- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Paris Mountain Hotel Developer Wants to Circumvent Greenville County’s Land Use Protection Laws
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Nice hotel, but the Wrong Place and the Wrong Way of Doing Things
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- Negotiating the End and Terms of the Ukraine War
Evert’s Electables Republican Primary - June 11, 2024
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- By Evert Headley
US 3rd Congressional District
PLEASE NOTE—IMPORTANT DETAIL: do not take this flier to the polls. By law, you may take only a list of names and offices to the polling site.
- For candidates already in an office, I have been able to check voting records. My comments reflect their voting records over the course of their tenure.
- For those who have never run for office before, and who claim a position, I will state their claim, but understand I have nothing by which to verify that claim.
- Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. A photo ID is required to vote in South Carolina.
This year there is one important dynamic going on—the SC House GOP Leadership has decided to coordinate with the Chamber of Commerce and a few consultants to have a coordinated campaign against Freedom Caucus members across the state. They are using language and tactics conservatives have had thrown at them for years, it’s just that had always been from the Democrats and the liberals. Examples: extremist, racist, bigot, etc. Now the GOP leadership is using the same tactics and some of the verbiage of the liberals and twisting the meaning of votes in the House to an extreme, where the truth will not be found. The establishment has decided to get rid of the Freedom Caucus any way they can, by hook or crook. It is now known the the GOP House Caucus is openly funding challengers in most if not all of the Freedom Caucus elected Republicans in the state, including a donation by the House GOP Caucus to the challengers to the tune of $4,500. Understand this is not because they disrespect those members, they do, but they do not respect or appreciate you the voters who are sending those members to the House, they want them obeying them the leaders, not you the constituents.
Major Sports Leagues Dump Pride, as Biden Fights to Fill the Void
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- By Suzanne Bowdey - The Washington Stand
While pro sports scales back its usual Pride celebrations, Joe Biden is swinging for the rainbow fences. Despite the subdued approach to June everywhere else, this White House seems intent on bombarding Americans with LGBT messaging from every federal platform. It’s quite a contrast to the rest of the cultural landscape, where not just major brands but major leagues are making the conscious decision to sit this month out, desperate to protect their profits from the consumer outrage that’s burned down brands like Bud Light and Target. But then, this president doesn’t have to worry about the financial impact of his extremism — because it’s not his money he’s using, it’s yours.
Texas Supreme Court Upholds Texas Law Protecting Unborn Babies from Elective Abortion
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- By Texas Alliance for Life
Emphasizes the Availability of the Medical Necessity Exception to Save Women's Lives or Physical Health
AUSTIN, Texas -- On Friday, the Supreme Court of Texas issued a ruling in Zurawski v. Texas (23-0629)a challenge brought by the New York-based Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) against Texas' laws protecting unborn babies from elective abortion.
The Court unanimously upheld the constitutionality of the Human Life Protection Act, the 2021 law that protects unborn babies from abortion beginning at conception, while affirming the availability and clarity of the medical necessity exception to allow doctors to perform abortion "to save the woman's life or major bodily function, in the exercise of reasonable medical judgment and with the woman's informed consent" according to their "reasonable medical judgment." The Court clarified that a woman's death does not have to be imminent for the exception to apply.
Why Is the United States Negotiating With Terrorists?
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- By Star Parker
A Gallup poll of several months ago asked, "On the whole, would you say that you are satisfied or dissatisfied with the position of the United States in the world today?"
Only one-third, 33%, said they were satisfied. This down from 53% in February 2020 at the conclusion of Donald Trump's presidency.
It's a wonder that even a third of Americans are comfortable with President Joe Biden's disastrous leadership. Many scholars now liken the world today to the 1930s, the years preceding World War II.
