- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Paris Mountain Hotel Developer Wants to Circumvent Greenville County’s Land Use Protection Laws
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Nice hotel, but the Wrong Place and the Wrong Way of Doing Things
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- Negotiating the End and Terms of the Ukraine War
'Better Greenville' Dark Money Supports Both Republicans and Liberal Democrats
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- By James Spurck, Publisher
Greenville County Republican Candidates Jay Rogers and Alex Reynolds have ties to Democrat and ultra-liberal Ennis Fant
Ever heard the old English proverb, “Birds of a feather flock together”? This proverb means that beings of similar type, interest, personality, character, or other distinctive attributes tend to mutually associate.
There is a mystery behind a campaign organization that calls themselves “Better Greenville.” No one knows who is behind this group. They have a website, www.bettergreenville.org, but that is pretty much all that is known of them.
This dark money group, who some have said is a group of developers looking to make a fortune in Greenville, has been sending a large number of campaign mailers on behalf of candidates on the Greenville County Council who oppose a more conservative agenda.
During the weeks before the June 11th primary, this secret group endorsed Republican candidates: Butch Kirven, Chris Harrison, Mike Barns, Jay Rodgers, and Alex Reynolds. Three of those were incumbents that lost in the June 11th election: long-time member Butch Kirven, Chris Harrison, and Mike Barns – all who voted for last year's tax increase.
The Propaganda of Calling Human Being Apes
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
Another major example of the use of propaganda by evolutionists is in the area of so-called human evolution. The claim used to be that we evolved from apes. It has long been claimed that we had a common ancestor with chimpanzees, that was a type of thing. Recent changes in these claims don't reflect actual research in biology and genetics but clear propaganda.
Evert’s Electables - June 25th, 2024 Republican Primary Runoff
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- By Evert Headley
PLEASE NOTE—IMPORTANT DETAIL: do not take this flier to the polls. By law, you may take only a list of names and offices to the polling site.
- For candidates already in an office, I have been able to check voting records. My comments reflect their voting records over the course of their tenure.
- For those who have never run for office before, and who claim a position, I will state their claim, but understand I have nothing by which to verify that claim.
- Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. A photo ID is required to vote in South Carolina.
This year there is one important dynamic going on—the SC House GOP Leadership has decided to coordinate with the Chamber of Commerce and a few consultants to have a coordinated campaign against the Freedom Caucus members across the state. They are using language and tactics that conservatives have had thrown at them for years, its just that had always been from the Democrats and the liberals. Example: Extremist, racist, bigot, etc. Now the GOP leadership is using the same tactics and some of the verbiage of the liberals and twisting the meaning of votes in the House to an extreme, where the truth will not be found. The establishment has decided to get rid of the Freedom Caucus any way they can, by hook or crook.
County Council Candidate’s Shady Practices and Dark Money Ties
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- By James Spurck, Publisher
Alex Reynolds Thanks Council Member for Raising Taxes in Greenville County on Council Member’s Social Media Account
Wasteful spending and community service for personal gain have become par for the course in South Carolina politics. This election cycle has revealed much of the same. Now, attention is being turned to a couple of Greenville County council runoff elections. One of the run-off candidates, Alex Reynolds, is running to unseat Steve Shaw, a local favorite and one of the few defenders against the recent county tax increase.
At present, Alex Reynolds is an appointed board member of the Greenville County Historic and Natural Resources Trust (GCH&NRT) and serves as the Communications Committee chairman. In this capacity, he has established a separate website for the Trust in addition to the County’s official webpage. This raises a crucial question: if Greenville County provides a website for the trust, as it does for every other county department and entity, why is there a need for a parallel private website?
‘Profoundly Wrong’: Italian PM Stops G7 from Promoting Abortion, LGBT Agenda
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- By Ben Johnson - The Washington Stand
A conservative leader prevented the world’s largest economies from using their clout to promote abortion, and perhaps also the LGBTQIA+ agenda, saying it is “profoundly wrong” to promote anti-family ideologies for political reasons.
At last week’s Group of Seven (G7) summit, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni successfully overcame pressure from President Joe Biden to include a promise for the nations to promote abortion-on-demand as part of “sexual and reproductive health.”
“I believe it is profoundly wrong, in difficult times like these, to campaign using a precious forum like the G7,” objected Meloni on Thursday evening.
