R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.
WASHINGTON -- Now that FBI agent Peter Strzok has appeared before Congress and told us nothing that we did not know, it is time for President Donald Trump to act. Strzok looked like a cocky crook testifying to Congress about a failed con job. His appearance was utterly astounding. He actually smirked at the assembled elected officials of government. He smirked from morning until late in the afternoon when Congress finally adjourned, though admittedly, by late in the afternoon, the wind was pretty much out of his sails and his smiling face most assuredly ached. He looked deflated, and if he was eager for anything, it was for the exit and the arms of his paramour, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page.
Trump’s Remarkable Press Conference
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- By John and Andy Schlafly
President Trump’s press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin was remarkable in how Trump refused to pay homage to liberal fiction about hackers stealing the last election. Instead, Trump went on the offensive and laid blame for deteriorating relations with Russia where blame is due: at the doorstep of Mueller’s delusional investigation.
Many on the Left dislike Russia now because it is an increasingly Christian country that changed the name of Leningrad to Saint Petersburg and even enacts pro-life laws. Communism was overthrown in Russia more than a quarter-century ago, and its trend toward conservative values today angers Leftists immensely.
Johnson C. Smith University Student Awarded Scholarship From Local Business
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- By Press Release
Local pest control company, Triangle Pest Control, chose Johnson C. Smith University student, Dawn Arvelo, as their 2018 academic scholarship winner. The Triangle Pest Control Scholarship Fund is a merit-based scholarship awarded to a student who wants to further education in business administration, management, marketing or other business-related fields.
Donnie Shelton, local businessman and Triangle Pest Control owner, says, “One of our favorite ways to give back to our community is by awarding a scholarship each year. We take great joy in investing in the lives of our winners and assisting them with their academic pursuits.”
Jeff Duncan to Hold 8th Annual Faith & Freedom BBQ
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- By Press Release
Laurens, SC – U.S. Congressman Jeff Duncan (SC-District 3) will host his 8th annual Faith and Freedom BBQ beginning at 6pm at the Anderson Civic Center in Anderson, SC on August 27, 2018. Invited guests include yet to be announced nationally known special guests, SC state leaders as well as Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry. In addition to the many speakers, the event will also include a charity auction conducted by Jeff Duncan, and a musical performance from "America's Tenor" Steve Amerson.
Will Brett Kavanaugh Stand for Property Rights?
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- By Tom DeWeese
There’s lots of talk about where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh stands on the Roe v Wade abortion decision and if he would vote to rescind it. There is another very controversial Supreme Court decision made just few years ago, supported by the Anthony Kennedy, the justice he seeks to replace. That is the Kelo decision that basically obliterated private property rights in America. So, where does Brett Kananaugh stand on protection of private property rights? With Kennedy or the Constitution?
In 2005, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down an opinion that shocked the nation. It was the case of Susette Kelo, et al. v City of New London, Connecticut, et al. The issue: “Does the government taking of property from one private owner to give to another private entity for economic development constitutes a permissible ‘public use’ under the Fifth Amendment?”
In Defense of Trump With Putin
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- By Judge Andrew Napolitano
As a trial judge in New Jersey during the Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush years, I spent much of my time trying to settle cases. This process involved bringing into my chambers the lawyers for the disputants and asking them in the absence of their adversaries to lay their cards on the table.
After I found out what the litigants truly wanted and I did some pushing and shoving and jawboning, more often than not, agreements were reached. The threat of an imminent jury trial -- with its expenses, complexities and uncertainties -- was often enough to bring the parties to a quick, sensible and relatively inexpensive resolution. Occasionally, flattery -- even fatuous flattery -- helped.
All trial judges in America are familiar with this process. It takes place in criminal, as well as civil, cases in every courthouse in the country nearly every day.
'Facebook Lied to Congress' Says Pastor, Because Facebook Blocked 92 Million People from Conservative Content
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- By Christian Newswire
After Being Censored, a Silicon Valley Leader is Building USA.Life -- 'The answer to Facebook Censoring Conservatives'
SAN JOSE, Calif. – Steven Andrew reached 5 to 8 million people per month on Facebook, with nearly a half a million followers. Called the "Facebook pastor," he is both a minister and a Silicon Valley internet technology leader. However, Facebook "shadowbans" Andrew now, so only around 100,000 people per month are reached. In a video, he shows Facebook Vice President Monica Bickfert lied during a House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday when she said "freedom of expression is one of our core values" and CEO Mark Zuckerberg lied when he testified "we consider ourselves to be a platform for all ideas" before Congress on April 11th.