Russia Is Flashing Red, the West Better Pay Attention
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- By Mike Scruggs
The above video is a serious 12-minute message from former CIA/State Department officer Larry Johnson regarding the danger of a head-on, possibly nuclear confrontation between Russia and the United States. This is due to an ill-advised statement of escalation by the Biden Administration, allowing Ukraine to use long-range missiles against targets deep in Russia, including key missile defense radar important to Russian nuclear defense. The Ukrainian Army has lost over half a million men and is near collapse. This makes them desperate and willing to drag the US into catastrophic war to save themselves. The Biden Administration is evidently willing to escalate the war and threaten Russia to save face for its appallingly disastrous policy of using Ukraine as cannon fodder to seriously injure or even break up the Russian Federation.
Job Openings Fall to Lowest Since 2021
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- By Bob Adelmann - The New American
As the U.S. economy continues to slow, job openings are declining. They peaked at more than 12 million in March 2022. Today the Labor Department reported just eight million openings in April, the lowest number since February 2021.
The U.S. economy has been generating about 234,000 new jobs a month over the last year. The upcoming report due Friday from the Labor Department is hoping to see 190,000 new jobs created in April.
That could be a big miss. The third quarter of 2023 showed the economy growing at an annual rate of five percent. The fourth quarter showed the economy slowing, to a 3.4 percent annual rate.
The first quarter’s initial estimate showed GDP growth of just 1.6 percent, and the final number was just lowered to 1.3 percent. The early estimate for April shows a further decline to 0.2 percent. Adjusted for Bidenflation, GDP went negative in April.
American Lawfare in New York
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- By Terry Payne - Marble, NC
A Shameful Verdict
A May 30th, 2024, Manhattan New York City jury, comprised of democrats, under the direction and persuasion of a highly conflicted and corrupt democrat donor judge found Trump to be guilty of 34 wrong accounting entries - nothing else. That finding will not be overturned during appeals. The issue is the severity of the crime by those accounting errors and if those accounting errors were beyond the statute of limitations.
Judge Juan Merchan allowed a George Soros funded District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, to upgrade 34 misdemeanors to felonies by using a federal law that allows misdemeanors to be upgraded to felonies if those misdemeanors sustained the perpetrator in committing some other felony.
Hey Joe: Where Are All the EV Charging Stations?
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- By Stephen Moore
The Biden administration has spent tens of billions of dollars on green energy, yet last year the U.S. and the world used record amounts of fossil fuels.
That would seem to be prima facie evidence that this "great transition" to renewable energy has so far been an expensive policy belly flop.
The evidence is everywhere. Americans aren't buying electric vehicles any more than they were before President Joe Biden was elected. Even with record federal subsidies, car companies are losing billions of dollars making EVs that people don't want. Wind and solar still account for less than 10% of American energy, and across the country hundreds of communities are saying "not in my backyard" to ugly, spacious solar and wind farms. And of course, electric bills and gas prices at the pump are 30% to 50% higher, even though we were promised the green revolution would save us money.
Governor's Secret Task Force Still Mum on Mystery $1.8B
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- By Rick Brundrett - The Nerve
A task force created by Gov. Henry McMaster to investigate a mysterious $1.8 billion that reportedly is in a state account has met secretly at least six times in less than two months but hasn’t yet publicly released any specific findings.
As The Nerve revealed last month, the “working group” that met behind closed doors three times in April included the following agency heads who attended most or all of the meetings either in person or virtually: S.C. Treasurer Curtis Loftis, state Comptroller General Brian Gaines, state Auditor George Kennedy and S.C. Department of Administration Executive Director Marcia Adams, according to meeting notes released by the Department of Administration under the state’s open-records law.
Johnson: Dems ‘Pushed the Pendulum Too Far’ with Trump, It’s ‘Backfiring’
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- By Suzanne Bowdey - The Washington Stand
Washington, D.C. has been unusually drama-free with Congress scattered for the Memorial Day break. Of course, New York was more than happy to pick up the slack with its sham trial against former President Donald Trump — a prosecution, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) warned Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, that’s put our entire country at “a crisis point.”
The Republican leader, like so many conservatives, has watched the proceedings with alarm, understanding all too well the political volatility that might result. “I’m hearing a lot of frustration, and I’m hearing dismay,” Johnson said on “This Week on the Hill.” “You know, people are losing faith in our institutions across the board,” he warned, “… not the least of which is our system of justice.” Frankly, the speaker pointed out, this whole charade “is a serious threat to a constitutional republic. ... And I think we’re at a crisis point, because people see what is happening here.”