Last year’s statement from the G7 summit — held in Hiroshima, Japan — stated: “We reaffirm our full commitment to achieving comprehensive SRHR [Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights] for all, including by addressing access to safe and legal abortion and post abortion care.” Thanks to Meloni’s objections, this year’s statement includes no reference to abortion whatever, although it does “reiterate our commitments in the Hiroshima Leaders’ Communiqué to universal access to adequate, affordable, and quality health services for women, including comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights for all.”
Cuban Missile Crisis II
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- By Mike Scruggs
The Dark Cloud of Project Ukraine

The Cuban Missile Crisis from October 16 to October 28, 1962, was a major confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, when American deployments of nuclear missiles in Turkey and Italy were matched by an attempted Soviet deployment of nuclear missiles in Cuba. The confrontation is widely considered the closest the Cold War ever came to escalating into a full-scale nuclear war. On October 21, President John Kennedy decided on a blockade of Cuba rather than a direct air attack on the missiles. The situation was resolved on October 28, when President Kennedy made a secret agreement with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev to remove American missiles from Turkey and Italy in exchange for Russian removal of missiles and other weapons from Cuba. This secret agreement was not revealed until January 1989. The American media story for over a quarter century was that JFK had backed down the Russians. The narrow avoidance of nuclear war changed both Kennedy and Khrushchev, moving them both closer to peaceful coexistence rather than aggressive hegemonic competition.
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- By W.H. Lamb
James Patterson’s Journal—The Story of The Congregation of Andria Church During The Dark Time (Patterson’s Tale #3)
An Original Prophetic Story
(NOTE: For continuity of this extended story, I ask you to review or reread Parts #1 through #10 by going to <timesexaminer.com>, then clicking on my name under “Local Columnists”, and scrolling down the archived articles. Part #1 of this 21 part series was published on Aug. 7, 2023. The final 10 parts of “Civilization’s Interregnum” will be published more frequently from this point.)
“As I said earlier, for about 20 years or so we lived mostly in peace with those in Andria village, even though we knew that as Jesus followers we were hated and despised by a sizeable number of its people, and including the hateful and violent Enforcers who poured their venom on us from time to time. We did our best to pray for these pagans, and we tried to be friendly with them in many ways, with mixed results. We tried to obey our Savior’s command to love those who deceitfully used us—we did our best to love our neighbors as we loved ourselves. We never stopped praying for the pagans and the government Enforcers and Overmasters who were abusing us, even though all we got in return was their ridicule, cursing, and persecution in varying degrees. We didn’t seem to have much success over the years in these spiritual dealings with the pagans, but we never stopped trying to share the good news of Jesus God’s birth, life, death, and resurrection with them. A few of them responded favorably over the years, but most just ridiculed us and continued in their lustful and drunken and often violent pagan ways.
SC's Conservative Movement Wins!
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- By SC Freedom Caucus
Freedom Caucus Defends All Incumbent Seats
This past Tuesday, South Carolina held our Republican primary. As we have previously documented, House GOP leadership in conjunction with special interest groups have been targeting South Carolina Freedom Caucus members since early 2022. RINO leadership recruited 11 candidates to challenge conservative Freedom Caucus legislators and dumped hundreds of thousands of dollars of dark money into these races to spread blatant lies and misrepresentations. Some estimates are putting the total spent by the establishment to unseat conservatives at as much as $3 million.
Thousands of Women Hurt by Abortion Troubled that US Supreme Court Decision Leaves Dangerous Drug on the Market
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- By Operation Outcry
SAN ANTONIO, Texas -- Thousands of women hurt by abortion expressed outrage and sadness that the US Supreme Court ruled last week that dangerous abortion pills can remain on the market. The abortion pill case, filed by emergency room doctors, challenged the FDA’s reckless removal of protections for women and girls with access to this dangerous kill pill.
Women hurt by abortion are disappointed that the Supreme Court never ruled on the safety of the abortion pill when they dismissed the case on a legal technicality. All the lower court judges who considered the evidence found that the FDA acted illegally and increased the danger to women and girls by removing safety standards.
Some 40 Years Later: A Nation STILL at Risk
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- By Stephen Moore
School's out for the summer, so now it is time to examine the state of our education system.