Boston University's Fake-O-Nomics Darling
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- By Michelle Malkin
It costs a pretty penny to earn a diploma in stupid.
The annual list price to attend Boston University -- including tuition, fees, room and board -- currently rounds out to $70,000. To acquire a degree in economics from this tony institution of higher learning, an undergrad must complete courses in calculus, microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis, empirical economics, statistics and assorted electives.
Four years, 52 credits and nearly $300,000 later, the school promises that BU economics majors will depart "with a firm understanding of core microeconomic and macroeconomic theory" and the "empirical skills that are essential to applying economic reasoning in our increasingly data-driven world."
The Courage to Trust Medical Care to Patients and Physicians
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- By Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JD
The days of trusting your legislators to have your best interests at heart are in the rear view mirror. Apparently, their main interest is parroting the buzzwords of the moment to get elected and then being too busy banking lobbying money to listen to the voters. Our legislators have become spectators who wait for the perfect moment to pounce on their political “enemy” and then go on cable news shows to boast about it.
The “us against them” attitude, punctuated by hyperbolic, apocalyptic rhetoric closes the door to finding solutions. Our interests would be better served by having town hall meetings where voters could state their concerns, air their differences, and learn what legislators are doing about their issues. Caution: meetings at 9 a.m. on Wednesday when paid activists are guaranteed to outflank the working general public are prohibited.
Trump Calls Off Cold War II
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- By Pat Buchanan
Beginning his joint press conference with Vladimir Putin, President Trump declared that U.S. relations with Russia have "never been worse."
He then added pointedly, that just changed "about four hours ago."
It certainly did. With his remarks in Helsinki and at the NATO summit in Brussels, Trump has signaled a historic shift in U.S. foreign policy that may determine the future of this nation and the fate of his presidency.
He has rejected the fundamental premises of American foreign policy since the end of the Cold War and blamed our wretched relations with Russia, not on Vladimir Putin, but squarely on the U.S. establishment.
Upcoming 'Revoice' Conference Exposes LGBT Compromise Among 'Conservative' Evangelical Leadership
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- By Christian Newswire
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Controversy surrounding the upcoming Revoice Conference scheduled for July 26-28 at the St. Louis historic Memorial Presbyterian Church is intensifying as conservative Christians push back against radical homosexual activism, which has found promotion and acceptance among leaders within conservative evangelical circles.
The agenda and face of Revoice can be seen in its stated goal of "Promoting LGBT + flourishing in historic Christian tradition." Highlighted workshops include "Redeeming Queer Culture, Journey to Embrace: A Conversation on Empowering the Church to Embrace the LGBT + Community in Fresh Ways," and "Sexual Minorities & Ministry."
Give President Trump a Break
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Both friend and foe are attacking President Trump regarding his meeting with Russian leader Putin today. They fail to realize that he is a gentleman in public and makes threats in private. Based on his past performance, I would speculate that the President publicly was nice to Putin. It was not productive to insult him in public and create an enemy that would find it necessary to retaliate in kind. We do not know what was said in private and do not need to know. My belief is that President Trump told Putin in private that he had proof of what his people and the Democrats did during the past election and probably showed him the proof.
Bilderberg Discusses Threats to Its Globalist Agenda
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- By Alex Newman - The New American
The annual Bilderberg meeting, taking place in Turin, Italy, this weekend, is bringing together key Deep State actors and potential useful idiots from across North America and Western Europe to discuss surging threats to their own agenda and power. Among the many topics of discussion, the globalist insiders and potential collaborators invited to this year's meeting will focus on growing populist movements in Europe and what the network described in a press release as the “post-truth” world — presumably a reference to the fact that their propaganda organs are no longer able to control the narrative. But it may be too late to save their globalist agenda.
WGGS TV-16 - Nite Line
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- By Press Release
Guest Line-up for July 23, 2018 – July 27, 2018
Nite Line broadcasts live Monday through Friday on WGGS-TV from 8 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. The program features local and/or nationally known guests who share their testimonies and talent. Our goal is to be an inspiration to our viewers as well as inform them of Christian and community events in the upstate.
Monday, July 23, 2018: Join Pastor Annie Broughton on Nite Line tonight as she welcomes Kris Swiatocho, Pastor Freddy Johnson, and Ernest Jefferson, Jr. from The Singles Network Ministries. Tonight they discuss the struggles of Christian singles in today’s world and share how this ministry helps churches and single adults know who they are in Christ. Gospel Recording Artist Krystal Livingston of Groton, Connecticut sings on the program tonight.