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: How Sustainable Rule Took Over Your City
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- By Tom DeWeese - American Policy Center
Solar and wind farms to eliminate gas and oil; 15 Minute Cities; eliminating single-family homes; eliminating gas-powered cars; stop eating beef; no more warm water showers; ban ice cubes and electric stoves; Sustainable! How did these radical ideas become official policies in our once great American cities, now on the verge of collapse? Here’s the story.
San Francisco is the birthplace of the United Nations. On June 5th, 2005, it was also the location for a major effort by the UN to circumvent national and state governments in order to reorganize human society. Coincidentally, the date was also World Environment Day. This time the UN was targeting mayors from all over the world to enlist them to be soldiers in the Sustainable war.
Judicial and Prosecutorial Tyranny
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- By Mike Scruggs

Arrogant Totalitarian Power Championed by Complicit Mainstream Media
The outrageous Soviet-style trial of former President Donald Trump may mark the darkest days of American history. It is a totalitarian and immediate existential threat to American freedom and justice. It was a temporary triumph of big lies, utter dishonesty, and a complete distortion and violation of almost every principle of American justice and the rules of evidence. It is an arrogant insult to all who have cherished, worked for, and fought to preserve the integrity, justice, freedom, and common-sense fairness of American government serving the common good of the American people. Many have sacrificed their lives and fortunes in preserving this heritage. Yet all this may be undone and lost if the American people and their Representatives tolerate the monstruous villainy of the Manhattan District Court and Prosecutor or their like anywhere in the United States. The American people must also turn to better guides to truth than have been demonstrated by the cowardly and complicit mainstream media.
September 7, 1774
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- By W.H. Lamb

“Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me; Fight against them who fight against me. Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help. Draw out also the spear, And stop the way against them that persecute me. Say to my soul, ‘I am thy salvation.’ Let those be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul. Let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt. Let them be as chaff before the wind. And let the angel of the LORD chase them…” - Psalm 35:1-5 AKJV
Do Creationists Engage in Real Science?
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
One of the biggest claims used by evolutionists against creationists is that we do not do real science. Now there are some for whom the quality of the research and presentations of evidence are poor, but it is unfair to judge all creationists by this standard. If you take any group of people engaged in an activity, you will find some who do the activity well and some who do not. The same thing goes for creationists, there are those of us who seek to do science as well as possible and then there are those whose research is of low quality.
The Times Examiner Endorses Stan Tzouvelekas for SC State House District 22
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- By Press Release
Faith Leaders Present Case for Christian Engagement in Civic Affairs
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- By Terry M. Thacker

“Christians, it's up to you to save this country.”
So said former Arkansas legislator Jason Rapert this past Saturday at a Faith and Family Conference held on the campus of North Greenville University. Rapert is the founder and president of the National Association of Christian Lawmakers.
The conference was put on by the South Carolina legislature's Family Caucus and was moderated by Greenwood legislator John McCravy, the head of the caucus.
Rapert also called for a modern-day “appeal to heaven,” which harkens back to the American Revolution and the pine tree flag flown during that period that bore the words “AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN.”
The Times Examiner Endorses Hobart Lewis for Another Term as Greenville County Sheriff
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- By Press Release
- The Times Examiner Endorses Mark Burns for US 3rd Congressional District
- Trump Vows: I Will Rip Up, Throw Away WHO Pandemic Agreement
- WHO Fails To Roll Out Pandemic Treaty
- New York Voters Increase for Trump
- VIDEO: Exposing WHO Chief Dr. Tedros: Militant Marxist and China Stooge
- Biden's Democracy Smokescreen
- Local Faith Leaders Endorses Stan Tzouvelekas
- Ben Carper for SC State Senate, District 6 Supports Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
- An Open Letter to the Republican Party
- Memorial Day - Including the Remembrance the USS Mount Hood
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