By any objective measure, our school performance is fair or poor for most children. Math scores hit a 20-year low. ACT scores dropped to a 30-year low last year. In dozens of schools throughout the country, not one child is reading or practicing math at grade-level proficiency. Not one!
Some of this poor performance is due to the unforgivable mistake of shutting down our schools during COVID-19 -- despite children being less vulnerable to the virus.
You Had My Trust… and You Blew It
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- By FLCCC Alliance & Jenna McCarthy
COVID was little more than a big, fat, criminal test of human conformity, gullibility, and susceptibility.
If you haven’t yet realized that COVID was little more than a big, fat, criminal test of human conformity, gullibility, and susceptibility–, no offense but* you might want to schedule an EEG to make sure your cerebral cylinders are actually still firing.
*Don’t you love no offense but? It’s the Ricky Gervais of phrases; basically the equivalent of broadcasting, “Buckle up because I’m one hundred percent about to offend you.” If you have kids, you’re likely familiar with this popular insult set-up. “No offense Mom, but your breath smells like dog poo.” Thanks, kid! Brutal honesty is always the best policy!
Will people stay home just because we tell them to? Will they wrap their faces in scraps of useless, porous, filthy fabric, stand obediently on arbitrarily-spaced floor stickers, play follow-the-arrows in grocery stores, eagerly agree to not gather with their friends and families for holidays and birthdays and weddings and funerals, and believe us that a parade of newer, pricier, nearly-identical versions of cheap, time-tested generic medicines are in fact superior? Will they inject untested, unproven, mystery elixirs into their bodies, over and over and sometimes over again, on command and in exchange for a donut or some curly fries? Most importantly of all, will they vehemently defend all of these asinine activities when their free-thinking friends call them cuckoo for complying?
The Voice of the Martyrs Recognizes Christians Persecuted by ISIS on Day of the Christian Martyr 2024
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- By Voice of the Martyrs
BARTLESVILLE, Okla. -- Christians around the world will observe Day of the Christian Martyr on June 29, 2024, which according to church tradition, marks the anniversary of the Apostle Paul’s beheading in Rome.
In advance of Day of the Christian Martyr, The Voice of the Martyrs released strategic prayer resources and a video highlighting Christians martyred by ISIS in Northern Iraq and Syria.
You can watch VOM’s 2024 Day of the Christian Martyr video at vom.org/martyr.
“This year, instead of focusing on one person, VOM is focusing on an entire group: Christians who lost their lives in Northern Iraq and Syria as members of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) swept across that region ten years ago this month,” said Todd Nettleton, VOM vice president and spokesperson.
Are SC State Legislators Spying on Its Citizens?
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- By James Spurck, Publisher
SC Rep. Jason Elliott Hired Private Investigator Phil Carter, Who Had a GPS Tracker Placed on Opponent’s Truck Without His Knowledge
The Post and Courier has brought to light a contentious issue here in South Carolina, reporting that State Rep. Jason Elliott and his associates have allegedly hired a private investigator to conduct surveillance on his District 6 opponent, Ben Carper, in an Upstate South Carolina state senatorial primary election runoff.
The article states that Elliott's team provided The Post and Courier documents alleging that Carper had illegally changed his driver’s license address and registered to vote at a rental property he owns inside District 6 despite living at another home in District 7.
Elliot’s attorney, Sloan Ellis, accused Carper of committing “voter fraud” and requested 13th Circuit Solicitor Walt Wilkins to investigate whether Carper committed a crime. It is yet to be determined if the Solicitor’s office has started any investigation at this time.
Carper vehemently denies any wrongdoing or illegal activity. In an interview with The Times Examiner, he clarified that his mother is the owner of the property in question and that he has claimed residence there for four years, with multiple vehicles registered at that address. He also stated that he receives mail at this location.
SC State Senate District 6 Goes to a Run Off - Ben Carper squares off with Jason Elliott
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- By Press Release
Timmons's Condescending Remarks of a Children's Christian Ministry
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- By James Spurck, Publisher - Opinion
It’s Time to Send Patch the Pirate’s Commodore, the Jolly Roger, and its Crew to Washington, DC.

In 1976, a 9-year-old boy and his 7-year-old sister, their future uncertain, were placed in a Greenville, South Carolina children’s home, a ministry of Tabernacle Baptist Church on White Horse Road in Greenville, SC.