RECAP: Duncan Visited Yucca Mountain
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- By US Rep. Jeff Duncan
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Jeff Duncan (SC-03) visited Yucca Mountain, Nevada this past weekend to tour the long-term nuclear waste repository with several Members of Congress.
“The trip to Yucca Mountain was very informative and educational, and only strengthened my belief that it is the perfect site for long-term nuclear waste storage. If we can’t store nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain, then we can’t store it anywhere in the country, plain and simple. South Carolina ratepayers have paid over $1.3 billion in fees for the construction and operation of this site, and yet it is still incomplete and waiting for action by the federal government.
Back to School Savings Tips and Tricks
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- By Curtis Loftis, State Treasurer of SC
It’s that time of year! The season of searching for #2 pencils, brightly colored binders, and that oh-so-special book bag is here. It’s an exciting time, full of anticipation for school-aged children and their parents.
But as the first day of school approaches, families often find shopping for crucial school supplies comes with a heavy price tag. Parents can end up unloading hundreds of dollars on back-to-school gear. Fortunately, with South Carolina’s Sales Tax Free Weekend coming up in early August, you can save even more.
Of course, you want to supply your child with the right materials, but you also want to avoid over-spending. So how can you make the most of your hard-earned dollars? It’s simple: plan to shop smart.
Help Encourage an Imprisoned Pastor
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- By By Tony Perkins - Family Research Council
After serving the people of Turkey for 23 years as an educator and humanitarian relief advocate, Pastor Andrew Brunson is facing what would in effect be a life sentence in a Turkish prison. He is charged with terrorism by “Christianizing” Turkish culture. Along with other Christians around the world, we at FRC are praying that God would intervene and Pastor Brunson would be released.
Watch the video, then sign our prayer pledge to encourage Pastor Brunson with the knowledge that many of his brothers and sisters are praying for him during this trial. One of my fellow commissioners on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom will be in Turkey this coming week and will attempt to deliver it to him.
Tony Perkins is President of the Family Research Council.
Facebook Censors Famous George Washington Picture and the USA's National Motto
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- By Christian Newswire
SAN JOSE, Calif. – On Sunday, Pastor Steven Andrew posted to Facebook a popular picture of George Washington praying at Valley Forge and wrote, "The USA's National Motto is 'In God We Trust'." Facebook censored the first president and the national motto, showing the post to only 280 people in 19 hours (7/16/18 10:50 am PST). Andrew has a Facebook audience of 467,714 people liking his page and 456,153 following him.
"Not only is the post free of hate, but its message of turning to God brings love and hope," said Andrew.
Memories Linger On
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- By W.H. Lamb
We all have them – memories, that is. Though some may fade with the passing of time, many of our precious recollections of the past stay with us for a lifetime. This truth was emphasized to me several years ago when, on a local radio station, I listened to what I believe to be one of the most beautiful and haunting secular songs I’ve ever heard. It brought tears to my eyes then, not so much for any memories it stirred in me, sad to say, but for the depth of emotion projected by the man who was singing it. His name is John McDermott, and he was the founder of the famous singing group known as “The Irish Tenors.” I urge you to enter “John McDermott YouTube” on your search engine and click on the video of his performance of “The Old Man” (with lyrics), a beautiful song he sang in memory of his father. You will see, and hear, a truly special performance, I assure you. It still brings tears to my eyes whenever I watch it.
John was born in Scotland, but his family moved to Canada when he was ten, and he’s a citizen of that country. The words and music were written by Phil Coulter, and I trust it will affect you as it did me:
The Hypocrisy of Border/Children/Family Separation
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- By John H. Utz - Greenville, SC
The "marching-in-the-streets" and rallies over the (so-called) separation of children from their parents, glorified by the MSM, is raw ‘democracy’ in action.
The truth of the issue is that there is hypocrisy at every turn. For instance,
1) Where was the anger over the last 5-10-15 years, particularly in the Obama years, where President Obama ignored existing law and encouraged illegal (family and youth) immigration, with resulting "separations?"
Our Rules of the Game: US Constitution
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- By Walter Williams
Justice Anthony Kennedy's retirement, leading to President Donald Trump's nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, has thrown progressives, the Democratic Party and the news media into an out-and-out tizzy. The online magazine Slate declared, "Anthony Kennedy Just Destroyed His Legacy as a Gay Rights Hero." The New York Times' editorial board said about a second Trump court appointment, "It is a dark moment in the history of the court and the nation, and it's about to get a lot darker."