He and his sister were thrown into a world different from the one they knew in the Washington, DC area where they lived. They came to a place with unfamiliar beliefs in a man they knew nothing about, Jesus. It wasn't until a few weeks after his arrival at the children’s home that he first heard a clear presentation of this man and his story, Jesus.
It all began when a girl not much older than him approached and asked if he had ever been saved. The boy, completely clueless, asked if she was referring to him falling off a nearby building and being saved by her catching him. She laughed in wonder at how a young boy knew nothing about children their age needing a Savior.
At that moment, it was the first time I had ever heard the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. God used a 12-year-old girl to tell me, a 9-year-old boy, how the heavenly Father can comfort a boy with no father.
Evert’s Electables
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- By Evert Headley
Republican Primary - June 11, 2024
PLEASE NOTE—IMPORTANT DETAIL: do not take this flier to the polls. By law, you may take only a list of names and offices to the polling site.
- For candidates already in an office, I have been able to check voting records. My comments reflect their voting records over the course of their tenure.
- For those who have never run for office before and who claim a position, I will state their claim, but understand I have no way to verify that claim.
- The polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in South Carolina, and a photo ID is required to vote.
This year, there is one important dynamic: the SC House GOP Leadership has decided to coordinate with the Chamber of Commerce and a few consultants to coordinate a campaign against the Freedom Caucus members across the state. They are using language and tactics that conservatives have thrown at them for years; it's just that they have always been from the Democrats and the liberals. Example: Extremist, racist, bigot, etc. Now, the GOP leadership is using the same tactics and some of the verbiage of the liberals and twisting the meaning of votes in the House to an extreme, where the truth will not be found. The establishment has decided to get rid of the Freedom Caucus any way they can, by hook or crook.
John Winthrop’s Great Hope, Exhortation, and Warning
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- By Mike Scruggs
Will America Be a Light to the World or a Byword for Ungodly Folly?

On March 21, 1630, at Holyrood Church in Southampton, England, Puritan leader and later Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, John Winthrop, gave a warning sermon to his fellow Puritans about to depart to Boston on the Arabela. Near the end of his sermon, he used the example of a “City on a Hill,” referring to Matthew 5:14, “You are the light of the world, a city built on a hill cannot be hidden.” Winthrop was not an ordained minister; he was a lawyer, and his sermon was organized with a train of logic typical of English lawyers. But this train of logic was based on the solid truths of Scripture. His principal theme was love and the duty of godly love for one another with a pure heart and selfless fervor. In fact, his sermon was entitled, A Model of Christian Charity [Love], and his hope was that the Puritan community in Boston would become a model of Christian love, being a light and example to the world. Few if any in this party of persecuted Puritans had any ambition for New England or the American Colonies to become a great, wealthy, or politically or militarily powerful nation. Their hope was simply to live in peace and brotherly love and by their example become a beacon of divine truth and unselfish charity to the nations and their own posterity.
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- By W.H. Lamb

The first two lines of James Lowell’s (1819-1891) epic 1845 poem, “The Present Crisis”, remind us that: “When a deed is done for Freedom, through the broad earth’s aching breast, Runs a thrill of joy prophetic, trembling on from east to west.”
Various people throughout the world may have a different perception of “freedom” -- i.e. what it means to them--how they define it. The Oxford Dictionary lists what I consider to be pertinent definitions:
- The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants;
- The absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government;
- The power of self-determination attributed to the will; the quality of being independent of fate or necessity.
Bigoted Attack on Caitlin Clark
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- By Bill Donohue - President, Catholic League
Caitlin Clark has done more for women's basketball than any other person. One would think that the superstar, who excelled at the University of Iowa and was the number-one draft pick in the Women's National Basketball Association (she plays for the Indiana Fever) would be treated with applause by fellow players, the media and pundits. While many have lauded her, she has been savaged by others. The stench of bigotry is in the air.
Clark is a white heterosexual Irish Catholic with a boyfriend. That is hardly exceptional, but unfortunately for her, that matters to some of her critics. [Note: All of the persons cited are black, with the exception of Clay Travis.]
Clark's Catholic faith is important to her. In 2018, she gave an interview to the Des Moines Register about her time at Dowling Catholic High School. "We get to live our faith every day. Dowling starts every day with prayer and ends every day with prayer. This is a big reason why Dowling has such a special culture and is such a special place to go to school."
The Second Great Colorado Land Grab
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- By Kathleen Marquardt - American Policy Center
Right now, there is a battle going on in Colorado. One side wants President Biden to use the 1906 Antiquities Act to designate over 400,000 acres of land in Mesa and Montrose Counties as a national monument. This would, among other things, limit future oil and gas leases, mining claims, rights-of-way, and utility infrastructure. Mining, ranching, and farming are the mainstay of the economy there. Opponents contend, not without cause, that the designation would “…end uranium mining … and put restrictions on hunting and cattle grazing and limit motorized travel”.
The locals, mainly comprised of locals who are justifiably upset that “the proposal does not require local support to pass”, and that much of land in Colorado (like a number of Western states) has been taken from private use via conservation easements, heritage sites, and other public/private partnership shenanigans.
The Use of Evolutionary Propaganda
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
Despite being claimed as science, there is a lot of propaganda used in pushing the Big Band to man evolutionary view of origins. This can include making evidence look better than it really is, making evidence look more favorable to evolutionary models than it really is, applying labels that are more favorable to evolutionary models, is the tendency to not include evidence contrary to evolutionary models.
A good example of making evidence look better than it really is Piltdown man and Nebraska man, the fact that they were both eventually proven false shows neither one was sufficient to justify the claims made about them. Piltdown man was a skullcap and partial jawbone that could not even be demonstrated to belong to the same individual let alone the way they were depicted. It was even worse for Nebraska, which was based solely on a tooth that turned out to belong to an extinct pig. The problem is that they still do this kind of stuff today such that with most so-called transitional forms with so-called transitional parts often among what is missing. Tiktaalik is another good example because likewise, large portions of it are missing. This is quite common among so-called transitional forms. They tend to be fragmented, but evolutionary propaganda tends to ignore this.
Children of the Confederacy® Placing Crosses on Confederate Graves
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- By Henry Timrod 654, Children of the Confederacy
Henry Timrod 654 Children of the Confederacy® participated in a ceremony at Nazareth Presbyterian Church in Spartanburg, SC, on Sunday, June 2, 2024. Twenty-six Confederate Iron Crosses were placed on Confederate graves in this historic cemetery. The children participated in music, prayers, pledges, chimes, and the unveiling of the crosses. It was a beautiful ceremony that honored these men who fought for our freedom.
Biden Housing Scheme Could Ignite Another 2008 Mortgage Crisis
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- By Stephen Moore
Politicians in Washington have very short memories, so they repeat the same mistakes over and over.
It was only 17 years ago that the "subprime" mortgage crisis torpedoed the economy and sent the financial markets into the biggest tailspin since the Great Depression. Millions of Americans lost their jobs. One of the matches that lit that bonfire was Freddie Mac and its cousin, Fannie Mae, offering generous, taxpayer-guaranteed mortgage insurance to risky borrowers on loans with low down payments.
It all blew up in the faces of the taxpayers even though the Washington experts said the chances of these mortgages going bust and taxpayers taking a loss was less than one in a thousand.
U.S. Senator Mike Lee Endorses Adam Morgan For Congress
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- By Press Release
U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) today announced his endorsement of State Representative and Republican congressional candidate Adam Morgan for South Carolina’s Fourth Congressional District.
“Adam Morgan is a proven conservative fighter who has led the liberty movement in South Carolina as the outstanding chairman of the South Carolina Freedom Caucus,” said Lee. “He’s fought to defend the border, lower taxes, and fight the woke Left at every turn. He has my full endorsement in his race for Congress.”
- Evert’s Electables Republican Primary - June 11, 2024
- Major Sports Leagues Dump Pride, as Biden Fights to Fill the Void
- Texas Supreme Court Upholds Texas Law Protecting Unborn Babies from Elective Abortion
- 80th Anniversary of D-Day
- Why Is the United States Negotiating With Terrorists?
- Russia Is Flashing Red, the West Better Pay Attention
- Biden's "Do Nothing" Executive Order on Southern Border
- Job Openings Fall to Lowest Since 2021
- American Lawfare in New York
- Hey Joe: Where Are All the EV Charging Stations?
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