It's indeed a "dark moment" for those who've for decades used the courts to accomplish what would have been impossible through federal and state legislatures -- such as same-sex marriage, abortion and preferences with regard to race and sex. With this Supreme Court pick -- and possibly another during his term -- President Trump can return us to the Framers' vision of the judiciary -- a vision that's held in contempt by many liberals and conservatives.
Little Brother is Watching You Too
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- By Ray Sheen
George Orwell’s book “1984” painted a grim picture of society. One aspect of that Orwellian society was a pervasive surveillance that existed everywhere. “Big brother is watching you,” was a theme of that society and book. Orwell told his story as a warning against totalitarianism and the total dominance of the police state. In 1949, when it was published, no one had envisioned the internet, Wi-Fi, Facebook, or Google. In fact, to many people computers were still a thing of science fiction.
It is now nearly 60 years later. Today we live in a society where there is a tremendous amount of interconnectivity. We can phone, text, or Skype, etc., with almost anyone anywhere in the world. One of our pastors recently did a short-term mission trip to Nepal and was a bit embarrassed to find that most of the kids on the streets in the cities he visited had better smartphones than he had. Both as individuals and as society, we have incredible technical tools at our disposal.
Stanley G. Mays Elected Vice Chairman of Greenville Airport Commission
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- By Press Release
Stanley G. Mays has been elected Vice Chairman of the Greenville Airport Commission (GAC).
The GAC is the owner and operator of the Greenville Downtown Airport (GMU).
GMU is the busiest general aviation airport in South Carolina and is a self-sufficient entity with financial strength that doesn't rely on local taxpayers for funding.
Will Congress Designate Muslim Brotherhood as Terrorists?
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- By Mike Scruggs
A Clear Test of Congressional Integrity and Backbone
On July 11, a U.S. House subcommittee on National Security held hearings on the threat of the Muslim Brotherhood to the United States and its interests and allies abroad. Members of Congress were briefed on proofs that the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is an Islamist political and terrorist organization and how it seeks to undermine Western governments through stealth “civilization” Jihad using its front organizations. In the U.S. almost every Muslim organization is a Muslim Brotherhood front. This includes the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISMA), the Muslim Student Association (MSA), and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), and about 20 others. ISNA is the largest, CAIR, posing as a Muslim civil rights organization, is the most prominent in the media, and NAIT is involved in subverting the U.S. banking industry through lucrative but compromising Sharia Compliance agreements. In 2015, Senator Ted Cruz introduced a bill to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terror organization. At the time, it had bipartisan support in both the House and Senate.
Committee chaired by Leatherman passed $7 million hike for university with ties to senator
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- By Rick Brundrett - The Nerve
S.C. Senate president pro tempore Hugh Leatherman – arguably the state’s most powerful lawmaker – has a science building on Francis Marion University’s campus named after him.
The Florence County Republican is an emeritus member of the university’s board of trustees. His daughter has been an at-large board member since 2016 after the Legislature easily elected her over an incumbent.
Leatherman also is the longtime chairman of the budget-writing Senate Finance Committee, which in April quietly added $7.1 million to Francis Marion’s budget for the fiscal year that started July 1.
Papa John Has Nothing on Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger
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- By Christian Newswire
Why Hasn't NAACP Denounced Racist Comments by Planned Parenthood's Founder?
MONTCLAIR, N.J. -- NAACP religiously monitors the world for racist comments made by dignitaries, especially elected officials and organizations opposing the Democrat Party. The bias demonstrated is consistent with the decline of relevancy on issues adversely affecting the very people they were created to protect. When informed and genuine advocates of the African American community see the devastating effects of eugenic policies perpetrated upon people-of-color, then learn the origins and racist comments as well as practices of the leading abortion provider Planned Parenthood, they are left baffled at the silence of America's most prestigious defenders of civil rights. Let me enumerate some undeniable and inconvenient truths:
- Current Hysteria Isn’t the End of the World
- Dems Will Grind Kavanaugh
- Life Legal Attorneys Leverage Congressional Findings to Expose Planned Parenthood
- When Does the Shooting Begin?
- Is a Coming NATO Crisis Inevitable?
- Sen. Donnelly's Position
- The Koran Disputes the New Testament Jesus Christ
- Filling the Swamp
- Ghoulies: Parade of the Aborticrats
- President Trump Picks Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court
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